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Butterfly Shawl Crochet Along from knit.1 mag

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I did half a butterfly and the wing is coming out too big, I think. I did try with 4 strands of Royale size 10 thread and an F hook, but the wings are overlapping each other and the body (I know that I also need to tighten the neck more, but I feel like I'm choking the poor thing!). It doesn't look as neat and clean as Noreen's butterfly, of course, but I hope as I get used to working with the thread, it gets better...


Should I change the hook size, the number of strands, or crochet more tightly in general to solve the overlapping problem? I'm finding it difficult to manage 4 strands, especially at the head, if I do it too tightly. I just can't get exactly the 4 strands to go through loops cleanly without accidentally hooking extra thread from the loops. Please take a look and give me some advice...




(I obviously did not weave off ends because I'm going to frog this.)


Thank you!


I had to go down to two strands of #10 - four strands just wasn't working out for me, and my butterfly neck needed more strangling, too... I've only made one (lacey mesh stuff included!) and I'm very pleased! I used one strand of #10 on the mesh part...


By the way, I LOVE the blue! Just gorgeous!

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I did half a butterfly and the wing is coming out too big, I think. I did try with 4 strands of Royale size 10 thread and an F hook, but the wings are overlapping each other and the body (I know that I also need to tighten the neck more, but I feel like I'm choking the poor thing!). It doesn't look as neat and clean as Noreen's butterfly, of course, but I hope as I get used to working with the thread, it gets better...


Should I change the hook size, the number of strands, or crochet more tightly in general to solve the overlapping problem? I'm finding it difficult to manage 4 strands, especially at the head, if I do it too tightly. I just can't get exactly the 4 strands to go through loops cleanly without accidentally hooking extra thread from the loops. Please take a look and give me some advice...




(I obviously did not weave off ends because I'm going to frog this.)


Thank you!


DON'T FROG IT!!! It's perfect! I don't see anything wrong with it at all!! You might want to do like Paulette and switch to 2 strands. I think yours looks great though. The body is laying flat - mine keeps wanting to slant & curl up on the end (I hate when that happens!:blush ). Besides, if you look at the shawl in the mag, her butterflies look "full" too. I think when you get the "netting" worked, it'll make a difference. Just my :2c:D

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Any way I could help you to get the magazine? I didn't see where you're from and not sure what you were referring to with "PX"... it's a really easy pattern, and so pretty!


I'm pretty sure that PX stands for Post Exchange ..ie: Military Base.


eBay has several sellers offering this magazine for sale at a not-unreasonable price, usually between 4.95 & 5.99. Just don't go to the fellah who is selling it for 20.00!!!!!!!!

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Here goes... Another attempt at POSTING a picture:angry I HATE this part!!!!

If things go well, you'll be seeing my first butterfly (two different shots) with the mesh worked in but the ends not yet weaved... If things don't go well you're gonna see something resembling Mothra from the classic four-star movie Godzilla versus Mothra (one of my favorites!)






:woo WHO ROCKS???:woo


:photo Watch me BURN!!!!!! Photobucket is shaking in its boots right now... Look at those properly sized pictures! Oh, Yeah.:2rock :2rock :bounce


Anyway, on closer inspection, looks like I may have missed a stitch or 37 somewhere along the line:shrug but I LIKE it! I'm not frogging this bad puppy.... by the time it gets in there with all the other butterflies... nobody will notice!


So this is with two strands of #10 for the butterfly (which definitely needs more strangling on his neck) and one strand of #10 for the mesh... it definitely makes a difference to use the four strand as called for, but I have far too little patience for that...

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Any way I could help you to get the magazine? I didn't see where you're from and not sure what you were referring to with "PX"... it's a really easy pattern, and so pretty!


Hey Paulette...I live in Heidelberg, Germany as my husband is a private contractor with the military (U.S.) here. Our home in the states is in Washington State on Vashon Island. The PX is the Post Exchange, which is really kind of like a mini mall or department store so to speak. The Mega Book Mark is the book store within the PX and although it carries like 30 quilting magazines, it carries far less and sometimes none of the crochet and knit mags...


If you wanna do some kind of swap...a magazine for a german magazine or yarn or whatever...I'm game!

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Hey Paulette, if photobucket is giving you a hard time, why not try Shutterfly...that's what I tend to use when I post pics or at least links to pics here...they automatically resize the pics for sharing...(once you select the share online feature...)

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Hi Paulette. I just popped over to see how the Butterfly Shawl CAL is coming along. Your motif turned out great. It doesn't look as if you missed any stitches. Great pictures! Well, I'm off to the convention today. See ya!:)

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Thank you for your help, P & S. :manyheart Your butterflies look really nice...and notice there is ample space between the upper and lower wings, and also between the wings and the body in yours.


Mine is all squished together and the parts are overlapping. The stitches are uneven and all that, too, but we won't talk about that. :lol


Paulette, I'll try 3 strands to see how it goes (it has GOT to be easier than 4!). If that's still not enough, I'll go down to 2 like you did.


Thanks again!

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Hey Paulette...I live in Heidelberg, Germany as my husband is a private contractor with the military (U.S.) here. Our home in the states is in Washington State on Vashon Island. The PX is the Post Exchange, which is really kind of like a mini mall or department store so to speak. The Mega Book Mark is the book store within the PX and although it carries like 30 quilting magazines, it carries far less and sometimes none of the crochet and knit mags...


If you wanna do some kind of swap...a magazine for a german magazine or yarn or whatever...I'm game!


My Darling Husband picked up another copy of knit.1 magazine today so I can send it to you. PM me your address EXACTLY how it needs to be written 'cause I'm unfamiliar with sending things to military addresses!:blush

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Wow Paulette, those Flutterbys are beautiful! (that's how my daughter Nikki said butterflies when she was little - well, they do flutter by, don't they?) :lol I am so proud of you, my little photobucket-challenged prote'ge'!! You're posting pics like a pro now!

YEAH BABY, YOU ROCK! 15_8_200v.gif







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Well, I was about to post that Flutterby's is their original name and someone thought they'd be cute and change the name to butterfly.. but I thought I'd better double check myself and lo and behold.. this is what I found:






The Old English word for butterfly was buttorfleoge apparently because butterflies were thought to steal milk. A similar word occurs in Dutch originating from the same belief. This is believed to have led to the evolution of its present name form - butterfly.


An alternative folk etymology, current in Great Britain, is that it originated as a contraction of term butter-coloured fly referring to the Brimstone Butterfly Gonepteryx rhamni, often the first butterfly of Spring. Earlier, it was mistakenly considered that the word butterfly came from a metathesis of "flutterby".


Lots more interesting stuff here:



I dug through one of my unorganized baskets..trying to find my baroque thread so I could start. Found lots of other stuff..including a ball of cotton peaches & Cream that cried out to become a new dishcloth. So, I made a dishcloth today while watching Charmed. Maybe I can find the baroque tomorrow.

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Wow Paulette, those Flutterbys are beautiful! (that's how my daughter Nikki said butterflies when she was little - well, they do flutter by, don't they?) :lol I am so proud of you, my little photobucket-challenged prote'ge'!! You're posting pics like a pro now!

YEAH BABY, YOU ROCK! 15_8_200v.gif








Ah, shucks... now I'm blushing...


Hey! An Idea! a butterfly shawl in the colors blush and bruise!

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Ah, shucks... now I'm blushing...


Hey! An Idea! a butterfly shawl in the colors blush and bruise!


Steel Magnolias... Shelby's colors were Blush & Bashful. :rofl


Sally Field: The church looks like it's been hosed down in pepto-bismal.

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Well, I was about to post that Flutterby's is their original name and someone thought they'd be cute and change the name to butterfly.. but I thought I'd better double check myself and lo and behold.. this is what I found:






The Old English word for butterfly was buttorfleoge apparently because butterflies were thought to steal milk. A similar word occurs in Dutch originating from the same belief. This is believed to have led to the evolution of its present name form - butterfly.


An alternative folk etymology, current in Great Britain, is that it originated as a contraction of term butter-coloured fly referring to the Brimstone Butterfly Gonepteryx rhamni, often the first butterfly of Spring. Earlier, it was mistakenly considered that the word butterfly came from a metathesis of "flutterby".


Lots more interesting stuff here:

http://www.answers.com/topic/butterfly Very interesting - thanks :)


I dug through one of my unorganized baskets..trying to find my baroque thread so I could start. Found lots of other stuff..including a ball of cotton peaches & Cream that cried out to become a new dishcloth. So, I made a dishcloth today while watching Charmed. Maybe I can find the baroque tomorrow.

Well, if it's baroque, maybe you should fa-ix it before you use it. :rofl

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Well, if it's baroque, maybe you should fa-ix it before you use it. :rofl


Shelle, Shelle, Shelle, are you cracking yourself up again? Are you snorting coffee out your nose onto the keyboard? We've talked about this!


So if you're Baroque does that mean you're out of Monet???

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:rofl You ladies are just tooo funny:rofl Paulette, I love your butterflies!!! I am now in the process of trying to find thread. Any suggestions???? I am at a loss, I dont usually work in thread so when I do I use the usual. But I want to make this in really nice thread. I cant wait to get started on this!
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I hit send before I got over the wowsa-ing!

I have been writing up a storm about the butterfly shawl on my blog:



I have been having trouble getting back into the forum, but have happily made re-entry! Yay!


You are all doing BEEEEEEEEEEE-OOOOOOOOOtifully with your shawls!


and I lust after that luscious lavender thread! Wow!


Anyhow, go check out http://www.hankeringforyarn.com and hopefully, there will be some answers to some of your questions!

BIG hugs all round!

Noreen :o)

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Amazing! I'm in Brisbane, in Australia, and I bought the magazine this morning at my local newsagent - I thought that I would have had to have waited for a couple of months before it appeared here. I got the last copy, and it's a bit dog-eared, but I like the shawl pattern too!

Not joining in the CAL, because I have too much on the go, but thanks for alerting me to this project - it's on my to-do list.I'll have the benefit of all your combined experience when I start - and I've already printed out the errata and stuck the page in the magazine so I don't forget!



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Answered your pm with my address...you and your husband hug each other for me will ya...thanks!!!!!

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