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Butterfly Shawl Crochet Along from knit.1 mag

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Thats done with one strand of #3 cotton and one strand #10 for the mesh. Comments, criticisms, etc...all accepted. I'm working on the large b'fly with four strands of cotton now. So far, so good, but I don't like the way the neck turned out on this one. Perhaps when I add the other wing I'll like it better. So many choices, WIP's,:yes etc.....

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Fidgement, I think your little butterfly is gorgeous - just love the contrast of the two colors! Beautiful work! Thanks so much for sharing your picture - very inspiring! I haven't made a little one yet... maybe I'll do a few little ones to get some feeling of progress:manyheart on this project!


You mentioned in your second paragraph about not liking the way the neck came out - I assume you're talking about the larger butterfly. I think a few of us have mentioned problems sufficiently 'strangling' :eek the butterfly, but once you get the wings on and then put the mesh on it sorta all pulls together... seems no matter how tightly I pull that thread I don't end up with a very tight neck, but they look good when done!


I know what you mean about 'so many WIPs'... I'm working on a tunic for my daughter because she was complaining that I didn't make any of the things she put on the 'list' of items she'd chosen for me to make over summer (one was a itty bitty bikini!:no and she's 12!) But the tunic IS adorable and I'm about one-third done... Still only have 12 butterflies:( butterflies but also working on a cape that's in danger of becoming a UFO and an afghan that just got rescued from UFO status... then there's the pesky day job...:angry

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Paulette, I'm happy to hear that about the neck! The poor thing looks like he's half hung over, sort of!:eek Or worse, half beheaded:no ! But, I'll keep plugging away. I do think the 4 strands of size 10 really do give the guys some heft and texture. If this is the case, which right now I think it is, I'll probably abandon the #3 and go with 4 strands of #10. Which means there will be another order from Knitting warehouse in my immediate future:hook :yarn:manyheart !


I feel for you having a 12 year old daughter who wants a tiny bikini! I think the tunic is a great compromise!

Thanks for your comments!

Have a happy Saturday! Cheers!

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Paulette, I'm happy to hear that about the neck! The poor thing looks like he's half hung over, sort of!:eek Or worse, half beheaded:no ! But, I'll keep plugging away. I do think the 4 strands of size 10 really do give the guys some heft and texture. If this is the case, which right now I think it is, I'll probably abandon the #3 and go with 4 strands of #10. Which means there will be another order from Knitting warehouse in my immediate future:hook :yarn:manyheart !


I feel for you having a 12 year old daughter who wants a tiny bikini! I think the tunic is a great compromise!

Thanks for your comments!

Have a happy Saturday! Cheers!


Fidgement, that's a funny ~ and accurate ~ description! Half Hung Over:lol !


I did a quick scroll through this thread to find pictures of finished butterflies so you could see how the mesh pulls the head into place... the following posts had either pictures or links to pictures (and if I left anyone out who has posted, please accept my apologies and let us know which post to look in for your finished butterfly) but here they are: Post #51, 73, 80, 138, 140, 171, 267 and 275 all have pictures of finished butterflies in different colors and with the correct number of strands so you can see how pretty and full they are.


It was either in Noreen's blog or in the knit.1 book where she talks about the creative process in designing this beautiful pattern and how she looked at the 'positive' and 'negative' space which makes the fullness, or open-ness, very important!


Happy Hooking!:hook

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Gosh, Thanks again Paulette! I went and checked them all out and feel much better about the big guy here! The little one didn't look at all deformed while I was making him. Now that he's done, I could work up his kin a lot quicker. I'm glad I tried to experiment before finally deciding. When this big guy is finished, I'll post one of him as well. The difference really is pretty impressive.


Now to check the blog for the story of the shawls creation! I must have missed it before, but then...


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ETA: The starter kit has been adopted and is on its way to South Australia. :hook


Welp, I bought the magazine and sent off for the color sample card from Halcyon. Yummy, yummy stuff, that thread.


However, I have decided/admitted to myself/come to terms with the fact that I will prolly never make this shawl (it's lovely, though!), so I'm offering a starter kit (or a starter-starter kit, since the thread and hook are *not* included) consisting of the uncut, original knit.1 Summer 2006 magazine (with a printout of the corrections from Noreen's website), the Halcyon color sample card, and two Halcyon catalogs.


Yes, all this can be yours for the low, low price of $5 plus actual postage from my door to yours. I know some of you overseas gals were drooling over this shawl but having trouble getting the pattern, so here's your chance.


I have a Paypal account. Please PM me if you're interested. :hook

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Hmmmm... Natasha is braver than I am, I suspect; I haven't gotten the courage (or maybe it's sanity?) to admit I'm not working on this with a whole heart. or hook. (could be mind). or whatever.


Can one take a sabbatical from a CAL in which one hasn't actually put hook to fiber? Still have a subscription to this thread.....

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Hmmmm... Natasha is braver than I am, I suspect; I haven't gotten the courage (or maybe it's sanity?) to admit I'm not working on this with a whole heart. or hook. (could be mind). or whatever.


Can one take a sabbatical from a CAL in which one hasn't actually put hook to fiber? Still have a subscription to this thread.....


I hear you, Patricia. :lol I am too busy with Christmas stuff to actually work on the shawl. But I definitely mean to continue...


Fidgement, your butterfly is so pretty! I LOVE the color combination. Yes, I had, and still have the same neck problem, but I don't think it'll look bad when they are all put together, like Paulette said. What I found is that you get better with the butterfly with each one you make...well I guess that goes without saying. :blush

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Thanks so much! I love pink! I'm almost finished with my big test b'fly guy and I'll post a pic when I'm done. I think I'm leaning towards four strands of #10 cotton though. The #3 doesn't give the same look. Anyway, thanks for looking!



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So how are the shawls coming along?:think So far I've seen one completed and what a beauty it is! Seen lots of lovely colors combos and examples of beautiful work out there:yes ...


Personally I got side-tracked making a tunic for my daughter and it seems like a dozen other things that have to be done RIGHT NOW:eek ... but hope to be back in the 'butterfly business' very soon... that Halcyon thread is screaming at me from a basket under the coffee table!


If anyone has any pics to show (you know, for inspirtation for the rest of us!) please share!


Happy Hooking:hug

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Hmmmm... Natasha is braver than I am, I suspect; I haven't gotten the courage (or maybe it's sanity?) to admit I'm not working on this with a whole heart. or hook. (could be mind). or whatever.


Can one take a sabbatical from a CAL in which one hasn't actually put hook to fiber? Still have a subscription to this thread.....


Well, my feeling is that since it's a motif-based pattern where you make the butterflies separately and you intend to get back to it, then you're still technically participating!:yes ... I think a lot of people are a bit busy right now and I anticipate things getting busier as the holidays grow nearer - I know I'm feeling pretty busy and I haven't even thought of holidays!


My production is way low :no on the crochet end of things; my courtroom will be closed for two weeks in Nov. and two weeks in Dec. which means I'll be 'floating' (covering unfamiliar courts) I have vacation over Thanksgiving week but no destination (my judge thinks I should go to London!) which is also when my 42nd B-day falls... Have a case going up on appeal that's going to involve me preparing a 2,200+ page transcript, then the teens at home, Ah Leah in Virginia whom I'd love to see...


So I say YES - you can take a sabatical and still be a member of the crochet along! :manyheart

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:yay I'm so glad to hear that Paulette! I'm still here and still playing with my thread choice. The big b'fly still isn't finished and I'm trying to play catch up on a bunch of other stuff, and my life is somewhat crazy :spin right now, but I'm still floating!


Anyway, I will get him done and decide if I'll do one color or what, and send an order off to Halcyon thread.


Your life sounds crazy too! Lots going on in your neck of the woods! Hang in there :yes !!!

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I haven't made much progress since joining 4 squares together I'm in my last week of the quarter and up to my eyeballs in a few final papers and an oral presentation :help .....BUT I will have 11 days off after that last class:woo so hopefully I will be making some major headway!

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I haven't made much progress since joining 4 squares together I'm in my last week of the quarter and up to my eyeballs in a few final papers and an oral presentation :help .....BUT I will have 11 days off after that last class:woo so hopefully I will be making some major headway!


Becky, I'm so impressed with your hard work in school! I know you're drowning now but just think... 11 wonderful days off and at least this set of classes will be behind you!!!! Good for you! :hug


Where are you in your studies and what are you majoring in if you don't mind my asking...

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Becky, I'm so impressed with your hard work in school! I know you're drowning now but just think... 11 wonderful days off and at least this set of classes will be behind you!!!! Good for you! :hug


Where are you in your studies and what are you majoring in if you don't mind my asking...


Thank you! I'm finally starting to get the hang of it. Takes awhile to get back in the swing of things. I earned a degree many moons ago :graduate , but never used it 'cause the kids came along. Now I'm finishing up my teaching credential, while substitute teaching, taking care of home and family, etc, etc, etc...well, you know how it is :tired

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hello to everyone here.

I am new to this site. It's wonderful to see such accomplished artists helping each other! I was looking for a crocheted shawl with butterflies, and I was thinking I would have to design it, but haven't the energy just now, even though ideas are circulating. I found word about the magazine with the perfect butterfly shawl, and in an excited state I drove across town to buy it after phoning around to shops with no luck.

So now I have all the butterflies finished, but am stalling at doing the mesh.

I chose royale crochet cotton in a violet hue. I discovered that some balls (without a dye lot notation) were more lavender, and some were more violet, so I combined 2 strands lavender , and 2 violet, with the mesh violet.

Here's hoping I can finish this one! I have read the posts and I feel pleased that others are enjoying the pattern too! Such creative responses!

Has anyone considered a border (no fringe ) with small flowers (something for the butterflies to flutter upon?

thanks ! Zu Zu

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hello to everyone here.

I am new to this site. It's wonderful to see such accomplished artists helping each other! I was looking for a crocheted shawl with butterflies' date=' and I was thinking I would have to design it, but haven't the energy just now, even though ideas are circulating. I found word about the magazine with the perfect butterfly shawl, and in an excited state I drove across town to buy it after phoning around to shops with no luck.

So now I have all the butterflies finished, but am stalling at doing the mesh.

I chose royale crochet cotton in a violet hue. I discovered that some balls (without a dye lot notation) were more lavender, and some were more violet, so I combined 2 strands lavender , and 2 violet, with the mesh violet.

Here's hoping I can finish this one! I have read the posts and I feel pleased that others are enjoying the pattern too! Such creative responses!

Has anyone considered a border (no fringe ) with small flowers (something for the butterflies to flutter upon?

thanks ! Zu Zu[/quote']


WOW, ZU ZU! You are good! This is your first post and you've finished all the butterflies???!!!!!!!!:eek Sounds like I'd better get working here:yes . My teenage daughter just shook her head in disgust at me and said, "NO more yarn purchases until you finish at least five things." What a party-pooper! I'm getting there!


As far as putting a different edging, I don't see why not. The designer, Noreen, is quite tall and put the long fringe because that was the look she wanted and it does complement the shawl very well... but that being said, since you're making it I think you can finish it any 'ol way you see fit! My older daughter whose in college has requested I make a bed cover for her using the butterfly squares... :( Yeah - no problem, honey.... maybe ten motifs by 12 motifs... that's only 120 - but no fringe!:yes It'll be done by he 30th B-day (she's 19 now)


Don't be intimidated by the mesh - it actually gets kinda fun as you fall into a rhythm and it really pulls those little buggers into shape, especially if you have 'floppy neck syndrome' as some of us have had!


Also, there is a correction for the small butterfly motif so be sure you download that - its on Noreen's blog and also under the corrections section of knit.1 magazine...


We would LOVE to see your beautiful butterflies, and lavender sounds so pretty... be sure to post a picture if you have a camera, and keep us up-to-date on your progress!:hug

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Sorry, I haven't posted in ages! Since I just posted in the another CAL I'm in I thought I'd better update here too since I've been AWOL for so long. I just love all the pics I've seen so far!


I haven't worked on my shawl because I'm very unhappy with my thread choices wich has lead to me not having any thread to work with. I bought some black metallic Senso to 'practice' with. I was going to make up those butterflies for my MIL but I have since scrapped the idea. I don't like working with the Senso...while I love the shiny metallic thread that runs through it, it's splits all the time and the butterfly does not end up weighty enough for me. I bought some Sinfonia to do the butteflies with but it's not weighty enough either. (Now I'm stuck with a bunch of black Sinfonia...hmmm...what to make???) :lol I was going to put it all together with the DMC Cebelia but not sure how that would work out. :think


Originally, I had ordered the DMC Cebelia on sale from a webiste mentioned on this thread but I never got my order processed I guess and now I don't have the money. :( There were some kind of certificate issues so I was afraid to give my credit card info with all the warnings popping up. I emailed the person and she was supposed to send me an invoice so I'd know how much to pay for my order but I never got it. I forgot about my order, I guess she forgot about me, and now the sale is long since past. Hobby Lobby sells this thread for $2.99/ball but they don't carry it in black. :(


I'm still determined to make this shawl. I wanted it in time for Christmas but at this point I may not even get my thread for it till then. MIL and mom will not get theirs till Mother's day too. At this point I think I'm going to with the Halcyon (sp?). At least that will give me a reason to buy the yarn ball winder I've been wanting! :hook Also, I have decided that I not only want one in black but I must have one in white and pink as well! :cheer

So many obstacles for the most beautiful shawl I've ever seen! Anway...I'm sorta still here....at least I'm reading along and ohhhing and ahhhing at your progress. :)

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GinaLaughed, sorry to hear about your thread troubles:( - how frustrating! But look on the brite side: You have the Mother's Day items all planned out AND plenty of time to make them:blush ... Okay, probably not cheering you up...


I tried quite a few threads/yarns and I'm still fooling around with it. There WILL be a butterfly shawl in basic old Ecru from Michael's (that's the one I have the most butterflies done in - 12) - I have also used Paton's Grace which is pretty fine, even though it's sold like yarn it has a weight more like thick thread... I've used some double-spun veriagated something-or-another (also from Michael's) and those look pretty cool...


My Halcyon order arrived and WOW - that's some NICE STUFF! I made one butterfly with that and what a difference... absolutely a pleasure to work with!


:manyheart I'm very glad you're not giving up... if you read back a few posts you'll see a few hookers have taken a 'sabatical' on the crochet along as they prepare other gifts for the holidays... but this is a great project to do in parts, since it's a motif you can do a couple, set it aside, come back and do a couple more...


Have fun and let us know what you finally decide on!

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WOW, ZU ZU! You are good! This is your first post and you've finished all the butterflies???!!!!!!!!:eek Sounds like I'd better get working here:yes . My teenage daughter just shook her head in disgust at me and said, "NO more yarn purchases until you finish at least five things." What a party-pooper! I'm getting there!


As far as putting a different edging, I don't see why not. The designer, Noreen, is quite tall and put the long fringe because that was the look she wanted and it does complement the shawl very well... but that being said, since you're making it I think you can finish it any 'ol way you see fit! My older daughter whose in college has requested I make a bed cover for her using the butterfly squares... :( Yeah - no problem, honey.... maybe ten motifs by 12 motifs... that's only 120 - but no fringe!:yes It'll be done by he 30th B-day (she's 19 now)


Don't be intimidated by the mesh - it actually gets kinda fun as you fall into a rhythm and it really pulls those little buggers into shape, especially if you have 'floppy neck syndrome' as some of us have had!


Also, there is a correction for the small butterfly motif so be sure you download that - its on Noreen's blog and also under the corrections section of knit.1 magazine...


We would LOVE to see your beautiful butterflies, and lavender sounds so pretty... be sure to post a picture if you have a camera, and keep us up-to-date on your progress!:hug


Hi Paulette,

Thank you for the encouragement! I am at a stalemate.

You did give me a much-needed laugh........thank you! ....No, I didn't just whip up a zillion butterflies!!! (wow!) No, I had come across something that showed this shawl, because , incredibly, I was looking for a shawl with butterflies, and I am in no mood to design one just now. I saw this site, and that is why I went scurrying across town to get the mag.

Despite my excitement, I then left it sitting around for a few weeks, due to fatigue and because I was fostering 5 little kittens ..........nearly lost my mind!

So I have been working on the butterflies now for a few weeks.

I decided to work on all the butterflies and wait on the mesh because it is easier to memorize bits and go faster if I keep doing it........


As for too much yarn........ha!...... I confess, I am a 'junkie'..... (also for fabric, patterns, beads, etc.)


Oh....the head problem: I decided that if I am still upset about it when everything is finished, I would tie on a thread , wind it tightly around the neck, tie it again, and weave in ends. Most likely, being sick of the entire thing by then, I would leave it alone!


Making a bed full of these butterflies does seem daunting!

I do have a pattern for a beautiful butterfly, but I have not yet decided how to combine them into a shawl.......(thus my excitement at seeing this pattern)

Thanks for the welcome!


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Wow this pattern sounds great. All your butterflies look beautiful. does anyone have a picture so I can see the finished result. I have looked on the knit1.com site but they are now on the fall magazine 2006 and it wont let me

go back an issue...



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There are posts throughout this thread with pictures and one in particular has a link to someone's blog which shows her finished shall. Also, Paulette posted a message with the post numbers of photos as well. If you search her posts, you should be able to find it. If memory serves me right, it was in the last month or so. It really is a very pretty shawl.


The designers blog http://hankeringforyarn.com also has pictures.



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Will probably do this when I am done with a few more of my WIPs.

If anyone needs this pattern, I know where to get the magazine.

There is a small shop nearby that still has it... I know all of the big stores have removed them when the fall edition came out.

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