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Butterfly Shawl Crochet Along from knit.1 mag

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Hey mom,

Just saw this thread. I know, I know, I'll be seeing you in 3 days (!), but I took a look at some of the colors of thread stuff (yeah, that's the technical term for all that were wondering) in reply 187 and I decided that I want either 188 and 115 with 109 as the other stuff, or 148 and 145, with 114 as the filler stuff. And yes, you are making this bedspread size, not shall size.


*hugs* *hugs* *kisses* *kisses*

Don't worry, you have 'til christmas. At least I'm not asking for a video game (todd), or straight up cash (tim), or breast implants (tara). Right?

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Okay, I went to my local Hobby Lobby tonight to see, with a hope and a wish that this magazine would be there. I don't know when I will do so, but I do know I love butterflies and I want to do this shawl, so I had to get it when there was one on the shelf. Didn't hurt that I could use the 40% off coupon on it. Now it will be just when and with what. :)

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Hey mom,

Just saw this thread. I know, I know, I'll be seeing you in 3 days (!), but I took a look at some of the colors of thread stuff (yeah, that's the technical term for all that were wondering) in reply 187 and I decided that I want either 188 and 115 with 109 as the other stuff, or 148 and 145, with 114 as the filler stuff. And yes, you are making this bedspread size, not shall size.


*hugs* *hugs* *kisses* *kisses*

Don't worry, you have 'til christmas. At least I'm not asking for a video game (todd), or straight up cash (tim), or breast implants (tara). Right?


Isn't that thread stuff stunning? I just love it... so glad you 'shopped' through there and found picked some colors... I've been looking for an excuse to get some. I couldn't decide so I ordered the swatch card so we'll be able to look at it together when you come home and you can decide for sure if the colors look the same in preson as they do on the computer!

Bedspread it is!!!!! I'm so excited:cheer

Love you, Honey!!!!!

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I just wanted to post regarding the thread first mentioned in post #187 (here's the link for easy access.)




I ordered the swatch card for $2 and it arrived today along with two full size magazines of their full line of products. Now the following is my personal opinion, I have never used this stuff or bought from this company, but I must say this looks like some really high-quality stuff!


The color swatch card has all the colors shown for the Pearl thread listed above and in FOUR different sizes, 20, 10, 5, and 3. It is gorgeous thread and the colors are amazing! I'm really glad I got the swatch card because even though the colors on my monitor are pretty true to the actual yarn, it's just nicer to see the yarn in your hand and if you're combining colors it's very helpful!


The catalogs that came with the swatch card show a huge line of really beautiful fibers and they also carry a lot of supplies for tatting, spinning, and books on spinning and dyeing. I would recommend to anyone who is undecided on their yarn colors for this beautiful shawl (or if you're interetsed in learning to spin or dye it yourself) that you invest the $2 in the swatch card and check out this lovely option...


Oh, and I will DEFINITELY be placing an order! If you read above you'll see that my daughter Ah Leah is already choosing colors from the on-line site, but she comes home Saturday for four days so she'll be looking through the swatch card and my order will be in!


I imagine Noreen would be able to give information on spinning resources (once she meets her deadlines) and whether or not there are more economical options as the spinning supplies are a bit expensive...

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Thank you, Paulette. I think I will order the swatch card, too, because I just don't know enough about this type of thread to make an educated guess on what to order. What size thread are you leaning toward?


The thread called for in the pattern is #10, though Noreen spins her own thread so I don't know what size that would be! And the pattern recommended four strands held together which wasn't happening for me!


I have made several butterflies using an off-white #10 thread (post 80)that I got at Michael's, but I'm only using two strands together instead of four - I've posted pics of some of my butterflies and they don't look too malnourished!


I've also made some butterflies (post 140) using something called 'double spun' - also a thread from Michael's, a variegated (pictures posted previously) and I guess that would be equivelent to two strands of #10.


I did one butterfly using Paton's Grace (post 171) and then one strand of white #10...


My daughter Ah Leah wants me to make her a bed throw (no problem:eek ) and she will be choosing colors from the swatch card... I think I'll try three strands, but don't know what colors she's gonna give me.


As I mentioned, the swatch card has samples of sizes 3, 5, 10 and 20 - 20 is close to sewing thread sized!!!! I cannot even imagine...:think

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I've started one butterfly motif. I was using non-LB crochet cotton for the meshy part. It's feels hard and scratchy and I hate it. Any suggestions?


What brand are you using? There's crochet cotton and then there's Crochet Cotton. :) Some of the cheap stuff is just fine for things that aren't going to be on the body (IMO), but if it's going to lay next to my skin, I prefer nicer thread.


Some of the nicer threads are Cebelia and Opera, but they can be pricey, depending on your budget. Baroque might be a decent compromise (still haven't found my stash yet.. too much to do getting kid ready to go back to college).


Someone in an earlier post listed some sites that evaluated threads. Sorry I don't remember the urls.


Good luck. Hope this helps a little bit.

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Ok...I finally decided on the color and placed an order to Halcyon. Definitely a hard decision! I chose color #157, a deep blue. Now I can't wait for it to get here :hyper


If you don't mind, would you tell me how many yards you ordered? Did you order the big 1 pound cone(s) or the mini cones? And did you order the number 10 size? All this MATH is driving me nuts, and I can't figure out how much to order. The MATH, always the MATH!!!:no

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As I mentioned, the swatch card has samples of sizes 3, 5, 10 and 20 - 20 is close to sewing thread sized!!!! I cannot even imagine...:think


What I meant was, what's size are you leaning toward from Halcyon? How do the numbers 3 and 5 threads look to you? I'm thinking I might order number 5, two held together for the butterfly and a single strand for the mesh. Decisions, decisions!

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What I meant was, what's size are you leaning toward from Halcyon? How do the numbers 3 and 5 threads look to you? I'm thinking I might order number 5, two held together for the butterfly and a single strand for the mesh. Decisions, decisions!


You know, Natasha, that's a really good question! I guess I'd originally thought I'd stick with the #10, but now that you mention it maybe I'll go to two strands of #5! Ah Leah (my daughter) is coming home today from her summer job and will be here for four days before she heads to Virginia so we will go over the swatch card and pick her colors for her bedspread and I think a heavier thread would be better.


So far I've used #10 threads, but this Halcyon is some REALLY NICE STUFF! It is beautiful. I would recommend to anyone who is 'on the fence' regarding color or thread size to order the swatch card... but watch out, 'cause they send two amazing THICK magazines with it showing their whole line of everything from raw fibers to be spun, spinning wheels, dyeing supplies, and then a zillion gorgeous yarns in every fiber imaginable and with an array of colors like I've never seen...


Ah, decisions, decisions...


Has anyone else actually received and started working with the Halcyon thread? I'd love to hear some reviews!

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If you don't mind, would you tell me how many yards you ordered? Did you order the big 1 pound cone(s) or the mini cones? And did you order the number 10 size? All this MATH is driving me nuts, and I can't figure out how much to order. The MATH, always the MATH!!!:no


LOL! I know what you mean! :think O.k..the pattern calls for 12 balls of LC at 400 yds each, so that works out to be 4,800 yards. I ended up ordering three 1lb cones as they are 2,000 yards each..and knowing me I'll need the extra:yes and one can never have enough pretty thread!!


You might want to check out posts 190 and 191. The 5/2 Pearl cotton thread I ordered from Halcyon on this page - http://www.halcyonyarn.com/Yarn_pages/yarn083.html - is 25 wraps per inch which is a slightly heavier thread than #10 which according to our wonderful Noreen is 34 wraps per inch. I'm going to swatch to see if I want to do 4 strands together or 3.


Does that help?



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Hallo m'dears!

Oh, phooooooooo:(

what a week....... my beloved and constant companion, Minnie Cat died suddenly on Sunday, which totally knocked me for a loop. She posed non stop for the photos in my book: Soul Mate Dolls: Dollmaking as a Healing Art, and was always interested in everything Jim and I were doing. She loved 'helping' with whatever was in progress, which often lead to her 'randomizing' things!

Oh my.........

So, her sudden death from a blood clot has really been hard!


Also, apologies on not being particularly visible with the CAL, as I have been busting my chops on new projects. One of which has been a bear to work out the math on. I thought I had it, and was quite pleased, but woke up this morning knowing that I had to go back to the drawing board on it.:eek Sigh.

So, ribbit ribbit ribbit............. more math, and re-working! It's worth it though to get it right. It's tricky, tho, as this is border-line: the project is close to being right on,:no but just enough off that I would always think.... shoulda fixed it.............. so my intuition says: To heck with the work, do it over!

So, that's what I am doing! Although, I have sneaked in some silk spinning to save my sanity. Need to spin lots as my daughter and I decided that she needs a shrug as well as a shawl. Luckily, I have a wonderful shrug design that will be coming out in a new book just at the same time as her wedding:clap

So, I will make her one in the handspun ivory colored silk, and one for me in silvery handspun silk that has multicolored blobbies in it.:hook


Paulette, you were asking about spinning? I am a spindle spinner, and am using tiny handmade spindles that are supported on my leg for the singles and top whorl drop spindles for the plying.

Does that help?






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Wow, Noreen, you've had a heck of a time. I am really so sorry to hear about your cat - what a loss, and so suddenly. I know how sad you must be and my heart really goes out to you.


Sounds like that bear is taking you for a few rounds! I can only imagine as a designer you are your own worst critic and have to keep 'tweaking' your designs until they're just perfect... must be quite a process!


A shrug and a shawl for your daughter's wedding, how lovely! You know we'll be anxiously awaiting pictures (I realize it will be a while) and of course you'll have to link us to the publication of your shrug pattern when it comes out... and anything else you have coming out too! Your designs are lovely. Will these be knit or crochet?


And as for spinning, that is so interesting that you use the small wooden drop spindle. I've never done any spinning (unless you count turning in circles until you fall over) but in looking thorugh the Halcyon book (which I'm sure is not the most economic source for such things) they had spinning wheels upwards of $600 to $1,000 and then I saw that little drop spindle thing for about $20 and got to thinking, "so what's the problem with the cheaper model?" Apparently NOTHING!!:yay so I'm gonna get me one! And maybe the book on what to do to get things going! Thank you for introducing me to yet another aspect of fiber crafts... maybe I'll order the book on dyeing techniques too:blush ...

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Paulette, you go girl! Just imagine all the new stuff you can get into (trouble) with spinning your own fiber - you are so brave! Haven't started a butterfly yet - was finishing up the traveling hook committment, and several other promises before practicing a butterfly. Just about ready...


Noreen, I am so, so sorry to hear about your furbaby :hug

I lost mine about 2 years ago at the age of 18, and we knew about 1 week out it was just a matter of time (cats can hide things for the longest time, the vet tells me), but it still hurts two years later. I really feel for you that you didn't have any time to prepare, and hope you'll be feeling better soon. Come here for hugs and kisses when you're feeling lonely - we're here for you!



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Thanks so much, Paulette! We're sure missing our furbaby! So is her kittysister!


I had some serious math to work out with the new pattern, :thinkbut I am pleased, and feel that it was worth it, so people will be able to have fun making it! :yes


One thing about spindles, is that it's really great if you can actually take some for a test spin before you buy them..... I have some that are fab, and some that just don't work well for me. If you can lay hands on a book called: Hands on Spinning or Handspinning then you'll be a happy camper!


BTW, I cracked up when you talked about whirling around until you fell over .... brought back memories of childhood, of zipping round and round in circles till the the ground swung up and smacked me twixt the eyes! LOL!

That, and playing on a whirlie thing at the playground by my grandmother's house.... we would run in circles and make it go faster and faster till we were almost sick! LOL! I haven't seen one of those things in years. I think they figured out that kids were half killing themselves on them!

Thanks again! :hug



Wow, Noreen, you've had a heck of a time. I am really so sorry to hear about your cat - what a loss, and so suddenly. I know how sad you must be and my heart really goes out to you.


Sounds like that bear is taking you for a few rounds! I can only imagine as a designer you are your own worst critic and have to keep 'tweaking' your designs until they're just perfect... must be quite a process!


A shrug and a shawl for your daughter's wedding, how lovely! You know we'll be anxiously awaiting pictures (I realize it will be a while) and of course you'll have to link us to the publication of your shrug pattern when it comes out... and anything else you have coming out too! Your designs are lovely. Will these be knit or crochet?


And as for spinning, that is so interesting that you use the small wooden drop spindle. I've never done any spinning (unless you count turning in circles until you fall over) but in looking thorugh the Halcyon book (which I'm sure is not the most economic source for such things) they had spinning wheels upwards of $600 to $1,000 and then I saw that little drop spindle thing for about $20 and got to thinking, "so what's the problem with the cheaper model?" Apparently NOTHING!!:yay so I'm gonna get me one! And maybe the book on what to do to get things going! Thank you for introducing me to yet another aspect of fiber crafts... maybe I'll order the book on dyeing techniques too:blush ...

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I agree, Patricia, I am addicted to spinning! I am a true yarnaholic, and being able to spin my own yarn is just delicious!

and thanks so much for your kind words, and my condolences on the death of your kittybaby!

:hug right back to you!




Paulette, you go girl! Just imagine all the new stuff you can get into (trouble) with spinning your own fiber - you are so brave! Haven't started a butterfly yet - was finishing up the traveling hook committment, and several other promises before practicing a butterfly. Just about ready...


Noreen, I am so, so sorry to hear about your furbaby :hug

I lost mine about 2 years ago at the age of 18, and we knew about 1 week out it was just a matter of time (cats can hide things for the longest time, the vet tells me), but it still hurts two years later. I really feel for you that you didn't have any time to prepare, and hope you'll be feeling better soon. Come here for hugs and kisses when you're feeling lonely - we're here for you!



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I am very sorry to hear about the sudden loss of your very good friend! I lost 2 of my friends in the same year (2 years ago). The cat had been with me 15 years and the German Shephard for 10. One in November the other in May. That was such a bum year. It is harder than a lot of people think. I still miss them both!

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Noreen, I am so sorry to hear that your beloved cat passed away... Once I lost a baby bird that I found in the yard and didn't make it. Although I "owned it" for only one day, I cried for three days pretty much non-stop. So I can't even imagine when it's a real pet...especially when she was so involved with your activities...:hug

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Thank you so much, WendyLee, and I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your dear fuzzyfriends, too............ yes, it is a rough one!






I am very sorry to hear about the sudden loss of your very good friend! I lost 2 of my friends in the same year (2 years ago). The cat had been with me 15 years and the German Shephard for 10. One in November the other in May. That was such a bum year. It is harder than a lot of people think. I still miss them both!

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