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Another update of Joshie

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I'm so sorry that I have not been here on crochetville in the last week. I've not answered any private messages either. Joshie had three doctor appointments last week and it just wore us both out. His chemo was on Tuesday and he was sick until yesterday but beginning to feel better now. They changed his feeling yucky medicine to marinol (legal marijuana:eek ), I wasn't real enthusiased to have him take it but it did help. Sooo as long as it helps I guess that's all that matters. A lot of people have asked what Josh likes and I don't even know how to begin answering all the pm's because I am so far behind, so I hope this is OK with everyone. Josh really likes music and he's into the older bands like the Doors, some Metallica, Led Zeppelin, etc. But he has all the CD's he could ever want!! I think he has two CD cases with over 100 CD's in each. BUT SOMETHING HE COULD USE is t shirts with these bands on them!! He has lost over 30 lbs in the last 6 weeks and his clothing looks like rags on him!! Now please, do not go buy him a t shirt, but if anyone has something tucked away in a closet that they do not wear anymore, would you mind sending it to him? He is in a large to maybe X large now. I hope this isn't offending to anyone. If it is please let me know.

And our address is

1799 Gilstrap Rd.

Morgantown, KY 42261:hug :hug :hug :hug

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I am so happy that you asked us!!! We all have been wanting to help. Josh brings out the fiercce Momma Bear in us all, and we are banding together to help in this fight. Keep us posted when you can, and know that your family is in my prayers



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Well I'm so glad I didn't offend!!:yay I was sooo worried about that. I will keep everyone up to date on Joshie. His next appointment is the 13th (you know I'm going to have to check that it does not sound right) of July. Just around the corner. I thought they were going to do another MRI this week but they're waiting until after the next appointment. But (and I may have already said this) before he started the chemo he could barely walk from car to house without limping, now he's back to running and playing with his friends. It is so good to see him doing this again!!

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Are his pants/shorts still fitting him?? Can you give us a size on those? My DH may have some things he's "out grown" (ROFLMBO) that Josh could wear.

Tell Josh we love him!!:manyheart

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So happy to hear that after a bad bout with chemo, Josh is doing much better.....Know that Josh and your family are in my prayers, we went through this chemo thing with my Dad, and I know it can be so stressful on everyone.....be gentle with each other...there is a light at the end of the tunnel...hoping to hear more good news!:hug

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Hi, well so far we're holding Josh's pants up with a belt!! He doesn't seem to mind!! But yes, he was in a 38 32, now he's in a 36 32 and maybe a 35 32 by now, but I don't know if they have clothes in the even numbers. Thanks for asking it would be SOOO appreciated. Just to let you know what we've been up against. His marinol cost us out of pocket 175.00 for 16 pills!! And by the way, I've seen DH a lot of times here, what is DH?

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Depending if they're in the doghouse or not, DH is Dear Husband or you can substitute another d word if they're in trouble, lol.


I'm so glad he's feeling better, and don't worry about allowing him the marinol, it's better to treat the nausea and prevent even more weight loss. I just wish that would help Tim..he's lost so much weight too. I'll take a look at his shirts before they go in the attic, he's down to a small himself since he's been in the coma; and might have some larger ones with the logos. Can't help with the pants, he never did have any a$$ to hold them up; even his saggy ones are only 32's :devil


Your family is still in my prayers, and if you need to talk, just let me know :hug

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This is so perfect for me to do I just talked to my son who is a big metalica fan he goes to all the concerts and is even in the fan club he has even had his pic on the web site from one of the concerts he attened well anyways he has tshirts from the band tons that he can't wear cause he has put on weight and they would be the perfect size for josh he said when he gets home he will get them together so that I can box them up and send them some are not even worn they come every year with the fan club stuff to tell josh he will have some of those.


I am also glad that josh is adjusting well to his new medication and well if it works then he should take it it will help him to put some weight on or at least get an appitite to keep food down.


from one cancer survivor to another Josh is in my prayers and I can tell he is a fighter and will pull through

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Well I sent emails to my 3 older sons who like allt he old stuff too... I told them the situation and I'll wait and hear back from them...


Prayers going up for your son... I have a Joshie too who is 20 and an MP in the National Guard....


they are treasures huh?

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I am so sorry that his medicine is so expensive. You may try alternative means of getting something similar, it is cheaper!!! If your boy is in pain and sick, I think anything that can help is worth it!! My thoughts and prayers are with him.

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:hug You guys must know that you are all true angels to be so kind.

Joshua has been reading the messages and is on top of the world now. He sends his thanks to each of you.

I wasn't really complaining about the cost of the marinol, it is high, but for him to be able to eat and not be as sick, it's worth every penny i have and any thing that I could ever own.

He actually hasn't eaten in two days but this morning he told me he wanted link sausage and french toast so that's what I made. And when he sat down to eat he told me he hadn't realized he was as hungry as he was.

Thanks so much everyone!!!

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I know you said you didn't want us to go out and buy a new shirt for him, but what about clothing exchanges? I was going to go to one this weekend and check it out and i'll keep my eye out if you like.


:hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug to Josh

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Hi Kisha,

I think that would be soo nice of you, thank you so much!! I've been to a few yard sales looking for things for him, but I don't know, guys and clothes do not seem to be yard sale stuff around here. As for me and my dh we have 4 boys here at home. Joshua wore his own clothes and so does John John but the two younger boys, Jacob and Cory both wear each others clothes because they are around the same age, build, height all that stuff, and by the time they've outgrown something it's just ready for the trash can.

Josh had a pair of shoes a couple years ago (actually he was still in middle school), it embarrassed the hedoublehockeysticks out of me for him to wear, he wore them for about two years, full of holes but he LOVED them. They were left out one night in the rain and it just disintegrated them poor things THANK GOODNESS!! I think he'd still be wearing them.

Don't let me leave out the daughter, her name is Casey, she's such a doll, but being the only girl in a household full of boys she's also meaner than a rattlesnake!! Oh the stories I could tell you about this girl!!

And also the step son, his name is Cody, he's 20, serving our country over in Germany right now, waiting for word on when he'll be going to Iraq:angry . It's what he wants to do but on top of everything else!!

So that's my family now you know a little more!!


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I'm glad that the docs were able to find something to make this a bit easier for him. Keep us up to date on how he, and you are doing!


How long will be be getting chemo?

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