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Is there a set way that shawls are suppose to look? Do they have to be triangle in shape or is it then considered a wrap? I was trying to make a shawl (of my own pattern) but it doesn't look right to me, but it's my own pattern/design so it's no big deal to me but i was just wondering.

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8 answers to this question

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I think rectangles are usally called stoles. Triangles are usually shawls. Both can be wraps. I've seen all three terms used on both styles. Here's what the dictionary says:



a long wide scarf or similar covering worn by women usually across the shoulders



pixt.gifa square or oblong usually fabric garment or wrapper used especially as a covering for the head or shoulders



pixt.gifan article of clothing that may be wrapped round a person; especially : an outer garment (as a coat or shawl)



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Besides rectangular and triangular, I have seen round, trapeziod, and even some "asymmetrical" wraps ALL called a shawl. Look at the Prayer Shawls, they are all rectangles. So I guess it just depends on what (you) the designer wants to call it.



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To me a shawl is made of yarn, ie crochet or knitted. I think of them in the triangular form. Except for baby shawls which are square, or rectangular, or even circular, just to confuse things.


A stole is long and rectangular.


A wrap in my mind is more fabric based ala a Pashmina.


A stole , again in my head imay be more fur based.



Now there is no science behind my explanations, just how I think of them....


So when you have figured that lot out, here are some extra things to ponder... What is the difference between a cardigan, a pullover, a jersey and a jumper...??:think


And what is the difference between a shrug, a bolero and a vest.:think :think


And how do you know if it is a rug, a blanket or an afghan??? :D


Now I am totally bamboozled.

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I think rectangles are usally called stoles. Triangles are usually shawls. Both can be wraps. I've seen all three terms used on both styles. :think



Yeah see that's what confused me, I've 'wraps' used in place of 'shawl' and 'stole' so it was just making my head spin. :think :think :think

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All those words really are confusing... I have no idea what the difference between a shrug, bolero and other items are.


I've always thought of shawls as triangular and fringed. Though, there are the rectangular ones, which I guess are wraps.

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My by no means official opinion is that a shawl is a triangle. Or, to be more specific, a the ends of the shawl will come down to narrower points. The long end, the one hanging down the back, can be rounded or otherwise shaped, and I think it would still be a shawl if the other ends were tapered. Does that help or just make it more confusing?

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