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need some tips



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Hi there,

What I do, for example on a DC, is when I yarn over, pull up a loop I use my left thumb and middle finger to hold the yarn, and pull my hook up slightly to even out the three loops before completing the yarn throughs. It is definitely slower, but my stitches are even, neater looking. BTW, I crochet with the knife method. Others may be able to share different tricks that work for them.

Also, if you have a tendency to crochet tightly, take that into account before you start. Cause as you go along, your natural tendency will take over. I hope I explained what I do well enough to assist.

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:cheer I dont know what method you use to hold your work and yarn but relaxing is a good way to overcome some of your problem.

:cheer I notice others talking about doing a YO their hook. Does that mean that you take your hand off the work and actually place the yarn over the hook?

:cheer The way I work, most of the work is done with the hook and the yarn is stationary. Your hands stay close together and the yarn is held in the left hand, along with the piece of work, the hook is held in the right hand and the fingers of the right hand also hold the work at some stage in the row, especially if it is a long row.

:cheer Most of what I do when crocheting is so ingrained that I dont really know what I do until I pick up a hook and some yarn and do a few stitches.

:cheer I never have a problem with tension, especially like you mention, after a few rows.

:think The only thing I can suggest, if you dont want to change the whole way you crochet, is to change to a larger hook when you think you are getting tighter.

:hook I did see an American lady, on Carol Duval Show, who had the wierdest way of crocheting and she had a lot of trouble picking up her yarn with the hook so sometimes had to let go of the work to wind the yarn over the hook. Seemed like a slow way of working.

:hook It is not that my method is the correct way, but it is easier to form your stitches.

I can make a wee video if you are interested in seeing my method.

Have fun.


I always assumed that there was only one way to crochet but I suppose it depends how you learn and who you learn from.:hug

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Auntcut, I do the same thing, but not badly enough to cause a problem. Anyway, I know what you're talking about. Mine does that because I chain loosely so I don't start out too tight, and it ends up being too loose. So maybe you could just chain a little more snuggly.

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Aggie May said most of it. I use the knife method as well, with the hook doing most (if not almost all) of the work.


The only suggestion I can offer, if these don't work is to change hooks. Start out with a hook 1/2 to 1full size smaller than called for then change after a couple of rows (or after the first row). You need to really check your gauge though, because it will make a big difference.


Good luck!

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I feel the main thing is to be sure your chain is even with the size of the hook. That way you should be okay to start your first row. I saw that lady on Carol Duvall's show and she uses her hook like a ball point pen and I use the knife way. She also moves her hand too much for my estimation. I guess she is an expert but it looks so uncomfortable the way she does it.

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