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To Bead or Not to Bead


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I have been designing baby dresses in thread crochet. I also recently learned now to bead crochet. I was thinking it would be gorgeous to add beaded crochet to my dresses for babies but my mother thought it might be a hazard to have beads since the babies could pull them off and choke. I didn't think so because they aren't sewn on, they are actually crocheted in with the thread.


What do you all think? Should I design something with beads in it or save that for adult items?

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I love adding beads to my crochet, but I wouldn't for babies! Too risky. I do beaded chemo caps for older kids, but for baby stuff I'm afraid to even use buttons.

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I am a lover of bead as you well know. But I do not think beads are appropriate for a baby item. I personally would not use them in that manner, For the reasons your mother has stated. They pose a potential hazard, why take that risk.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi i think the answer to your question is no... personally i would not add beads to a baies outfit as they could pull themm off and put them into their mouths and choke and you would not wasnt thast would oyu sorry for being blunt...... sue xxx

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I'd be very careful (as the other posters mentioned) but if the beads were put on a newborn dress that the baby would grow out of before any time at all, would it hurt anything? They can't pull them off at that age. Besides, I crochet with beads a lot (small ones, I think they're size 8/0 beads...glass rocaille) and they don't come off easy at all.


Just my two cents...

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Thanks Rachel. Yes I was thinking more along the lines of a special occaision dress like a Christening dress or something that only gets worn once.

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