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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Julie that Jewel afghan is from a quilt pattern. This is the site:



Lots of ends:eek and 2 and half inch squares. It did not take that long as I was on a roll and could not wait to see the end result so I worked on it without being distracted by other projects. I will eventually try another quilt with the 2 and half squares when I have forgotten how tedious it can be.:yes

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Andrea and Tabby -- your PS look great. Can't wait to see continued progress.


Andrea -- When I was making my PS, once I finished the center star, I made three sections of the white 'sideways' diamonds and then finished the top before moving on to the botton. I got bored making all of the white motifs over and over again and needed a break.


I keep looking at the yarn I have put away for my Jewel Box and my fingers are itching to get started. But I have to finish the Christmas presents first.....maybe I'll just make one square to see what it will look like :devil

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Good Morning fellow hookers! :eek:D:P

Thank You everyone! And hello AJ, long time no see. :waving

Andrea~That is beautiful! Great job. It makes me want to run out & buy the other yarn I need. Boy do I wish I could drive, ughh. It looks like you're pretty much sticking with the original colors, me too. :cheer Good Luck! :yay

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Thank you Brandy, Wendy and Julie for admiring my latest work.


Yes, Wendy I have made quite a few. I enjoy making them and even though I live in the tropics, my friends still wait in line for me to make them one. My mother takes the ones she likes and my sisters take the ones they favour. Truthfully I have an addiction but thankfully it is an addiction that I do not mind having.

I made my nephews colourful ripples afghans for their beds a couple of years ago and every winter they ring me and tell me they have taken it out of storage and placed it on their bed. I have only 4 nephews so I have run out of nephews to make afghans for and my 2 daughters each have 2 each. My mother has a collection so now I crochet for friends. Although my mother likes to have quite a few as she places them on her lounge chairs and likes to change the decor by changing the afghans.

As I say to my husband crocheting keeps me happy and most importantly, he can always find me as I am sitting in my corner ....crocheting.:hook

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Thanks everyone for their compliments.


Brandy so far I have weaved the ends as I went cuz after the 9 patch and not doing it I realize how much I hate that part so its much easier doing it this way. Thanks for your encouragement last night when I needed it, you were right it is really quick and easy. I started the wheat (buff) last night as well and so far am going just in a round but thought that once I get to where it was solid soft white color it might be easier to do all of that part then do the ones on each side. Maybe I have no clue what I am trying to ask at all LOL. wouldnt be the first time. lol.

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Andrea.. I am glad to hear you are finding it pretty easy. I thought you could do it. Once you really get going it becomes one of them mindless patterns that you can do anywhere. Cant wait to see your progress so far.


I need to get a couple of other things whipped up for the Holiday Exchange. So when I find out the colors it will be full steam ahead!! ;)

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I just started late with the prairie star and now I have a problem. The fiesta wheat is only available online for $5 a skein. I refuse to spend that much, plus shipping and handling, just to finish a project that I am able to use leftover yarn from other projects. It's just the principle of the thing. Does anyone have an idea of what would be a good red heart variegated substitution?

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oh well to be honest with you I just used a solid color in buff and I thinnk it looks fine. I didnt even realize that it was a varigated color lol or for crying out loud i would have used it cuz I had one lol.




I just looked qpid and I had originally bought red heart sandy print to use so youcould see if that was close.

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Oh my goodness I didnt realize the lt sage was suppose to be varigated either. Well I guess I just messed this up all around . Oh well. I think it looks fine with the solid colors. I guess way back when , when I went yarn shopping I didnt realize that fiesta meant varigated lol I really worry about myself I swear. I think it looks fine to me the way I have it so I am so not gonna try and find the varigated and frog it all. I wish the pic would have come out brighter I swear it looks so much better when I take the pics in the dark lol.

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Andrea~The solid colors are beautiful & that's what i'm using. Mine will look just like yours, heehee. The fiesta isn't so much variegated but it has a gold color (thread) through it. I haven't seen it in person but that's what it looks like in the picture. LOL. No stress, yours looks gorgeous without them. :manyheart

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Good for you -- you are really going to town in this ! I am so proud of you .

I didn't get any variegated for mine either, it's all gonna be solid colors.

I have the center star done -wanted to add on the next round before posting .

Still clogged up with them scarves-- I have been doing other stuff the last day or so and haven't spent enough crochet time.

THAT will have to be fixed . :)


Hope you all are having a great day today -- it's cold and wet here today, but supposed to be pretty nice the rest of the week .

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Hey everyone... Just checking in. I still cant start the PS. I went to see if I could catch up with the lady that is having me make it and she wasnt around today. Maybe Thursday will be a good day. We will see.


Andrea you are really booking on the PS. Great job!! The fiesta yarn is really pretty. The very first one I made I did exactly the colors the pattern called for and it looks stunning in person. I know my Wally World quit carrying those colors a while back. Havent checked online to see if I can get it from any place. But I may have to if those are the colors she wants.


Julie... Cant wait to see yours. I know you will do fine on it!! You can do it!!!:cheer :cheer :cheer:hug:manyheart

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It is cold and wet here as well, I am getting ready to start on the what they call the soft white. I did use varigated for well where the painted desert is. I would love to be able to figure out how to place actual colors together to do some more just in different colors. I just ordered the quilt crochet book that has the wedding ring pattern in it off of ebay so cant wait to get that one. It has gorgeous other ones that I cant wait to try. Hubby said the other day I just need to design my own since I keep going back to these type patterns lol. I actually have been trying but not to much hasnt been done already ya know. Have a good day.

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Thanks Brandy -

Yea, the place where I got hung up is a ways aways yet, so I'll be ok til then .

I finished one more scarf. One to go now. ( I would have been done, but found I needed one more )

As soon as it's done I will put this one on the front burner .


Hope you get your color list soon so you can start !

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Andres- Wow you have done heaps on your prairie star. I love it and the colors really go well together. :cheer Im definitely going to do this one.


Julie-Im glad to see you have started on yours.


Well I have done 3 squares and thats it. I have been busy doing hexagons squares for my mum's xmas present.


Julie - Can you please send some rain downunder. We still haven had any and there is now talk of going to level 3 water restrictions which means no sprinklers at all.:eek

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Aussie and qupid, Thank you for the compliments I really like the buff with it I like the way it looks


Julie- What part of it did you get stuck on before, I am at the soft white stage but using the Aran color, At first I thought I was turned around wrong but it just requires me to pay attention a little more so one section of that is done. Holler if ya need the help Julie.

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I ordered my yarn from joann.com today! I decided to go with Bernat Satin instead of Simply Soft, because the colors were right. Ironically, my very first 'ghan (and the only one I've ever kept) was made from the country blue and sage shades of Simply Soft, so I didn't want to do another one with those colors. I'm going to make TWO Prairie Stars; one in my best friend's colors, one in mine. Our weddings were 2 mos. apart and we were bridesmaids in each... her colors were aqua/mint green and mine were indigo and periwinkle. So for her PS, the center star will be green and on mine, it will be indigo, but otherwise they'll use the same colors. This is exciting!


Yes, I realize I just started myself off on TWO new afghans instead of just one, but I think it's a cool idea! :D

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