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Crochet -a- Quilt


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:ty for all the kind words about my PS.


I got 2 more diamonds done last night - as well as 2 rows on my mom's top. And the weekend's almost here :clap , so more time to get a lot done.


Patricia - I'm planning to keep this PS for myself. The colors match my bedroom. But I'm enjoying the pattern, so I'll probably make others in the future to give away.


Dazy - I know what you mean about the weather! It has been really nice here the past few days. Don't feel bad about spending time outside, that's what you should be doing in weather like this. :D


Ok...the boss just asked me to do something and since I'm at work - I should probably focus on my job. :blush

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i got a few more motifs done. i've only got 30 more of this color group to finish, then i'll only have 136 to go. the last 2 groups have the most in them, so it seems like its going to take forever. one stitch in front of the other, i guess. :hook

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i sat myself down last night and made 10 squares for my ATW ghan and now i've got to get some more buff to finish this group. so i'm going to work on another color that i have more of so i'm not goofing around.

must make squares, must make squares.:spin:loco:spin

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:cheer Way to go, Dazy! :cheer


I am 3/4 of the way finished with the 3rd round of diamonds. I'm anxious to get this round done so I can start adding the purple diamonds. I'm tired of the Aran yarn :P

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changing colors is like a breath of fresh air, isn't it? could you imagine doing a whole motif type afghan in one color? thats asking for a UFO. i got 3 squares done this morning. son's girlfriend saw my mrs. who shrug and wants one. so i've got to print off the instructions again and buy a couple of skeins of yarn. shouldn't take much. she's tiny. and i was down to my quiltghan and one UFO. ah, well. another day, another project.:hook

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i spent yesterday crocheting for the most part:clap . i ran a load of dishes through the dishwasher, but that was about all. i got to have a day alone and i didn't move from my chair any more than i had to. i got 20 squares of the next group done. enough to join another round and i got half of it joined. when i get the round done, i'll post a pic. i think i'm gonna abandon the idea of doing the whole groups before joining. once i get 24 of the last group done, i can join that round and then a bunch of rounds that i've already got squares made for. and i could make squares along the way when i get tired of joining.

i hope everyone is having as much fun on their afghans as i am.:hook:yarn

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:cheer:cheerVims and Dazy -- those look beautiful. :clap:clap


I got the Annie's Attic Ultimate Crochet Quilts book that I ordered from Ebay in the mail today. Such gorgeous patterns :drool Must not start a new quilt until PS is finished, Must not start a new quilt until PS is finished.....


My next project will either be the Double Wedding Ring or the Amish Star. The wedding ring seems really difficult though. I haven't read through the entire pattern yet, but just glancing at it, I think it will take some patience at first. Has anyone else made this pattern? The Amish Star is really nice - I don't think I've seen this pattern anywhere else before.


Okay, I'm off to make a few diamonds - only 3 more to finish the 3rd round with the Aran. I'm hoping to get those and the purple points of the star finished tonight. I think I can, I think I can....

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a whole book of crochet quilt patterns? you can get lost in there for days.:lol i've got a double wedding ring quilt and i know thats alot of little pieces. but once you learn how to make them, it wouldn't be too hard for you. after all, you're tackling the PS. and we know what a bear that is. is the amish star done with diamonds, too? good luck deciding. and now you'll have to work double time to finish your PS so you can start another quilt.:cheer :cheer

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since i put the most recent round on my quilt, i've gotten excited about it again. i made 21 more squares last night and i've got 3 more to do and i can start joining this round and then all the ones i've got piled up for the next 4 rounds. i'm gonna get sick of joining.:P but it goes pretty fast.

how is everyone else doing?

happy stitching:cheer :cheer

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My Bad! :oops:loco I've been reviewing fabric quilt patterns, trying to figure out how to make 'em....instead of finishing up the quiltghan I'm working on (or posting)! But I have to say, those little diamonds are addictive; you know QMare's motto? ..just one more row... - well the diamonds are sort of like that - Lay's potato chips, but in yarn. (you can't eat/make just one...). I had a crochet morning with my neighbor yesterday, and got the fourth white diamond fill-in area done - two more and the hexagon will be ready to add the "flowers" blooming from the sides. Raining, so have to take an indoor pic (colors never do turn out right, sigh) and will post.


Vims, those colors are absolutely drop-dead gorgeous! I wanna make one of those (and one of those, and one of that one, and one of the other one I saw, and....)!


Dazy, way to go! Beautiful, stunning work on your quiltghan. I really like how the colors are restful, yet engaging - my eyes move from round to round following the color connections. and since you've decided to work your squares and join as soon as you can, then we get to see more neat progress pics, right? Love the square pattern you're using for your ATW - copied the link when you posted it, and thinking of using it for square patches in other quilt designs. Thank you for the link!


Tiffany - great idea on making something to keep - you'll have to work hard to stick to your plan, 'cause your quiltghan is so pretty you're sure to have folks trying to swipe it! Make 'em beg for one of their own! Better yet, addict:hook, ah... teach them to make their own! Then you'll have your own crochet circle/team!


Theresa, you're working the Attic Windows, right? any pics of your progress - I'd love to see that quilt pattern in crochet. I think some of the neatest quilt patterns are the ones that play with light and perspective. The Tumbling Blocks is another one of that type I'd like to try.


(I'm sure I missed some of the progress posts, please forgive!)


Having fun with my quiltghan, but so distracted! There are patterns to explore, yarn to pat and sort and pat, posts to read, (notice how carefully I'm avoiding the topic of housework? There's a funny article on this and other crochet risks at Annie's website today: http://www.anniesattic.com/crochet/content.html?content_id=438), and yes, crochet! :hook:c9:manyheart


Have fun, everybody!

...just one more diamond.... :spin

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dazy Love how the variegated looks in the quilt!!! Nice job! Tiffany I too bought the book and now I am having to restrain myself from starting another one! Also I downloaded some quilt blocks from quilterscache or something like that website and am itching to give those a try! maybe a sampler quilt!!!


Its good that there are no yarn shops in the vicinity otherwise I would be there in a jiffy!


Patricia I can so relate to not doing any other "work" other than crochet!! Yes and just one more diamond to go!!!




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Good morning everyone!


I haven't been on here in awhile but wanted to say how beautiful everyone's quiltghans are looking. Boy, all the color combinations are to die for!


Hubby has been pretty sick with a bout of diverticulitis. CT scans showed lots of little things wrong, among them a small bit of something on the left lung so he is going for another CT scan today of the lung itself. He will have to have surgery within the next month or so to have a colon resection. Then, Saturday the dog looked just awful and she refused to eat so we knew something was wrong with her. Took her in to the vet and they did emergency surgery on her for a condition called Pyometra. This happens often I guess in older, unspayed females, so guys, if you have a female dog and she is not spayed and you don't plan to breed her --- SPAY HER! This condition is life threatening! We almost lost our SunnyRose Saturday! The horns of the uterus fill up with pus and if the condition is not caught in time the horns of the uterus burst sending poison out into the dogs system, killing her. If we had waited any longer her uterus would have burst ---- it was quite full and tight with pus. So, girls ---- spay those females before this happens to them


Keep quilting!:hook :hook :hook



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hi, patricia. been wondering where you been. off yeilding to temptation, huh?:devil sounds like fun. now, get back to work. :kick and don't stay gone so long. i thought you'd been shanghied by yarn pirates.

lynn, sounds like you've been having a tough spell. sorry hubby is under the weather. mine is getting better, so i'm at the "i'm ready to choke him" stage. keep us up on his tests and stuff. we'll all be thinking of you both.:hug and i'm glad your dog is okay.:dog

now, i'm off to make the last 3 squares before joining a bunch. i'll post pics when i get it along a ways.:cheer

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Thanks Dazy! Glad to hear your hubby is getting better. I think its harder on us when they are sick than it is on them --- they are such babies! I told him its a good thing he was born a man instead of a woman! He'd just DIE giving birth! :lol



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Ok, I'm in high gear now! I'd been having a hard time figuring out where this babyghan ought to go - it's sort of special to me, and none of the destinations I thought of really hit the spot, if you know what I mean? Well, that's solved, and now I have a different problem: can I finish it by Sunday? Just got an email that very special friends (yup, just had a baby - you knew that was going to show up somewhere in here, right?) are coming into town for a visit Sunday. So, here we go! This feels just right....


So, if I'm gonna finish, I gotta get offline! Dazy, just save up one of your special :kick encouragements for me and it'll help me stay focused! (but I might not be posting much for a day or so....) :hook :hook :hook

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But I couldn't go without celebrating with you guys! Dazy, so glad to hear your hubby is well enough that you want to strangle him instead of hovering.... Hovering is scary-making, strangling you can handle. Not so good to hear about Lynn's dh, but you know we're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers! With you there, I know he's feeling as good as is possible. Will be praying about the surgery.....


And did I see that Vims is only ONE diamond away from finishing her second PS? :cheer:woo:clap:applause:hug

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Hi Everyone,


I've been MIA for a few days. We've had a deadline at work, and so I haven't had time to post.


It sounds like all the projects are coming along nicely.

Vims -- only one more diamond :cheer:clap Can't wait to see the full afghan.


Lynn -- sorry to hear about your husband. :hug Hope he feels better soon.


Patricia -- you can do it :cheer :cheer ! It's only Wednesday, so I think you can absolutely have it finished by Sunday. From what you said, you don't have too much more to go.


Dazy -- The Amish Star is made with blocks, but you make half in black, and then take 4 complementary colors and make rows for the other half. The colors are split on a diagonal. Then when you put it together, the way you arrange the squares with the black "triangles" in different positions, it gives a really neat effect. I was trying to find a picture of it on the internet, but haven't had any luck yet.


I haven't gotten very much more done on my PS lately. An old friend from high school just moved into my town, and we've been hanging out and catching up, so it's taken away some of my time. I need to convince him to come over to my apartment to hang out so that I can crochet while we catch up :D

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wow, busy, busy people here.

patricia, you know you can get that blanket done by the weekend. no doubt. :yes lucky little baby. it's fun when you have a perfect place for your hard work to go.

yea, vims is really knocking them out. we're gonna have to tie her hands behind her back. :P

bookchick, you could teach your friend to crochet and then you both could crank projects out while chatting.:hook

i got a call from a nursery today and i get to go to work tomorrow. i'm so stoked. i've missed working in a greenhouse. i get to play with flowers all day, and they are gonna give me money, too. :yay flowers are a worse habit for me than crochet (yes, i know that's tough to believe). but we can catch up the bills and i can support my plant and yarn habits.

keep stitchin':cheer

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finished the hexagon, working the sides now - only about 54 or so to go now! Thanks for the encouragement, it really helps!


Dazy - flowers and crochet?! In my family, Mom handles the gardening end, and I do the crochet. I can't imagine doing both! You are an awesome artist!


Tiffany - I think Dazy is right on target - get him a hook and you go, girl! It'll be the best thing for your relationship you could imagine. Hey, you think I'm joking? Nope; I'm serious. I originally took up crochet so I could handle my husband talking to me in the car - sounds weird, I know, but I'm just not good at talking/listening without something in my hands - I'd get all Type A and try to solve problems when all he wanted was a listener. don't like chatting on the 'phone either. here, my fingers are on the keyboard, so that's ok. If he's the silent type, then crochet may help him like it helped me (in our family, hubby is the talker, I'm the silent one, believe it or not; role reversal, doncha know)

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