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Question on squares


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I've noticed that a lot of the charity postings for comfortghans or other afghans ask for squares to be sent. What is the general size needed for these? I've seen all different sizes listed, but I'd like to be able to crochet several ahead of time with my stash, so that if someone has a request I can just send them on...PAM

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The majority of what I've seen have been 12" and the ones for Heartmade Blessing like the ones the CrochetDude's asking for are 12" as well. The reason I don't make a bunch ahead off time is because people typically ask for certain colors.Heartmade Blessing accepts any color except black.

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Another person asked me this and I told her that if she made 2-4 each of 6", 8" and 12" in various colors, she would more than likely be prepared for most requests. However there are some that request specific colors and/or yarn, so granted having some made beforehand, won't work in all situations. The squares really don't take alot of storage space, so you could even do one or more of each size in the more common requested colors; blue, green, pink, purple, yellow.Also if you store them in ziplock baggies they will stay nice and fresh for whenever you need them.

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For the Afgahns for Amegios I ask for 6 inch but happily take all sizes. I can useually make a sq down to 6 in if its larger or up to a 12 if I have them over 8" You can view my blog in my sig. to see some of the scrap gahns we put together

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