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Moonlight Mohair scarf


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On a roll here... :D


This is a scarf I made as a Christmas gift for my mom from Moonlight Mohair in the colorway Coral Reef. This was a "make it up as you go along" project, with lots of frogging (not recommended with this yarn! :eek) and trial-and-error! I'm still not entirely satisfied with how it turned out, though it seems to look nice enough. I had been aiming for a more ruffly effect on the ends but just ended up with very wide rather bell-shaped ones. I fashioned a kind of ring with a flower on it to gather the scarf together and "fake" the ruffling, which tying it wasn't doing. If I ever attempt something like this again, I think I'll try it out on a smoother, cheaper yarn first and get all the kinks ironed out of it before I start the project! :lol


Still, it doesn't look bad.




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Your scarf turned out great! I love Moonlight Mohair and had recently made earwarmers and a scarf myself but my stitch was too firm (sc) so it was a little stiff. I also noticed that the shiny, sparkly fiber is a little scratchy on my neck so I wear my scarf outside my coat!:lol Your's is much nicer than mine.:D

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Lovely scarf, Love that yarn it makes GREAT scarves. I made one for my BIL for christmas out of a nice manly brown. It's a bit of a pain to work with but the results are worth the trouble. Made a cute little teddy bear out of that yarn too.

Great job.

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Thanks! :blush I agree that the sparkly thread in this yarn makes it too scratchy for next to the skin wear, but it does work well on a coat, and it's so pretty and colorful! I love it! I managed to squirrel a few skeins in other colors away using those 40 and 50% coupons, so there will be more projects down the line with this. I just haven't decided what yet. I've seen lots of good ideas in my magazines, though. :hook

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That's always a problem with shineys in yarn :( I love me some metallic fibers and lurex and won't give them up though! This is very pretty :) I saw this this morning and headed right out to use my 40% off coupon to start my own little mohair stash.


Thanks! :blush I agree that the sparkly thread in this yarn makes it too scratchy for next to the skin wear, but it does work well on a coat, and it's so pretty and colorful! I love it! I managed to squirrel a few skeins in other colors away using those 40 and 50% coupons, so there will be more projects down the line with this. I just haven't decided what yet. I've seen lots of good ideas in my magazines, though. :hook
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