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The kids were in Crochet! Magazine I think it was the Sept 2005 issue. I think I'm the only person in America who is TIRED of hearing about them! Just because their mom had so many kids, they get countless airtime on Dateline, they get free trips to Disney and other things. I just don't find them oh so cute... Am I evil for feeling this way? :devil

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Donna, you're not alone...except that I didn't know about the Dillies...I had them confused with another family...who's name escapes me...I read about the Dillies in Crochet! magazine, and I did like the patterns...


People magazine did a thing on those families that also have multiple births but that don't get all the "perks" after, goodness, what is the name of that family(...they're from Iowa I think...she had 7 babies, but they also had one other daughter before them...they are ALWAYS on the cover of Ladies Home Journal...) had the babies and the media paid alot of attention to them...


Anyway...someday I'll make the dufflebag that one of the Dillie boys made...

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Donna, you're not alone...except that I didn't know about the Dillies...I had them confused with another family...who's name escapes me...I read about the Dillies in Crochet! magazine, and I did like the patterns...


People magazine did a thing on those families that also have multiple births but that don't get all the "perks" after, goodness, what is the name of that family(...they're from Iowa I think...she had 7 babies, but they also had one other daughter before them...they are ALWAYS on the cover of Ladies Home Journal...) had the babies and the media paid alot of attention to them...


Anyway...someday I'll make the dufflebag that one of the Dillie boys made...


Are you thinking of the Seqoy septuplits? (sp?) When they turned 10, Ladies Home Journal paid for them to go to Disneyworld and they featured like a 10 page spread about it. Give me a break! What about all the people out there who don't get everything handed to them? They actually have to *gasp* buy diapers from their own paychecks! LOL


I'm glad to know I'm not the only one out there. I did like some of the patterns in that issue of Crochet! Magazine, but that was one of the few articles I didn't read because I couldn't bear it! :angry

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Yeah but on the other hand can you imagine the expense of suddenly finding yourself with so many kids?? Especially when they were all still in nappies and growing out of clothes so quickly. Even the thought of it scares me :lol

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I thought their last name started with an M...oh well, tells you how important they are to me, I've blanked out their name...I don't think it's Seqoy though, because these particular septs are under the age of 10...I've only been in Germany 6 years and they were born either right before or right after I got here...I just remember talking to one of my bosses from my last job in the states about the mom when she was expecting...


Truly, I'm glad that these families that get help from where ever...to me it shows that they used their where with all to get whatever...some people use pride as a reason not to accept help of any kind from any one, and they will also sometimes be the same people that will complain that "no one gave them anything..."


Still I just remember a story of an Indian family (from India) that also had septs and they were really, really struggling...they were one of the families featured in the People article a long while back...


I don't have children, so the even the mere thought of having one scares the heck out of me...but 7? All at once? I can't wrap my head around it...


Back to the Dillies...I think it's great on the one hand that they all crochet, and that the boys got into it as well as the girls...and that they had items that could get boys interested in crocheting...like the wallet and the dufflebag...I have that issue and will keep it for the patterns...


On the other hand, everytime I see any article about multiple births I struggle with the whole concept...but that's a whole digression...

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