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Counting Stitches



I saw a pattern that called for 164 stitches in a chain...How in the world do you keep track of 30 stitches let alone 164??? I keep getting distracted and losing count. I'm just afraid that the blanket it will end up looking lopsided. Are there any tricks to keeping count??

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The difficulty of the pattern and stitches can make it hard. I am crocheting what will essentially be a pillowcase for a pet pillow (a piggie) and it's in rounds so I am having to use stitch markers to keep track of my rounds, but I'm counting the 112 stitches each time I go around.

My best trick, when interupted by one of my 4 kids, hubby or dogs, is to just count to the next 5 and remember where I left off. 105, 110, 115 etc.

Also, maybe this is one you could do when there aren't many distractions. Some patterns are so simple that I don't even need to count, but if it's a pattern inside a pattern... well, then you need to keep track. Many a time I've had to just go back to the beginning of that row and count. :hook

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I don't make alot of large patterns that require a lot of stitches..but when I do, I keep a notepad and pencil near. So I count 1-10 stitches..write the number 10, then another 1-10, write 20..keep going every 10 or even 20 stitches until you have enough. Works for me anyway.


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I just started an afghan that started out with 180 ch.......I used safety pins on every 20th 'stitch' just in case I lost track. Then when I was on my first row I took them out as I came across them. Easy as that.



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:hook Just keep going with your chain until you have at least the number you need then add a few.

:hook When you do your first row, just do as many repeats of the patten as you need, along the chain and then un-pick the leftovers.

:hook If there is lots left, cut off the tail to within 8 CH and un-pick the rest.

Saves worrying about counting.

:hook After you have become experienced, you will be able to judge how long the chain needs to be without counting.

Have fun.


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