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Tension hand pain solution?

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I've been giving some thought to some earlier posts from folks who are suffering hand and finger pain in their yarn or thread holding tension hand.

I wondered if anyone's tried to use a narrow strip of ace bandage or even a large rubberband wrapped around the thumb, forefinger and middle finger (not so tight that it cuts off circulation, in such a way that the three are biased together. The ring and pinky would be left alone to their own devices.

I'm thinking it might work for a little relief from muscle strain? I tried it and the elastic tension is enough to cause my fingers to hold yarn fairly securely.

Has anyone tried that? If so... did it work at all? OR

If this isn't already a remedy everybody knows about (remember i'm new) maybe somebody with sore fingers and hand wouldn't mind conducting an experiment... like try it out and see if it helps... and post back a report.

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I get pain in the thumb wrist and forearm, I haven't tried this do you mean the hand you hold the hook in or the other one Jim. Mine is the hook holding right hand that i have trouble with. Your a good man for even thinking about the problem.Thanks

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Thanks Jacqui.. well the intent was for the thread/yarn holding hand, but it MIGHT work on the hook hand. Try it out and see if the band gets in your way. I'm thinking if you took an ace (elastic bandage) and cut it in half along the length so you had a long srip about a foot long, you could do the wrapping a little more comfortably than a rubber band, but fastening the ends might be a pain.

Sheesh... you get both hands all bound up like that and the phone rings.... hehe or you have to go to the loo (is that what they call a tolit down there?). Hahaha.

But try it out, would you, and let us know what happens?

Thanks Jacqui!

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Hi Jimbo!

I found this post, this morning, & I've been wearing an ace bandage on my right/crocheting hand-up to my fingers and back past my wrist, & I know that the way you explained isn't what I just said, but I know that it helps. I've already had surgery for CTS, on both wrists, at one time I had braces on both hands:eek but now, just my crocheting hand, but I do take it off,once in a while. Thanks for the post because i didn't know that more people then myself were have this type of pain!!! Have a great day:cheer :hook :hook :hook I thought up to now that I was just wierd!!:manyheart

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Here's my latest attire, actually my wrist doesn't hurt WHILE crocheting, it hurts afterwards while I am doing something else like picking up a dish or glass or anything, so I am where this while I crochet hoping to keep movements down and wearing it when my wrist gets to hurting.



Next step is a splint but I so can't wear those well, as my hands swell from arthritis(sp?).


Although Jim, you got me to thinking (dang you! lol) hubby had a wrist band that had a thumbstrap he'd gotten a long time ago at his work for carpal tunnel prevention/relief , the strap placed the thumb in the "right" position. I'll have to go look and see if I can't find it (if I still have it even)and will post pics if/when I do.

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I know the feeling, I have tried to crochet with my ace bandage, but I found out that with it on, not off:think , I can crochet for a longer period of time, & also, my hand & wrist moves less, so, that's nice because less pain, and when it's cold outside or in the grocery store, I have to wear it too, because when the cold air from anywhere, hit my tendons, pain-pain,:no I learned the hard way!!

Hope you have a nice day!!!

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One thing to keep in mind about braces and such to relieve pain from crocheting.. if you don't have CTS it can actually encourage it by pressing on the nerve in the wrist. This is what a doctor told me when I asked about using a brace when I crochet.. especially projects with alot of the same stitches. The ace bandage might work but what causes CTS is repetitive movement with no change.. ie typing, crocheting, even cashiers have problems with it... if you use a brace so that your wrist can't move it would be setting you up for further problems down the road.


I understand if you already have CTS and are under a docs care that is different.. but I'm talking about people without CTS that run out and buy a brace for it... it's more of a treatment for rather than a prevention of if that makes sense.


I don't tend to have pain in my left tension hand, but in my right hand, across the back of my hand and my fingers... especially if I'm working on a large project with alot of the same stitches over and over. When I feel it starting is when I will take a break, do some hand exercises.. maybe even soak ur hands in a warm bath and just give it a break for awhile.. even something like Icy Hot or a muscle rub might help... then can pick it back up later in an hour or so once my hands are relaxed again. Anything you do repetitive is going to cause problems if you don't give your wrist and hand a break from time to time.. braces however should be used with caution as you definitely don't want to encourage a problem, even though it seems to give relief it could be causing problems for you down the road.


Just something to keep in mind. This is something I've worried about for awhile because along with crochet, I work full time as a legal secretary and do website design.. so if I'm not crocheting I'm usually typing something.. both of which are bad for wrists over the long term *rolling eyes* ;)

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:manyheart Hi Loves Tender Touch!!

I remember when I went to my specialist, he told me to keep my brace, because I might need it, sometimes, however, recently,when I put it on, my wrist hurt even more, so what I thought I'd do is to try an ACE & wrap it around "loosely", too tight & forget it, it will cause more pain, I know for me it did, so I don't wear it all the time, I like to take it off, and soak my hand & wrist in warm water, or a warm shower.I wear mine for extra support, that I need, before my surgery both hands were going numb, my nail beds were gray, & after:cheer :clap:c9 , my hands are a lot better, so now I have to be a little smarter;) , a little extra support, really helps me(without the cold air:eek )

:manyheartHave a lovely day!!!

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If you are experiencing any (chronic and/or constant) pain in either of your hands while you crochet or other times, I urge you to see your doctor.



I was experiencing pain in my right hand for a few years before I ever went to see my doctor about it. The pain started at my wrist and would go up the back of my hand to my forefinger, middle finger and ring finger. Gradually it progressed to my thumb then the front of my wrist. Mine is to the point where even with surgery, I will probably lose mobility in my right hand by the time I am 50. I am 30 now.


I waited far too long and I don't want anyone else to have to limit what they do because they put it off. I will give you a list of what I can and cannot do. Hopefully, it will help some to realize that it will effect more than their crocheting.


I can't:


Crochet longer than 30 - 45 minutes at a shot, then I have to rest my wrist and hand for a few days in between. Cross stitching with my right hand is TOTALLY out of the question because you have to "pinch" the needle between your thumb and forefinger.


Chop fruits, vegetables or meats. This causes my hand and entire forearm to seize up for about an hour or two.


Sweep, vacuum, dust, or fold more than a load of laundry (with my right hand) before my hand seizes up on me.


Pick up pots and pans with my right hand. Everything has to be done with my left.


Type "regularly" on the 'puter. This is rough for me because I went from being a fairly good typer to hunt and peck. Very frustrating.


Give my husband neck rubs and massages.


Lift weights, or ride a bike because I can't grasp the handle with my right hand.


What I can do:


Ice my wrist every night for about two hours. Ice on for 15 minutes, then take it off and do it again 30 minutes later.


Wear a brace every night.


Buy stock in Advil and Mobic.


Replaced all my kitchen utensils to the big grip OXO brand. Not cheap, but it helped.


Learn to do everything left handed and usually with just one hand. Hey - bright side is I'm becoming ambidextrous.


Deal with it, because nothing is going to change it. I waited until it was too late to see the doctor.



I don't want people to feel sorry for me. I want people to realize that if you are crocheting, and you get pain when you crochet and you have to stop for a while, that's a signal that something is wrong. Please, please, please see your doctor about it. Don't put it off.





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Good Morning memflag!!

The main reason I have some pain in my wrist this time, it first started when I fell out of our new-high off the ground bed:eek . I didn't wait too long to see a doctor, this time he put a new brace on my hand, & said to wear it until he checked it again, now it's an ace & my doctor agrees, he told me NOT to pick up anything heavy. I used to do my own gardening, it's in 20" pots on our patio, now my hubby helps & I just plant the veggies, it sure is a lot easier on both of my hands.

He chops everything that need to be chopped for meals,

He told me that when I want the pots & pans either brought out, or put away, just ask, do not be stubborn, like I used to be!! He even fixes us brunch on sunday's, even after working all week. I know that sound silly, oh well!!

I don't get down on my hands & knees anymore to scrub the floors, I've had surgery on both knees, & 4 vertabreas in my back, so now I really try to take good care of my body:yay .

I feel better then I have in a long time:c9 no numb hands, my knees & back don't go out anymore.

What you & myself are trying to tell others is, there is an easier way to do things, if you can't chop veggies or fruits by hand, use a food processor, I have one, & we know it was a good investment, do not mix doughs by hand, use either a hand-mixer or a stand-mixer like I have, I now can make bread again:clap we saved up to get these, & we're glad:cheer My grandma even told my mother that if there is an easier way to do something, do it!!! take it easy memflag,& have a sweet day!!! crocheting is easy for me, I mostly crochet ripple afghans & it relaxes me a lot

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:manyheart Hi Loves Tender Touch!!

I remember when I went to my specialist, he told me to keep my brace, because I might need it, sometimes, however, recently,when I put it on, my wrist hurt even more, so what I thought I'd do is to try an ACE & wrap it around "loosely", too tight & forget it, it will cause more pain, I know for me it did, so I don't wear it all the time, I like to take it off, and soak my hand & wrist in warm water, or a warm shower.I wear mine for extra support, that I need, before my surgery both hands were going numb, my nail beds were gray, & after:cheer :clap:c9 , my hands are a lot better, so now I have to be a little smarter;) , a little extra support, really helps me(without the cold air:eek )

:manyheartHave a lovely day!!!


Yes definitely :) glad you're better with it. Alot of folks will run out and buy a brace though and think that will stop the problem, when it can encourage it to get worse. An Ace bandage probably would help and I used to use a wrist ace bandage (slipped on like a fingerless glove) that helped alot as well.


Elizabeth so sorry to hear this. I know when I used to do alot of thread crochet I had more pain in my hands, to the point that I had a hard time even riding my horse and holding the reins.. anyone that knows me knows that is a HUGE thing with me being able to ride. I was having back problems at the same time as well and wound up having back surgery.. once that was sorted the pain in my hands and arms and legs and feet left and I am back to nearly 100% now. I still get achey pains in my hands but with all I do it's to be expected I guess and it's nothing like it was.. no loss of strength or being unable to grasp things. The back can be a huge source of problems for all over the body.. I found this out the hard way. Luckily mine improved to where I'm back to riding, typing, crocheting.. really anyting I want to do in moderation and with some caution and sense. I hope your prognosis improves.. I can't imagine not being able to use my hands.:(

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To expand on what Loves Tender Touch said, if you don't have a real problem that you have seen your doctor concerning, than it can be very dangerous to use braces or other things to immobilize your hand. I'm sorry Jimbo, but taping or fastening part of your hand and keeping it immobile can do alot more damage than crocheting with the pain. I agree that if you have pain that has not been diagnosed previously, you should go see your doctor.


I injured my hand (tendons) when I was cashiering, and since then am extremely prone to tendonitis in my whole arm. Usually my elbow starts hurting before my hand. I have a brace I can wear but find if I can just take it easy versus immobilizing it, it is much better. I only wear the brace when I am going to be doing something stressful for my hand/arm.


Just please use extreme caution and preferably a doctors advice before immobilizing any part of your body to make another part work better.

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To expand on what Loves Tender Touch said, if you don't have a real problem that you have seen your doctor concerning, than it can be very dangerous to use braces or other things to immobilize your hand. I'm sorry Jimbo, but taping or fastening part of your hand and keeping it immobile can do alot more damage than crocheting with the pain. I agree that if you have pain that has not been diagnosed previously, you should go see your doctor.


I injured my hand (tendons) when I was cashiering, and since then am extremely prone to tendonitis in my whole arm. Usually my elbow starts hurting before my hand. I have a brace I can wear but find if I can just take it easy versus immobilizing it, it is much better. I only wear the brace when I am going to be doing something stressful for my hand/arm.


Just please use extreme caution and preferably a doctors advice before immobilizing any part of your body to make another part work better.

Hi crochet smartcat! I agree, I would never have doctored myself, the specialists are taught in those fields, & can help us, not hinder us, like doctoring ourselves might do

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Good Morning memflag!!

What you & myself are trying to tell others is, there is an easier way to do things, if you can't chop veggies or fruits by hand, use a food processor, I have one, & we know it was a good investment, do not mix doughs by hand, use either a hand-mixer or a stand-mixer like I have, I now can make bread again:clap we saved up to get these, & we're glad:cheer My grandma even told my mother that if there is an easier way to do something, do it!!! take it easy memflag,& have a sweet day!!! crocheting is easy for me, I mostly crochet ripple afghans & it relaxes me a lot


Last week I ordered a stand mixer, which will hopefully be here sometime next week!! :cheer We are saving up for a food processor, and until then DH either chops stuff, or we buy it prechopped.


I also just do afghans right now. It's easier to work with the thicker yarns and hooks! :hook




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This all started with Kari's funny comment about the duct tape and cat... that led my twisted mind to the idea of a rubber band... now we see other ideas and comments about do's and donts. A really great exchange of thoughts, that; if the thread stays alive could lead to somebody coming up with a really good effective solurtion. More minds at work in a positive way could lead to something that might bring some relief to hurting crochetiers er rather crocheters.

This kind of interchange is just one of the incredible things about this group. Keep thinking.... too many people are hurting doing one of the things they most love to do. It just shouldn't be that way.

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This all started with Kari's funny comment about the duct tape and cat... that led my twisted mind to the idea of a rubber band... now we see other ideas and comments about do's and donts. A really great exchange of thoughts, that; if the thread stays alive could lead to somebody coming up with a really good effective solurtion. More minds at work in a positive way could lead to something that might bring some relief to hurting crochetiers er rather crocheters.

This kind of interchange is just one of the incredible things about this group. Keep thinking.... too many people are hurting doing one of the things they most love to do. It just shouldn't be that way.

Good Afternoon Jimbo!!!!

How right you are:cheer , I have gone through a lot with my hands, & when I didn't know what I had,& went to the Drs.& he told me, I just started crying & told him, but I don't want it:think , right away he re-assured me that everything would be ok!! my specialist used to be our dr. when we were children, now he's a specialist :c9 ,the only thing he couldn't fix was my brain!!! LOL.but really, the nice people in crochetville are great, and do beautiful work, please just don't try to doctor yourselves, it's not work it, go to a good dr.there's an answer out there for us, even if it isn't CTS, just tired hands & arms, rest them,& oh yes, one thing my Dr. told me to do is put the palms of your hand together, & VERY GENTLY RUB them together, & with the fingers of both your hands in-between each other, just rub them gently, to keep the circulation going, this is everyday!!! & it works, & take a break, don't kill yourself. ** Have a good day!! **

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I have severe Tendonitis and i use an elastic bandage when i need to i also use hotpacks and ice and different analgesic creams or rubs when needed. I have had these problems since i was 16(i'm 46 now). When i was 29 i had surgery to help relieve the pain as the problem can never be fixed. Ive been to many doctors over the years but i have been having acupunture for the last 5 years when the pain is severe. My doctor wants me to see a specialist this year but i can't see how that will help. I manage my pain as well as i can ,as i have a condition called Ankolysing Spondylitis in the neck and upper spineand shoulders. Acupuncture has done more to help me manage my pain than anything ive tried and believe me ive tried everything. So use any combination of things that suit you and have drs check ups when you have to. When you are in pain you will try standing onyour head, you will try anything.Also Hypnosis helps to relax you and helps in pain management as well.

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