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Went Crazy on 12/31 and both lots of Magazines

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Yeah but you know I just can't stop ... when i see new Magazines i just :eek then i :drool then i just go :jumpyay crazy .. hee hee . now i just need to find a place to keep all of them ... hee hee ..




:drool You got some pretty cool magazines. Was it a last minute shopping spree before your 'New Years resolution' to not buy so many magazines in 2006? ;)
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Magazines are great. They are 1/3 the cost of a book and have just as many patterns.


I like several of the designs in the Knit Simple Magazine and it does have a few crochet patterns (garments) in it. (Found it at Safeway.)


I looked through that Easy Knit and Crochet Magazine from Women's Day and was not impressed, I just didn't find anything that jumped out at me that said, "Make me or Buy me."


I also have the IK issue. There are a few things I would like to make, but if I saw in in the store probably wouldn't have bought it. I have a subscription.


I don't think I have seen the other two magazines around. Can't wait to see what you make from them.

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I love magazines; I have to not even go down the magazine aisle, or I would want to buy that many every time! Then get depressed cuz I can't ever get any... You will be busy for a while! :yay



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Are there crochet patterns in all of those books???

I know there are in the in a few of them but not sure about all of them.

Details please~I am always looking for new magazines


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two at the bottom have crochet in it ... but the three on the top are knit .. i do alittle of both .. but been crocheting for years .. i mean years .. heee heee :hook i love new magazines ... and i don't have enough time in the day for all these projects .. hee hee .. still have to keep my day job .. unfortunately .. trying to win lotto so i can open my own yarn shop ..but don't think that's in the cards for me .. because i probably use up alll the yarn and all the books would be looked at ... hee hee .. i am so bad .. :devil




Are there crochet patterns in all of those books???

I know there are in the in a few of them but not sure about all of them.

Details please~I am always looking for new magazines


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