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Lace & Bobbles Crochetalong


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well, looks like we are going to play the waiting game. Today she actually had to go to the simms murphy clinic and they refered her to laboner, in 3 to 4 weeks! This is going to be miserable! They are going to put her to sleep and run some test's , maby then they will figure this out. so until then.....:thair


Thanks for listening....


Oh Shelain, I know this is not easy. Try and hang in there kiddo.



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well, looks like we are going to play the waiting game. Today she actually had to go to the simms murphy clinic and they refered her to laboner, in 3 to 4 weeks! This is going to be miserable! They are going to put her to sleep and run some test's , maby then they will figure this out. so until then.....:thair


Thanks for listening....


Hang in there and we're there with ya! My Dad is going through all kinds of testing too right now too including a sleep one next week. He's almost 80.

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I'm sorry to hear of all the stress and waiting your family will be doing. We've gone through some of that ourselves and the waiting is torture . I think once you find out the answers, it's almost easier to deal with. At least you know what you're up against then .

We're all here for you . :manyheart

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well, looks like we are going to play the waiting game. Today she actually had to go to the simms murphy clinic and they refered her to laboner, in 3 to 4 weeks! This is going to be miserable! They are going to put her to sleep and run some test's , maby then they will figure this out. so until then.....:thair


Thanks for listening....


HUGS - I know the waiting is hard.

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well, looks like we are going to play the waiting game. Today she actually had to go to the simms murphy clinic and they refered her to laboner, in 3 to 4 weeks! This is going to be miserable! They are going to put her to sleep and run some test's , maby then they will figure this out. so until then.....:thair


Thanks for listening....

So sorry to hear that you have to wait LONGER -- go ahead and :thair here all you want!

But I bet your house will never look better after all the stress-releiving cleaning for the next few weeks!! :lol Hang in there! We're all here for you!!

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Didn't get a chance to work on this last night but I brought it with me to work today!!!!

I'm still on row 50.

I'll try to remember to get some pics soon too -- I'm starting to like how the colors are unfolding.

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Well, im still on row 48. I had to rip this round soooo many times yesterday. I just couldent keep count. Thanks everyone for putting up with me yesterday, it made me feel soo much better!Now to plug away at my afghan..... I want to get at lest 3 or 4 rows done today. Cant wait to see you rpictures girls!

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Good girl Shelain! You keep going! These afghans are going to be gorgeous!


The yarn I was waiting for didn't come yesterday. I know it was shipped last Thursday, so I'm hoping today maybe? Oh my goodness I haven't crocheted on this ghan for 3 days now....I'm going through withdrawals for sure!


Have a great day everyone! :hook

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who said fooiteghan? Did I miss something?


on round 51 now.....not to the color change yet, dang it! Only a few more stitches to go though! Oh, and I showed it to my friend at work (the oen I taught last year) and she wants to make one in nuetral browns. :cheer

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Hey, I want to know what a footieghan is too.:)


I completed row 56 on the purple/violet last night. I also got some more suede yarn. I think tonight I will work on that one a bit. I'm at the same point on both so I think I'll try and keep it that way.



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Hey there everyone....I see things are going pretty good here with the L/B. Mine is going along pretty good. I did have to frog a row but it was only half way so..it wasn't much of a bother ...It's going along slowly but surely. I have to get more of the carrot yarn ...I ran out:angry ...Oh well ..gotta go get some more..:hook

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I am sooo giggling here. Footieghan is MY terminology. Not sure what they really call them. It is a lapghan with the footie pocket in it. I'm making 12 inch squares and then will put them all together.


Does that help? :hook

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Madelyn - Good idea if you can keep them both going at the same place , that way you won't get mixed up as towhere you are on each !




Keep up the great job, Olga and Nancy -


I guess a footieghan is kinda like a pillowghan only you use it for the opposite end of your body then !

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I woke up today with you on my mind

Wondering how many of you are ahead or behind ? :think


Wondering how many are racing ahead

And how many of you have given up instead ? :sigh


Keep working on it ... it's a sight to behold

When you see the afghan begin to unfold ... :rose


The many different patterns are beautiful to see

And when you are finished you can say "This was made by me ! ":knit


You'll be proud as a peacock strutting your stuff

And when you get done, if you haven't had enough ....:sheepjump


There are many other crochetalongs to join,so jump in

Some have already started , but it's never too late to begin ! :hook


Have a great day , ladies... and thanks for all working hard, posting hard and having fun.

You all make this a FUN place to be ! :manyheart

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I love all of your cute poems!!

I've been paying so much attention to this thread and the square swap that I don't even know what else is going on here at C'ville.....but right now I can't afford to know. LOL


Thanks always for your inspiration Julie!

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Good morning Cristin -

Yep, I have pretty much given up even reading all the other sections at c-ville. I don't have enough time in the day to keep up with it all, so I mainly read the crochetalongs then that's it ! Glad you liked my poem. I like fiddling around sometimes and adding a little nonsense here and there. It makes it all more fun I think !

have a great day :)

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Julie, that is too cute! Thank you! :hug



I, too, have given up the other forums at C'ville. I have my own cross stitch group online and that takes up 90% of my time that I do get online. But, crochet is my first true love and I love doing the CALs with everyone.



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