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Great Yarn Buy

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Exactly, look how much money you saved. I did a big purchase like that, including putting some on layaway till I found room for it; but that is my charity afghan yarn, and then my daughter liked the yarn too, so thats her afghan.....


HELP! I'm drowing in yarn; but what a way to go...send in HOOKS!

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Hubbies don't understand, do they? A month or so ago, Rag Shop has Caron One Pounders on sale 2 for $7 and that Saturday they were offering 30% off your entire purchase, including sale items so I jumped on it! It ended up costing less than $2.50 for each one pounder which is an incredible deal!!! All my hubby could say was "How much did you spend?"

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My fiance can't understand about a yarn stash (though he does crochet too), but he can't say anything about the money I spend since his big hobby is photography and he wants this camera that costs $3000 plus the lenses for it. sigh...

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I'm completely screwed! I crochet and do photography. Luckily I get paid for most of the photography, but I have boxes upon boxes of pics of my kids that need to be scrapbooked, Oh yeah did I mention I scrapbook and bead and....:blush

My fiance can't understand about a yarn stash (though he does crochet too), but he can't say anything about the money I spend since his big hobby is photography and he wants this camera that costs $3000 plus the lenses for it. sigh...
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I'm completely screwed! I crochet and do photography. Luckily I get paid for most of the photography, but I have boxes upon boxes of pics of my kids that need to be scrapbooked, Oh yeah did I mention I scrapbook and bead and....:blush


Oh yeah baby I am right there with you. I collect yarn, scrapbooking and stamping supplies, fabric for sewing......:eek

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You definitely ARE lucky, Jimmie Lu!


I must have some crummy Walmarts near me because they carried the Red Heart pounders for about two weeks (until they sold out) and they haven't stocked any more (and that was this past summer). I'll be tinkering over to Walmart's "contact us" link after I post this. :devil

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I have a supper supportive hubby!!! I have 3 different stashes and yesterday he offered to buy me MORE!!!! Is he great or what!!!

No we are not trading husbands!!!!


What about those of us who don't have a husband? Can we at least borrow him when it's time to go yarn shopping? That's not trading husbands and you didn't set any other rules! :hook


I've never seen the Red Heart pounders you all are talking about. My Wal-Mart only carries the regular stuff. Not that I *need* more yarn. I'm pretty sure I'll be getting more for Christmas, so I'm already going to have to find room for that.

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