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Dog Ate My Yarn and other Musings

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I have a really bad cold and left work early on Wednesday. I stopped at Walmart for Nyquil and just had to hit the yarn department;)


I bought a lot of yarn! I went home with visions of curling up and crocheting.


I put the bag of yarn on the floor in my bedroom for 2 minutes...that's all. When I returned I found my Rottie, Cyrus had "stolen" a skein of the pretty camel color yarn I bought for a poncho! Can you imagine a skein of yarn after a Rottweiler gets to it?:( This dog has NEVER chewed up anything in his life! I can leave him home all day and my home and things are pristine when I return...but he just had to get my yarn! At least it was only one skein and I bought a lot of other stuff to use.


Anyway, I untangled a good bit of it and will use it for practice stitches.


I did make a beautiful scarf for one of my staff members! I am so pround of me! It is a heather gray, done in HDC with black fun fur edging all around.


I am so enjoying this and really enjoying this forum!

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Aww he is just trying to see what you bought that he can help you with. LOL maybe he was asking you to make him something in that color hehehe. Good onya for your scarf ! Hope you feel better soon give (Billy Ray) Cyrus a hug for me hes a lovely boy dispite his yarn fetish.

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Ugh, I know how you feel! Last week, I made myself a GORGEOUS scarf! I was so happy with how it turned out, I was wearing it around the house!


Well, this morning, my mom tells me she woke up to find the cats playing with it on the bathroom floor. :( Somehow, it just doesn't seem usable anymore.

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Oh, don´t be angry with him please... :dog Maybe he wants to learn crocheting... or maybe he wants that you crochet a dog sweater for him... let´s try to understand him! :manyheart

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I found out the hard way about puppies & yarn don't mix lol When our JR pup was younger she ate some nylon mix yarn. It didn't digest. I found out she ate it when she was walking around with an extra tail hanging out LOL! She scooted a little trying to get it out but no luck. We had to remove it slowly & gently :blink I felt like a magician pulling a scarf out of a hat but WORSE :lol It kept coming out in a LONG strand. :think Must have been 8 inches or so of yarn! It is so funny when I remember it now but at the time--I couldn't believe I was doing that :lol Now my yarn stays higher than she is tall. WARNING: If you have to ever do this, dogs may resist the procedure. :lol

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I bet you he thought it was a sheep or some animal he should protect you from *grin*...gotta love Rotties...if we had a bigger place and four less cats I would have one haha!


My cats think batting yarn while I'm crocheting is the BEST game in the world.....my one cat likes to jump on my lap when I'm working afghans and sleep on the WIP....hehe



Robin in MI

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