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I think I have C.A.A.D.D......

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I have a great attention span. I can pay attention to almost ANYTHING. But when it comes to crocheting, I can never seem to keep my attention on one project for too long! I usually always have 28378 projects going at once, including a few blankets that have barely been getting bigger. So, in hopes of getting them done quicker, I've cut myself off of all other projects until the blankets are done. And this just makes me not want to crochet! I'm sick of seeing this WIP's, so I want them done, but it annoys me working on the same thing for hours upon hours! GAH!



Sorry. Just had to rant.

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If you generally watch television while crocheting, check out your library for a book on tape you might want to hear instead. I find watching the tube while crocheting a tedious project is too distracting. Without realizing it, the people on the screen have captivated my attention. For longer periods of time than I'd like to admit. Listening to a book being read keeps my mind occupied and my hands moving.

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If you generally watch television while crocheting, check out your library for a book on tape you might want to hear instead. I find watching the tube while crocheting a tedious project is too distracting. Without realizing it, the people on the screen have captivated my attention. For longer periods of time than I'd like to admit. Listening to a book being read keeps my mind occupied and my hands moving.



Wow, that's a great idea! I DO do majority of my crocheting while in front of the boob tube. I usually try to keep mindless tv on, like Full House reruns(i've seen every single episode at least 2934 times!) or Food Network, so that I can know what's going on without having to lift my head to see.


But this is just great! I could get my crocheting done AND be "reading" a book at the same time! I'll definitely have to try this out! Thanks!

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I think I have also fallen to this disease. I just started crocheting "officially" and I already have multiple WIPs and I keep saying "oh I can't wait to start on one of those!!!" I like the books on tape idea! Maybe I could find some of my books for school on tape:heehee

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oh no.. I've got the classic symptoms.....



...on the couch, on the coffee table, in the basket, in my head, in the bag on the floor, in the one on the kitchen table and the 3 beside me on/around the desk.... sigh!


I love crochet!!!

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I usually always have 28378 projects going at once, including a few blankets that have barely been getting bigger.



Is that all? :wink That's just a drop in the bucket! :lol

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I love the idea of an audio book because many times it's a toss up between a good book and crocheting? Though I have to admit, I get about 99% of my crocheting done in front of the TV. That's the best part of crocheting, it is mobile and I get some done in travel...going to all of my daughters tournaments! But today I'm going back and forth between the sewing machine and the computer in my workroom. I'm finishing up a boucle duster for my daughter for Thanksgiving, she is 3,000 miles away and won't be home so I wanted to send her a fuzzy surprise.

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Is that all? :wink That's just a drop in the bucket! :lol


Boy, ain't that the truth...


The longer you've been crocheting, the larger your WIP list gets. December is my "clean up" month... I finish up the projects and plan for next year. Nothing better than seeing the recipient opening the present that has taken you months or years to make.


that's the reward!:cheer

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