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Hi, I’m kath from durham in the United Kingdom.

I am crocheting a cardigan and I am stuck on this row, can you explain how to do it please? Or show me a video?

Right Front: Next row: (RS). Ss in each of first 2 sts. Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc). Pat across 21 (22) sts. Turn. 22 (23) sts. Leave rem sts unworked.

thanks kath

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Do you have a specific part you dont understand?  You probably started from the bottom and are ready to start working on part of the piece you started.  For now you are working on right front section.  You will finish this section,  go back and join yarn  where you left unworked stitches, and make another section. Hopefully Granny Square will check in before long.  She has a nice drawing and explains the process very well.  In working your rows up until now you have been working a repetitive sequence of stitches which the pattern assumes you now recognize.  It means for you to work that repetitive sequence across when it says pat across. 

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Hi, I modified the drawing I think Bgs was talking about to split it down the middle for a cardigan (in other  words, this is showing 2 pieces, you work 1  front, and then the other).

So the blue area, hem to armpit is often a straight rectangle.  Then in the pink area you slip stitch across a few stitches on the sleeve side for the underarm area, and work across the distance of the pink area until you have to shape for the neck - which is where I think you are .  The next line is:

"Right Front: Next row: (RS). Ss in each of first 2 sts. Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc). Pat across 21 (22) sts. Turn. 22 (23) sts. Leave rem sts unworked."

This is where you indent again, but this time at the collar side, so you will be working over the yellow (or red) area, depending on which side you are on).  You will probably do some shaping on the neckline side but not on the sleeve side.  (and the neckline shaping could be a different shape, like a V neck for example)

I hope that make sense?

Blouse Front 2.jpg

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Welcome to Crochetville from the Gulf Coast of Florida.

Grab your yarn and hooks, put your feet up and sit a spell.

We are always so glad to meet new friends.

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