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A question for all you crocheters who have kids

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I have 2 kids, boys, ages 24 and 9, I had both by myself (no I didn't get pregnant by myself but I ended up being the responsible one). I, of course had to work and raise kids so I had no time and certainly not alot of money to crochet but I found time, usually on my lunch hour and late at night to crochet. I would not change having my kids at all, I love them very much but I suggest that you talk with your partner/husband about how you will both help each other. My 24 year old made me a Grandma, 9-21-05, and both of them discussed before she was born how they were going to handle the baby since both of them work. Of course it doesn't always work out (ie she may get up at 2am to feed Kayli or if my son happens to be awake he gets up and feeds Kayli).


I don't want to scare you about having kids but honestly you won't be even taking a shower or going to the bathroom alone for the next 18 years alone and even after that, hehehehehe. If you can, try babysitting an infant for overnight or for a couple of hours, this will give you a really good idea what it will be like. They do grow up and more and more you will eventually gain back some of your time. Also don't feel bad if you both decide NOT to have kids, my one brother is married and they decided not to have kids but they are both very wonderful with kids, my other brother re married and they decided not to have any kids (she did not want any).


I wanted kids I just kept on making bad choices for Dads :devil For me children are the most wonderful thing.

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My little girl will let me know when I am crocheting too much and not paying much attention to her. She will grab a ball of yarn and pounce on it like she was a cat. That is when I put it away and play with her My Little Ponies. Luckily, when she gets bored she says that I can crochet again.

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You'll have time to crochet, once you get past the first 3 months! Only because you'll never sleep, and when you do get the chance to sleep...it won't be a deep sleep! LOL


I have a 2 yo and a 7 yo, when Caden was born(2 years ago), I just put all my yarn away. I didn't even have time to think about crocheting. But once he got a good sleep pattern going, I broke it out again. And even now I just crochet in the evenings, once everyone is in bed. And sometimes in the afternoon, when he's taking a nap and the house work doesn't need done!


But I wouldn't get discouraged, if you want a baby...I say GO FOR IT! Kids are great!

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Thank you, Mare. Sometimes I just don't know if I'm doing them justice, but I've been with them too long now. I know I'm nuts, but it had to be done. I'm just so glad I found this group of people! :hug

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We have one child and are in the process of conceiving another (or just having fun trying LOL) anyway, I usually crochet after my little girl has gone to bed or when she is with her grandparents. I love spending time with her, it is truly priceless, but we both need our alone time. She will go to her room and read or play house with her dolls and I will take advantage of that time and crochet. You can always find time for things you love and make you happy without feeling your are neglecting your family.

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i have 2 children aged 21 and almost 24, when they were little i always had time to crochet , not as much as now of course, but i always found a little "me" time. there is alot you can do with crocheting, that takes up very little time and space. course i am one of those people who take their crocheting EVERYWHERE. drives my hubby nuts. but i can not just sit, have to have my hands busy, if it were me, i would have the baby if thats what you truly want, and then find the time you need as your child grows,. and it is NOT silly or selfish to ask this. i think it was a very mature rational question and i hope that you have found the answer you wanted. never question asking, we all have to learn somehow, and since most of us have been there done that as far as babies and crochet. well i can only say thanks for asking. you i hope will be blessed with a healthy and happy child, and that you still have time to do what you love. i know babies take a lot of time up, but there is always just a "few" minutes here and there. take care and hope that we have helped a bit:hug :hug :hug :hug :hug

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