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Ruffle Scarf Yarn



I've been crocheting the ruffle scarves for about 6 months and selling them.  I did really well over the holidays!  Now everyone is making them and I am stuck with about 65 of them.  Plus scraps.
Does anyone else make these?
Any ideas on what I can do with the scraps and the full skeins I still have?
Please help!


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12 answers to this question

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Thanks, Tobybob.  That's where I was selling them.  Festivals, craft fairs, etc.  You name it, I've been there.  But now they have become really popular in our town with everyone's mother's uncle's dog making them.  LOL!!
I was just hoping for new ideas to use up all the scraps and make new things.

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For those that are complete, maybe just set them aside until after the summer when folks are starting to think about holiday gifting.


I have been seeing a good bit of use of these yarns on infant and toddler outfits as well as on hats as hatbands and brim edging.


Depending the yarns you chose - if you chose those from LYS yarns, you may want to work on how to work that into your conversation with potential buyers, stresser the differences in quality in production. 

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Thanks, Wheat.  I actually packed them all up yesterday and decided to wait to sell them at the holiday season.  I do use very expensive and high quality yarns and tell my customers.

I will continue to search for more ideas.  I have A LOT of scrap and hate to throw it away or donate it to the local daycare (which is what I usually do).

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Wheat, when you said 'holiday tree' it made me think of those wreaths that are popular now (at Michaels, anyway) that are made with stiff ribbon netting.   That's different stuff, of course, but I wonder if something similar could be made with this yarn worked around, or attached to, a stiff wire for a wreath. 


Here's some examples for inspiration, you could make different themed ones using all sorts of colors and added on flowers, fruit, bird nests, etc.  (what's odd is the materials list for the second says grapevine wreath, but it's obviously using the mesh ribbon)




There's a ton more how-tos if you google 'mesh ribbon'

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Wheat, when you said 'holiday tree' it made me think of those wreaths that are popular now (at Michaels, anyway) that are made with stiff ribbon netting.   That's different stuff, of course, but I wonder if something similar could be made with this yarn worked around, or attached to, a stiff wire for a wreath.


What I had in mind was more like ruffly pompoms as ornament, but I like your idea as well - although it was take a lot more yarn and I was thinking along the lines of small, fast, easy and fun -  much like the "i can make these with my eyes closed earrings" I used to make and sell at concerts.

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Ladies, you are AMAZING!!!  So many ideas running thru my head now!  THANK YOU!  Keep them coming!

Granny, I couldn't see any pictures on your links.  I'm just Google and see what I can find.

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Those links were odd.  Try them again and wait a few more seconds.  The pattern comes up, then a loooong time later the pic comes up; I'm not sure but you might have to click the pattern's 'words', or at least I did that because I was impatient (it worked) :lol  But yes, if you google netted ribbon wreath a lot of stuff comes up.

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what about ebaying it, someone would snap it up, was hard to get around here, now it is in stock again, but as you said, expensive. Do you use one skein or two, for each scarf?? or maybe put it in the destashing link here on the ville, and let someone snag it from you!!

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