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Keeping tract of multiple rows...



The hardest part of crocheting by a pattern for me is keeping tract of what row I am on.  Especially when the pattern reads like" Rows 4 - 9; Repeat rows 2 then 3"  Since I cannot remember what row I was last working on when I put it down last, I started writing it out on a dry erase board.  So the above looks like this...Row 4 - 9

Row 4 Repeat row 2, Row 5 Repeat row 3, Row 6 Repeat row 2, Row 7 repeat Row 3, Row 8 repeat row 2, Row 9 repeat Row 3.  Then as I complete each row I erase it.   It makes it so much easier to keep track!!

I hope this helps someone!

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This is an awesome idea!!  I've been rewriting the patterns to try to keep track, and using a knitting counter (I get the one that fits on a needle and string it on a length of yarn around my neck!).

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I'm a total pencil and paper person.  If a pattern calls for 60 rows, I write down the numbers from 1 to 60 and put a check mark beside it when done. 


I'm working on an afghan now that is teaching me cables.  I kept getting lost because of all the parens, brackets, and astericks.  I opened a spreadsheet to help me keep count and did some color coding. 

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And I thought I was so smart with post notes and crossing out line by line, 


Great Tip, thanks for sharing 

Enjoy The Making



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Guess I am getting old because when I try to follow a pattern even if I check off each row I still get lost.  So to clarify my hint, I only write on dry erase the row I am working on.  Then it doesn't seem so daunting. 

Like my Mom a whole page is too overwhelming but small bits at a time is so much easier.  That's why she loved her Rainbow Bible so much.  She could focus on just the colored scripture she was reading.

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