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makes you thankful

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I've been over a week without power...That storm really did a number on WV power lines. It really makes you thankful for what you have when you have to go over a week without it.

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Oh AshyN, I can so relate to you after going without power for 5 days following the October snowstorm last fall! Instead of dealing with the heat, we spent that week trying to stay warm, tho.


It was a real wake-up call, trying to go without the everyday norms- doing laundry, running to the store, making supper, getting gas for the car, going out for take-out.... nothing was open, everything was dark. Even the simple things like finding our winter boots and heavy warm clothes that were tucked away in now darkend closets and corners became a challenge without being able to flick on a light switch.


When the power finally came on, I think every light in the house came on, reminding us of the switches we had tried over that week out of habit.


Did you say Boredom??? egads!!!! there was nothing to do!!! heck, I couldn't even run the vacuum!! How did you survive that part?? I never even reached for my crochet hooks and yarn that week, I was so distraught! No TV, no internet, no phones,,,, nada... nothing... we stood at the end of the driveway, bundled up in boots and scarves and watched cars go by for entertainment on the warm afternoons. We were afraid to drive anywhere because there was nowhere local to get gas for 4 days.


No one knew anything because we had no way to get any news excepts bits and pieces from neighbors. Were you able to get any news? I thinks that was one of the worst parts, not knowing what was going on and when and if the lights were ever going to come back on. Talk about being "in the dark"!!, there was no way to find out anything!How was it for you guys?


Glad you are safe, AshyN, and I want you to know I was thinking about you folks all this weeks.... it's something that I'll never forget and hope we both never have to go thru again. Take care, AshyN!


(funny thing, we have a weekend cabin, off the grid(meaning no electricity) an hour away that runs entirely on propane, with gas lights, hot water, even a propane refrigerater, heat, stove and generator, everything it needs to be quite comfy... but we were afraid to try to make the trip because of the roads being closed everywhere due to fallen trees, branches and wires. If we had been there instead of here, we would have made out fine... oh well. You bet we brought home a bunch of those oil lamps the next time we went there, lol, and they are here, ready to go now, just in case...)

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we were with it out it 2 days and 3 nights almost .lost all of our food in the freezer. not that we had much

I thank God every day for ele. power . etc.

I know what it is to do without things .

so I count my blessings one by one .

glad your power is back on. hugs

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I was also without power - 3 days. Lost everything in the freezer and refrigerator but on the plus side got a lot of crocheting done and took lots of naps. Not much else I could do, it was worse when it got dark though as it was pitch black outside and a little creepy.

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We went through it to. We were away and didn't know a storm went through. Nothing on the news about it where we were. We have a generator that we hooked up at 10:00 the first night. We've been through this 3 times since we bought the generator. The first time was winter time and it was 4 days before the power did come back on. We bought one big enough to run the house. We wouldn't do laundry with it and we didn't run the ac even though it is a small one. I'm very thankful for the things we take advantage of daily.

You can bring your solar lights inside and use them for safe lights and recharge the next day outside. We tried it and it works.

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My heart goes out to all those who were affected by any type of weather where there was no power. When I have no power, even for a few hours, it affects me. Very rarely, I guess it is the area that I live in, do we ever lose power for any length of time, unless it is a major hurricane or total east coast blackout. Though they keep saying Long Island is due for the big one (hurricane, that is). The one we had last August was more of a tropical storm by the time it reached us and I only lost electricity for less than 16 hours (wonder if the fact that the town supervisor lives on the same block but more east from of my house had anything to do with it)


I now keep a supply of batteries and have lanterns that give out a good amount of light. I do take the batteries out when they are not being used but keep them right next to each one. I also keep a flashlight in each room in a designated place so that I know where it is.


My house is all electric so I can't even cook but I do have a roofed over patio and my barbeque grill is out there and I can bbq if necessary.


I hope everyone is safe, that is the main thing.


LI Roe

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That storm that came through wv I've never seen anything like it...Me and the boyfriend were out feeding the animals waiting on the rain and all of a sudden the wind about knock us over...It was scary a tree top feel on the top of our roof...it's nothing i want to go through again I was afraid for my family

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