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63 Wannabe Club


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I hear you, Faith. I had a hard time motivating to finish this 'ghan! Sometimes I felt like 63 was actually 6,003!! Good luck on the L&B. :)

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Hello Everybody! :hug I haven't forgotten you! And I'm still working on my squares... although I haven't accomplished much lately :(... and I thought this was going to be my time for crocheting. OH WELL! My problem is that I don't have long periods of time to sit down and get much done... but I'll finish this afghan! (I remind myself everyday).


I needed some instant gratification and started a doily (a mini doily)... I'm almost done! It is my first real thread (using thread 10) project. (A couple months ago I made a doily with thread 3... just to get the feel of thread).


But tonight is back to the squares!!!


Take care...

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Hi Eliany! :waving Glad you took the time to check in! I thought I was going to crochet like a madwoman during the break but it just wasn't so; too many distractions with the family and not enough sit down time. But that's okay, everyone goes back to school and work tomorrow and I will have some quiet time. :D


Wow, a doily! I've never made one of those, are they tricky because they're so small? I joined Administrator Julie's Snowflake Monday ring so I could learn to crochet with thread. I definitely need to wear my reading glasses when I work on those. Kind of reminds me that I'm no spring chicken! :hen


Good luck with your squares!! :)

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ok, Julia !


We'll all be waiting to see it . How do YOU like it ? Are you happy with how it turned out?

before I start happy new year eveyone.I loved it but it's not mine ,it's hubby's :( ,I finnished hi's on sat moring and by mid day I started my hex one now that one is mine :lol :lol :lol .aint no one going to take that one from me :lol :lol :lol .I've got 12 red ,11 orange,6 yellow,and 2 purple,so I'm taking it very easy now .:lol :lol .:hug :hug :hughey now you can check some of my squares I got photobucket going I hope,now I'm going to get the pic of the afghan and post it ok see you all soon.:yay:hug:yay
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Sue - I didn't crochet much during the Holidays but I did have a great time with the hubster :manyheart ... and that is what matters.


I just finished the doily... it ended up being smaller by an 1 1/2". Let's see what happens when I block it. At the beginning it was kind of difficult to see what I was doing but after those first stitches you get used to it. It's actually a lot of fun... I'm planning my next one already. I want a bigger one this time.


Let's see if I can accomplish something tonight (before going to bed)! :sleep

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ok, Julia !


We'll all be waiting to see it . How do YOU like it ? Are you happy with how it turned out?

Hello!hey you know what you are very right I'm so happy to have gone through the whole process and have finnished it hip hip hurray,hip hip hurray:cheer :cheer :cheer see these girls are cheering me ever since I finnished ,:lol :lol :lol. now I'm on the flower garden one I started the same day I finnished the 63 I loved working this one.and being with all you guys here this is therapy for me,I've ben very depressed after my mother pased away 3 years ago but this help's me cope with the pain of lossing her,but I'm better with these therapies :hug :hug :hug
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Sara - no time like the present to get that sucker out of the way!! :hook Then you can move on to much nicer squares.:)


Julia- Yay! You finished! Aren't these CALs the best? I'm sorry to hear about your mom.:worried But, I'm glad that you've enjoyed joining this CAL, making your blanket and meeting nice people. :hug Hugs for you!


Eliany - yes, spending time with the hubster is best. ;) I'm glad you enjoyed making your doily and want to make more. They seem like such an accomplishment! Just working on those little snowflakes seems like a big deal!

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Guess what I found today!!! My 63 squares things! I just need to find the booklet too. Remember, I moved in late August and I'm just now finding stash that got packed away. I believe I have 9 squares done. So I'm looking forward to stitching the rest of them and making this beautiful afghan.



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Hello Friends! :waving


I just updated my album... take a peek. I just finished Sq #16.


As you may notice, I added Sq #1-4 to the album. I had decided previously that I wanted to redo them... but today I was thinking about it and changed my mind. I didn't want to use them because their edges are not even (they have more stitches than supposed). But at the same time, I learned sc, hdc, dc, and tr while doing those squares... they have some sentimental value. Also, this afghan is for me (although I consider myself a perfectionist)... I know that nobody will notice unless I say so. This has been a learning experience up to now (and I'm far from done).


Happy Crocheting! :hook


Edited to add: My camera is not taking the color of my squares at all. They're soft sage, pale green, and off white... but in the pictures they look all different. The lighting here doesn't help either. Hopefully I'll remember to take some pictures during the day so I can show the real colors. :photo

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Howdy Hookers!


Julia and Eliany, your squares look great.


Just an update: I am done with 1-42! Woo hoo! (Well, except for #8 and #22 which I will still go back to). Hope to get more done this weekend and get this thing finished soon!

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I introduced myself awhile back (or at least I think I did). I'm doing this blanket for my sister's birthday on March 3rd (3rd?!?!?! Less than 2 months?!?!?!:eek ) Except she picked out 21 squares she liked and I have to do each square 3 times. I'm going to have to average more than 1 square per day if I want to get it done on time. I'm hoping I'll get 3 or 4 or 5 done during each week. I could aim for another 3-5 on each weekend. I've done the math and if I get 10 done each week I'll have 2 weeks to put it all together. (This is getting scarier the more I type). Anyway so I have 6 done as of right now. I'll need this group to keep kicking me in the rear and keeping me on task. Good luck to us all! :hook

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Hello Julie! :hug I'm not gonna give up! I'm not gonna give up! I'm not gonna give up! :( I'm not?? Ok, ok, I'm not! I promised the hubster I was going to finish it, now I have to keep my promise.


Last night I started Sq #17 and it wasn't puffy at all. :think The center hole was very big (and I thought I was making the initial chain very tight!). I think I'm going to :frog it and do it again. Any insight?


Nancy, Sara, Tandi, Jen (forgive me if I forgot somebody still working on this :blush)- It's so nice knowing that I'm not by myself here! Keep up the good work girls! :cheer

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Now get those buns busy -- no more excuses . This has GOTTA be done .

Think of your poor sister out there shivering in the cold. Runny nose, watery eyes, cold hands. No food. No warm bed .......





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