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63 Wannabe Club


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I am soooo in! My book and yarn aren't gathering dust, though. I pulled them out yesterday and started where I left off...#8 whuppin' my behind...:blush. It's not hard, it just comes out wonky everytime I do it. So, I am going to try another square for now.


So, can the 63 squares wannabes have a button? ha ha:D

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Hey Julia, sorry I took so long getting back to you. Just got back from seeing Pride & Prejudice, boy was that a good flick!


Anyway, here's a picture of the edging that may help:





See how the pattern comes out like a 'v' with a semi-circle laying on top? (|> Here's the shape sideways, let's call it a 'shell'.


Anyway, to start, after completing round 1 and joining with a sl st, begin round 2 by chaining 7. Then think of the chain of 7 like a foundation chain and double crochet in the 4th chain from the hook. Then dc in the same stitch as where you joined with a slip stitch when finishing round one. See, you dc in the same place you started from. Those first 3 chains and the last dc will form a 'v'.


Then for the remaining shells, skip the next 3 sc (from round 1) and dc in the next sc. This time, ch 4 and dc in the 4th ch from hook (treat the ch 4 like a foundation ch again). Then dc back in the same sc that you started the shell in to form the 'v' part of the shell. Now the first and last dc form the 'v'. Then keep going like that around.


I hope that helps, Julia! :)

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Hola, topper! :waving Glad to get you back on track with your 63 squares. What colors are you using? Are you following the book's color scheme or do you have one of your own?


Where are you having trouble with # 8? I had a hard time getting those FPdc's to line up properly. Finally I had to say heck with the directions. I studied the picture and then tried to copy it as best I could to get that chevron shape. Oh and don't worry too much about the wonkiness. Putting on the edging and sewing all the squares together gets it to behave nicely.


Beautiful kitties on your blog! I took your word match up and scored 5 out of 5! Fun!

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Hi Sara

Yep, there are Avatars for the wannabees . Here is the link -


A really sweet lady named Vickie ( Country Bumpkin ) made them for us . If you read a couple sentences down, it'll say complete file HERE - click on that . She mad one for any level you are at-- whether you have only one square done, or clear up to completely finished .

She did a great job with them-- they are so cute ! I have mine on my profile page now, since I finished this one and am now working on the Flower Garden. I thought I'd have to change to whatever one I'm working on at the time .

Go ahead in there and get you one, then you can change it as you progress !

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Sara -

As Sue said, that square just tends to come out a little wonky -- it'll be fine once you edge it and sew it into place !


And Julia -

Sue explained the edging so well, I don't think I could add any more to make it any clearer, but if you still can't get it, drop back in and I'll give it a go too !

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Hello pb&j thanks alot for the picture :hug I apreciate your effort on helping us ,that pictures was what I needed to see,because most of the time I get whatever with the pictures and not the instrutions and that was one of them.:lol thanks alot :hug :hug :day:ty and you know I finnished it lets start the party ,now:cake :jumpyay :jumpyay :jumpyay:woo :woo :party:applause:nworthy now is the picture to post it:photo and then :juggle between the 35 and the garden flower one ,girls thanks for all the help recieved .:hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug:cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer

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Way to go, Julia! :clap This 'ghan is quite an accomplishment when finished, isn't it? I look forward to seeing your finished 'ghan! :)

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Glad to hear that #8 is just naturally wonky. I'm still skipping it for now. I'm too much of a perfectionist and it will drive me crazy. If I wait to do it when I have a lot more progress, then I won't talk myself out of the project.


As for color scheme~I"m using RHSS in Ecru, Frosty Green and a light purple. I started square #26 last night, hope to report a finished square later tonight.



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Those colors sound lovely, Sara! :)


I'm like you, there were a few squares on this project that were not my favorite. However, there are many more squares that are just beautiful--simple, elegant and FLAT! I would recommend getting those wonky squares out of the way as soon as possible, however, saving too many of them for the end might be a bummer. :(


Whatever order you make your squares, your colors sound beautiful! :) Keep up the good work!

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Hey Juliekay it is a big accomplishment and I had so much fun with it that I started my flower garden I had some of the colors so why wait?i can get started .so I will se you girls at the flower afghan and as i figures the why to get my copies of the 35 printed well see you all there too.I am so happy to have finnshed and starting with the next.see you all soon bye now.

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Hi! Juliekay I just took the pictures, now I have to develope them but with all the holidays uuuufffffff! ,I'll be developing them on monday or tuesday and then you will see if I did a good job.:lol :lol :lol probebly I'll get them sooner I'm to anxious:yay :yay :yay :yay:D :D :D

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Congrats Julia! :yay:clap

Can't wait to see pics! You must be thrilled.


Topper, I had problems with #8 too and have skipped it. :think


Can't wait to hear more about everyone's progress.

I've been cranking out the squares this weekend, got to #35 then had to start skipping around because I ran out of a color of yarn.

Will update when I get home and get them all organized.

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Well nothing says you have to go in order! I think Celeste made all one color at first 'cuz she didn't have all her yarn on hand. That's the nice thing about the squares, one square doesn't hinge on the other until they're all done. Glad you had time to crochet at while visiting. :)

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Well - I never "officially" backed out - so I'm doing that now. I may jump back in at some point but for some reason I just can't seem to get myself "into" this crochetalong, even though I would love to do the afghan ... kudos to all of you who have done it! I'll be over in Lace & Bobbles. :D

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