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63 Wannabe Club


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Hi Gang -


I hope you are all well this morning ! We have our second snow of the year falling today. It's not real bad here, maybe a couple inches, but really cold ! :wbrr

Anyhow, my reason for posting this morning is that I think I'm going to have to sit out on round 2 of this afghan .Since I already made one of them , I just can't seem to get motivated enough to make a second . I will drop in just as frequently as before, so anyone who posts, I'll get back to you within the day. I have my account set up so that I get emails as soon as anyone posts in here . I'll be willing and happy to be here to help you in any way I can if you need it .

I am not saying I wouldn't LIKE to make a 2nd one of these, only that time constraints and the fact that I have other patterns I want to make is making it too hard for me .

I REALLY want to do another crochetalong after more of you are done with this one , of part 2 of this book. There is a pattern called 63 MORE Squares that I really want to do . I will wait awhile to get that one going ,maybe sometime after the first of the year. There is also the Scripture Afghan and the 52 Stitches Afghan -- they are all 3 possibilities for another crochetalong after a few more of you finish this one . If there's enough interest, I guess we can take vote and see which one you all would like to do next !

Anyhow, too many patterns, not enough time. I am not good at juggling several projects at a time . I like to concentrate totally on one til it is done, then move on to the next .

So, I'm still here.

Need help , holler ! :yell


Need a laugh ,I'll try to help you out !:haha


Need encouragement, ask .:blah

Need a little kick, I can do that too .:kick

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That's cool, Julie! Completely understandable. I thought you went above and beyond the call of the CAL duties by even starting another one but it's probably best not to have too many pots flying! ;)


Even though I'm done with mine too, I'll stop in to say hi and check progress. Whenever you start another CAL, I'm there! :)

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Ok I did it!!! I am finished!!!! Yipee!!! I am in the process of setting the pics at my blog. One is of my Hubby with his gahn He likes it and boy is it warm. I broke a sweat putting the boarder on it!!!!!!



I am ready for anotherCAL!! I have the book 63 more sq. It seems a little more challenging. I am also pumping out the 35 sq .

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OH BOY, Jimmie !


I can't wait to see your photos ! I just went to your blog, but must have gotten there before you had the photos up . :lol


I'll check back in here in a little bit . Gotta go grab a bite for lunch ~


Thanks SO much for offering to jump in on another crochetalong -- you guys are real troopers !

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:clap Hi jimmie lu what a wonderful job you did I love it,green is not my color but that one is awsome my hubby will end up just like your's if i would make him one like that keep on the good job.:yay :yay :lol
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I need help with Sq. #11 (Horizontal Relief). I don't know if what I'm doing is the right thing :think (mine doesn't look exactly like the picture). I'm not sure how to do the BPdc around the first post (right after you turn)... when I try to do it, it looks very messy :huh. At this point (12:47 AM :yawn) I'm totally confused :sigh. Any help will be greatly appreciated.





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Hi Eliany

Yes, that square was one of my least favorites. It seemed like I made that same square for about 12 hours straight.. you keep crocheting and crocheting, hold it up, and it's about 2 inches long. It took FOREVER .

Some of the other ladies had some trouble with it too as I recall. Just make sure you do your fpdc and bpdc into that first stitch on each row, or your square will turn into a triangle. It'll get shorter each row !

It's a little tricky and awkward going around that first stitch . Just look at the photo on pg 3 ,and follow it . Your edges might not look perfect on this square,since you have to make those stitches on the ends like that . As long as you have the same number of stitches each row, it will turn out fine. Once you edge it, it will straighten itself out a little more .

I hope you got some rest and just put it down last night and will try it today when you're more awake. That one was pretty challenging to MY patience ,even on a GOOD day.

Stop back in and let me know if you figured it out or are still stuck. I'll try to help you some more !

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Jimme! that ghan of yours is stunning! Your hubby looks pleased too! he should be! I am still struggling to get some yarn here! Well actually been lazy and didn't go shopping for yarn! Can you guys believe that??? Well some 4 years ago I would have been first in line when Michaels opened lol but the traffic here is so bad that I don't want to venture unless it is very very necessary! I am now on Sq #40! Yeah I know I am inching along but without the cream to edge I think I will do this one slowly!!! I did get my camera all set up so will post my pics of the finished squares soon!




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Long time, no see ! I've been thinking about you lately and wondering how you were doing . It is good to hear from you . 40 Squares is VERY good ! Keep it up, you'll be ready to join up for another crochetalong soon ! ( I hope so ,anyhow, it's been fun having you in this group ! )


Hope you get your other yarn soon and can finish up !

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I finished the graphics just in time! I have them all zipped up so everyone can grab them, Umm.... Juliue Kay, do you think whom ever is hosting the CAL would like to offer them on the CAL page with the banners? Let me know and I can send them off. I could also make a page where people can down load them off of.

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Ok I did it!!! I am finished!!!! Yipee!!! I am in the process of setting the pics at my blog. One is of my Hubby with his gahn He likes it and boy is it warm. I broke a sweat putting the boarder on it!!!!!!



I am ready for anotherCAL!! I have the book 63 more sq. It seems a little more challenging. I am also pumping out the 35 sq .


Congrats!! your afghan looks wonderful and I am sure you are glad it is completed!! Wonderful job!

Here is an avatar or just a graphic you can use to post on your blog.



I am going to find out from JulieKay where the rest can be downloaded for everyone but I just wanted to make sure you got yours since you just finished. Again, you did a wonderful job!

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Hi Vickie

Thanks so much for making the little graphics-- those are so cute ! I wish we had a way to put them in with our signature on here. Can we ? I'm not much into that kinda stuff ,so I don't know how to do any of it .

I will check with Donna regarding where we could put your graphics . She has the main page for the 63 with all the photos of the afghans ,etc . It may be a few days til we hear back from her. Her new babe is due within a week or so, I think !


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