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63 Wannabe Club


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I finally got my tote for the swap finished so that means Im back to the 63 squares. I have to get this ball rolling.


I did get hung up on square #12. Mine just doesnt look right. I wonder what Im doing wrong. Ive frogged it 5 times now but it keeps coming out funky shaped.

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Hi Nic --

I thought this was the same square someone else was just having trouble with and it was, so I'm going to be lazy and re-post the advice I gave them -- see if this helps any -

That danged square ranks right up there with the dreaded 17--- PREACHERCUSS .:devil

Boy, did I hate square # 11 . I got so sick of doing FPDC's and BPDC's ,row after row after row....... you'd do like 75 rows, and measure the square and it was only an inch long. ( at least that's what it seemed like ) .

The only thing I can think of that you may be doing , since it is getting skinnier each row, is that you might not be going around the last and /or first stitch of each row . The ch 1 doesn't really count as a stitch ( like when you make a ch 3, and it counts as your first dc ). You still have to make either your FP or BP AROUND the first stitch in your row .

Try that and see if that is the problem . If I remember right, that square did seem to turn out a little skinnier than some of the others, but once you edge it, it will help a little to make it lay flatter and spread out a little bit .

Hope this helps -- let me know !

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I'm just checking in to say hi! :waving I've finished 59, 60, 61 and am edging 62! Just ONE MORE SQUARE to go! :woo I'm spending a little time this afternoon getting some squares posted on my photo album.Hope everyone is coming along with their squares. Would love to hear about everyone's progress! :)

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lol! :lol Thanks, Julie! You and Celeste said how nice it was to do the border around the whole 'ghan that I can't wait to get started on that! :)

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Sue, I can't believe you are so close! Can't wait to see pics!


I finished 9 squares this weekend, 1-8 and 10. #9 just refused to cooperate. I had extra free time at a convention at a methodist conference center in GA with no TV in the rooms. Kinda peaceful, kinda creepy. But lots of free time to crochet. Hope to get pics up soon.

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Great job, Tandi! Keep up the good work! :tup I've finished ALL my squares and pics are uploaded to my album. :yay Now for the joining! I dislike whipstitching, it always seems to have less 'give' than the squares around it. Celeste and, I think Julie too, have either sc or sl st the squares together, is that right guys? I'll post a pic of the finished 'ghan as soon as I get it done! :)

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way to go sue. I would like to be apart of it also but ..... and that is a big but . I am doing a poncho for my daughter for christmas and one for my grand daughter and trying to put together a layett for a nice couple who after 3 years of trying and 4 miscaragges are having thier first baby next month. I am so excited for them . I am trying to make the layett as pretty as can be . When I finish I will post a picture.

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Thanks, Julie! :)


Norma, you're welcome to join in anytime! There are a bunch of people in this CAL at different stages of completion so you wouldn't be alone. :)

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Where'd everyone go today ? This place has been as dead as a doornail . Has anyone made any progress on your squares ? How about those 2 that were having trouble with number 11 ? Did you guys get it figured out yet ?

Don't let one stubborn square ruin the whole afghan !


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Hi all! I started joining squares last night. It may be slow going since I need to divide my time between this 'ghan and a Christmas 'ghan and other Christmas crafts that I need to make some progress on. You know what :ttalk is next week! Which means Christmas projects need to get done and in the mail ASAP!


Hope everyone is coming along with their squares! Stop in and say hi! :pilgrim

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I had trouble with one sq. not sure which one so I made a substitution. Oh well!! I tried and tried and could no get it. I am making slow:( progress due to christmas stuff also. I should be able to have another row done by next week. I have 5 rows done and stitched. So when my sq are done all I will need to do is the boarder. YAHOOO!!!

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Has anyone had trouble with their squares leaning to one side? :think Mine did this bad on #9 and 10. Any advice? When I stretch them out they look okay, I'm thinking I may block them and see if that works but I haven't had any experience with blocking before. Did anyone else block their squares?

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I didnt block any of mine either, although if you want to try it you can. Some of mine turned out a little whopper-jawed too, but one edged and sewn into place, they looked fine !



I was hoping you guys would say that!

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