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63 Wannabe Club


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Hope all goes well with your daughter, Margaret. Sounds like you'll be pretty busy. We look forward to hearing from you. Hopefully all will work out well with the airline and you can have something fun to do on the plane. :)

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Geeze, I never thought I'd get to crochet again the way things have been so busy aruond here, but I did it last night. I made the decision I had to get back on track and I finished 2 more squares and started #11.

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Thank you so much for the encouragement, ladies!! I know I sure need it when things get busy and the season is hitting where every day is packed full of things to do before the holidays are over. I just want to keep plugging along even if it is a few rows on a square to know I have not abandonded the project all together. I know you ladies know what I mean :)

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Celeste! your ghan is so beautiful! I am chugging slowly cause my yarn seller said that he would try and get more yarn for me(yippee!) by next week! I am now at square # 30!!!


Sue Way to go just one more square !!!


Cheering on for all the other ladies who are plugging away like me:)




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Pictures, pictures! Check them out on my blog, and here! Don't mind the wrinkles. . . cats raced across is only moments before! :2eek:cat


Thank you for all of your encouragement, ladies! You're the best!:manyheart


Wow! Congrats on finishing this big project. It looks awesome :cheer

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I am on a bit of a break until the weekend I am trying to do a pillow gahn by thursday. Sure hope I can:whew So I am also about to kill my PC because of this blogg. You see I am the type of person who will loose sleep over not being able to figure things out. Everyone has beautiful blogs and mine is well :sick . I have a week off from Homeschooling for Thanksgiving so look out I wanna have it done by the end of that vacation!!! or am I:coo

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Keep plugging away at the blog, Jimmie Lu. Just add one thing at a time and before you know it, your blog will be spiffy. :) The book, 'Essential Blogging' published by O'Reilly was very helpful to me. It's one of those O'Reilly books with the animals on the cover; this one has wild cats. (Here in Silicon Valley, O'Reilly books are BIG!) Anyway, the books is simple, to the point and easy to read.


My dh has mainly helped me with the HTML that you'll encounter in Blogger's 'template' area however, I did get a book called 'HTML For The World Wide Web' by Elizabeth Castro which is geared toward beginners.


Crochetville also has a blog info in the Library section with helpful hints.

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Progress: I've completed squares 49, 50, 51, and 52! *phew!* I'm working on square 53 which is called crossed-puff stitch. This square uses an inordinate amount of yarn! Feels like a whole skein! Sheesh!


The good news is that I'm on the 10-squares-to-go count down! This is very exciting! ;)

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Okay, now that everyone is finishing up, I think I will get started! I bought this book about six years ago because it said "Easy" on the cover. I got frustrated and put it down and moved several times since then so now I can't find it.

But my skills are considerably better now and, well, I have you guys if I get stumped, and a friend at work and I are going to tackle it together. I've replaced the book (for half price, thanks to HL) and I'm ready to give it a go.

I just couldn't decide on color. I want to use Caron SS but their colors are pretty limited and I want something to go with my living room so I'll actually use it. The best I could come up with is black and khaki and cream. What do you guys think?

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Ooh! Those colors sound really pretty, Tandi. I'm sure the 'ghan will be a lot easier to make now that you're more experienced. I found the same to be true for myself when I got better at reading patterns. :)


There are still plenty of people in this CAL at different rates of completion, you won't be alone. Just give a yell if you need any help. ;)

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Hello everybody!


Celeste... your afghan is GORGEOUS! :clap


Sue, you're almost done!!! :cheer :cheer :cheer There you go... 3 cheerleaders! You'll be done in no time.


I've been a bad girl :(... still working on #6. I thought I was going to achieve a lot during the weekend but... nooooooooooo... still going very slow. I think I need Julie's baseball bat guy to make me hurry up! I'll try to work on that tonight. Right now, I need to go back to work :sigh.


Edited to add:

Is it just me or square 5 is a little bit of a pain to make???

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I think your colors sound cool I did olive,tan,and cream trimmed in black and I think it is very woodsie:lol

Okay, now that everyone is finishing up, I think I will get started! I bought this book about six years ago because it said "Easy" on the cover. I got frustrated and put it down and moved several times since then so now I can't find it.

But my skills are considerably better now and, well, I have you guys if I get stumped, and a friend at work and I are going to tackle it together. I've replaced the book (for half price, thanks to HL) and I'm ready to give it a go.

I just couldn't decide on color. I want to use Caron SS but their colors are pretty limited and I want something to go with my living room so I'll actually use it. The best I could come up with is black and khaki and cream. What do you guys think?

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Hello everybody!


Celeste... your afghan is GORGEOUS! :clap


Sue, you're almost done!!! :cheer :cheer :cheer There you go... 3 cheerleaders! You'll be done in no time.


I've been a bad girl :(... still working on #6. I thought I was going to achieve a lot during the weekend but... nooooooooooo... still going very slow. I think I need Julie's baseball bat guy to make me hurry up! I'll try to work on that tonight. Right now, I need to go back to work :sigh.


Edited to add:

Is it just me or square 5 is a little bit of a pain to make???


Thanks, Eliany! I need lots of encouragement with these last few gigantic green squares!


Don't worry about progress, just keep plugging away, just don't put it away! :eek


Yes, on # 5 that front loop, back loop bit made me think, 'geez, make up your mind!'

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Tandi, those colors sound good to me! I know what you mean about the limited colors -- I had to use a different brand for the pink, because the Caron 1-pounder was just too. . . PINK.



Sue, I hated #53! It's a yarn :pig, and it's also really easy to pull too tight on some and too loose on others. Good luck!:cheer



And THANKS, Lanik!!!

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It went together really well! I did a slip stitch joining (b/c I hate whipstitching), and it went pretty quickly because I was careful to edge all of my squares exactly the same. This really helped with the ones that were a little too big/small, because it forced them into place. I'm running it through the giant machines at my apartment complex today, so that should help everything settle into place even more.


My favorite part was the edging, definitely!:yay It went so quickly, and looks much fancier than it is! I'll probably use it on my aunt's comfortghan, too.

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Hi Celeste-


I'm glad it went together so easily for you . I thought that was the easiest part. I didn't use the fancy, pretty edging on mine, since it was made in those colors-- it looked too manly to me to make a frilly looking edging. The next one I do, I'd like to make the pretty edging though .


Isn't it such a great feeling of accomplishment to have it done ?


And I hear Sue is not far behind !!!!


Great job, you guys . I hope to start up the 63 MORE about Jan. 1st -- that will give everyone time to finish up this one, or the 35 , or whatever holiday projects they may be working on . Then we can start the new year out fresh with the 63 MORE !!!

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