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63 Wannabe Club


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:rant Don't make me get my BALL BAT out !!!!


Oh, no! Not the bat! :lol


Thanks for the edging tip! Sounds like a quick and easy way to join the squares. Wip-stitching is a DRAG! I'd rather crochet the squares together. :)


I've finished square 44 and just need to put the second row of edging on. Looks like the next batch of squares are very pretty, just the kind I like to do. ;)

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Sue!!! :ty so much for your tip on edging the squares. Hugs going your way:hug. Your anal retentiveness work fine with my OCD (self diagnosed by the way). I did my math, calculated the amount of sc per row and it worked! I have an even square... now I can't wait to keep going!!! Not a whole lot of progress because of classes & research, but I'm waiting for the weekend to crochet and crochet.


Last night I finished square 5... I'll try to take pictures to set up an album.


Have a nice day everybody! :bounce


~Eliany :hook


Your welcome, Eliany! Glad that worked for you. Getting the right number of edging stitches can be frustrating. Whenever I finish a squares I say, yay! and then I say, boo! now I have to edge it! :(


I look forward to seeing your pics! :)

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...speaking of pics...I just posted pics of squares 36 - 44 over at photobucket; a link is listed below. I used Celeste's method of scanning instead of using the digital camera. It worked pretty well once I got the hang of it! :D

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I will post this in both threads today-- here and the 35 granny group so you can all see it . I told you I ordered the following booklet from Jennie - I just got it today in the mail, and MY GOSH is it pretty ... It MAY be the prettiest square sampler I have ever seen .

She checked her stock and has .... get this .... 3 DOZEN in stock .

I am urging any and all of you that are interested in taking part in this crochetalong to please get your orders in for this one -- it is also out of print. She will be able to get NO MORE after this 3 dozen are gone .

The info is listed again below for it -- it is well worth your money -- it also makes a matching pillow . JUST LOVELY !!!!!!

LA2864 STITCH-A-WEEK AFGHAN ($7.00) patterns for 52 sampler blocks with

instructions for an afghan, in worsted wt. yarn


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Julie, you're a maniac! I think you've planned enough CALs to get us through next summer!!! And I'm SO IN!!!:hook


Great news. . . I'm DONE!


Pictures will be up as soon as I can fanagle my neighbor's digicam away from him. Shouldn't be too hard!!! I've also officially begun my 35 squares. 5 down, 30 to go!!!:yay

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Cannot WAIT to see your finished afghan !

Tell your neighbor you'll let him hold your afghan for a minute if you can use his camera !

Talk about ME being a maniac ! You went right from the 63 -- BAM into the 35 !

Great job on getting the first 5 done already !

Yes, I may be like a kid in a candy store here with all these sampler afghans I've got lined up . We'll just have to take them one at a time and see how much interest we keep in them . For now, I am SO excited at the progress our Wannabees have made -- we havent been at that for very long, and already have had great success --- 3 totally done, a couple more about 2/3 done , and plenty more that are chugging right along .

We'll just have to play it by ear and see how things go ,and if the interest grows or shrinks on the rest of them. I need to learn to concentrate on just one at a time, but I seem to have the habit of lining up projects for the next 6 months ---

I need to concentrate right now on my 35 . I am making 2 at once, both for gifts . The squares are so easy and so pretty and it's really not gonna be a LARGE afghan, just a nice size .

THEN we'll see what we can get into next !:eek

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You all are doing so wonderfully on your squares. I have come to a standstill untill I get the Christmas Projects done. I have a hard time multi-tasking my crochet projects. I have this thing about finishing what I start all at one time...lol:hook. I should be done my projects soon.

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Hi Tonya -

Long time, no see ! Sounds like you're busy with a lot of projects going at once. I have a little bit of the opposite problem. I THINK about doing 20 projects at once ,but really only have a one-track mind when it comes to working on them. I can't seem to get any of them finished if I try to work on more than one at a time, so it's a real dilemma.

My brain needs to slow down to the speed that my hook will go ... not easy sometimes !

We'll be waiting to hear your progress when you get back to your 63 !

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WOW!! Ya'll have been busy little bees...or wannabees for that matter. :bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee:bee

Its been a busy week, so I haven't been able to do too much....its frustrating. I have finished square #18 and I really need to go and buy the yarn that I plan to edge with, so I can edge all of the squares I have done thus far, ugh! This is a pretty pain in the tush afghan, but you have proven that it can be done!:yay:yay:yay

So, hopefully, I will get the first 18 edged this weekend and can pick up and start #19...ect. Aye yay aye! Will it ever get done????? LOL:lol


So the 35 grannies is easy?? :think Hmmmmmmmmm....tell me that I need to finish the 63 first!!!!!:(:(:(:(:(:(

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Howdy Kim --

Yes, the 63 is definitely a challenge and at times, will get on your last nerve . :bang BUT you can do it !!!

You already have a good running start on it, so don't give up now. And it's probably a good idea to edge as you go along so you don't have to go back through and do them all later .

What colors did you say you were using -- I'm sorry if I asked you before -- I lose track sometimes .

Yes, just think, you get to do a simple one next when you get this one done .

Keep on plugging along -- we won't let you down -- we're your backup people here .:manyheart

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Kim, keep up the good work! :cheer This 'ghan has it's challenges but keep plugging away at it and you'll be half done before you know it! I finished square 45 yesterday but I'm having a hard time staying motivated since I'm not wild about a bunch of squares in the 40's but this group has kept me going! :cheer


Tonya, good luck with all your Christmas projects. We look forward to hearing from you soon! :)

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Thanks guys....you really do help, and its most appreciated.:blush

I actually just got #19 done...if only they were all that easy.


Julie-I'm the one who is using they gray yarn with the white and black flecks in it. And I'm going to edge using black yarn. This is what the hubby wanted since it was HIS blanket. The only thing I don't care for is the fleck parts tend to distort the pattern of the square a little bit-if that makes sense.:rolleyes


Sue-Congrats on #45:woo:woo:woo

Thats good stuff and I can't wait to see your finished product!


Celeste-you should be so proud....congratulations!:bounce:bounce:bounce


I look forward to making my own blanket and using the colors I would want, of course there are many ahead of myself...isn't that always the way?


I check in later....hope you all have a wonderful day!!!:flower:flower:flower

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Hi everyone,

Just checking in to report my small progress to date.

I now have ten squares finished (in no particular order) edged and ends woven in. I must be the slowest 63 Wannabe on the board but I will be in til the end :hook

I have to go to UK unexpectedly on Monday and will be gone for two weeks or so. I am hoping to crochet at the airport and on the plane!!!!!!! Please let there be no restrictions. I don't want to lose my hook :worried

I should still have Internet access :compute while I'm gone so can check back now and again.

Congratulations Celeste on finishing! I can't wait to see your finished afghan.



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Hi Margaret! :waving Good job on your squares! Even though some are done with the 'ghan there's still plenty of us left that are still working on it!


I flew on British Airways to London last summer and I couldn't bring a hook, if you're flying with them you might want to check again. I flew to Texas on American, I think, and was able to bring a plastic hook. If you're not sure or can't get in touch with a human at the airline to ask, you could always bring your yarn and an extra plastic hook and if they take the hook, it won't be a big loss. But if they don't, think of the marathon you can have crocheting on the plane! :plane


Either way, have a safe trip! :)

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I've flown Southwest and JetBlue with plastic, and seen people on board with METAL. We're talking size 14 knitting needles, aka vampire hunting tools. Every airline is different!!!



Thank you all for the congrats :) I'll try to post pics this weekend. I can't wait for everyone to finish, so we can all add this afghan to our list of Major Mega Ultra Achievements!:clap

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Well, I figure the worst that can happen is that they will take my hook. I'd rather take the chance and try to get away with it than sit bored stiff for hours on end.

My daughter flew back to UK last week. Her plane was delayed and they spent six and a half hours in the airport - enough to drive me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have managed another two squares today bringing my grand total to twelve. I seem like I can only get two done per day but I'm plugging away.

Can't wait to see your pic!



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I flew Northwest/KLM with massive plastic knitting needles and had no trouble. I also called the airline customer service before hand and asked. As for scissors, I took the children's plastic round end kind that barely have enough metal between to cut, but they worked well enough and I got not second looks.

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I'm not officially a wannabe but I'm working on the 63 sqares ghan too and trying to get the folks in the other thread up and going again as well. (But I think that everyone came over here.) Anyway...I've been following this thread and wanted to comment on flying with our hooks.


I had to fly this summer. It was the first time I've flown since my daughter was 5 (she is now 12) and my how things have changed!!!!


Before we left I checked with the Transportation Security Department on weather I could take my regular hooks with me and I found that I could. Knitting and Crochet are permitted for both carry on and checked baggage. I don't know how certain airlines can ban them when the TSA says it's ok. I guess each airline has the right to stricter standards but I'd be pretty mad if I was told I had to leave them there when I had checked before hand and the TSA said it was ok.


Here is the .pdf file of permitted and prohibited items. It was just revised 9/6/05.

Here is the TSA Airtravel page if you want to poke around.


I suppose you could always arrive at the airport extra early so you have time to go back and put the hooks in your car or even take a padded envelope and mail your hooks back to yourself from the airport. I've always seen mailboxes and Fed Ex stations at the airports I've been to.


BTW...I have a whopping 6 squares done and I started this project ages ago. *sigh*



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I flew to Tx in April for mission work. I was unable to take my metal hooks when I asked ahead however they did not stop me from bringing my plastic ones. I measured precut for granny sq. And made up a bunch of balls as to be able to crochet. However I was so motion sick I couldnt do it. An the way home jet lag had me and I slept the whole way. If you are flying its best to check with your airlines as to their regulations

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Hi Gina,

Thanks for the info.

I'm in Spain and will be flying with a small UK airline Flybe.

I'm just going to take the chance - bury my hook in a nice fat ball of yarn and hope for the best. I'll let you know what happens!

About your six squares..........maybe JulieKay can help you to increase your output with the help of her baseball bat :devil

I'm crawling along with an output of two squares per day but if we just do even a little each day we WILL finish it.

I want my afghan finished before Christmas. That's my goal. What's yours?







I'm not officially a wannabe but I'm working on the 63 sqares ghan too and trying to get the folks in the other thread up and going again as well. (But I think that everyone came over here.) Anyway...I've been following this thread and wanted to comment on flying with our hooks.


I had to fly this summer. It was the first time I've flown since my daughter was 5 (she is now 12) and my how things have changed!!!!


Before we left I checked with the Transportation Security Department on weather I could take my regular hooks with me and I found that I could. Knitting and Crochet are permitted for both carry on and checked baggage. I don't know how certain airlines can ban them when the TSA says it's ok. I guess each airline has the right to stricter standards but I'd be pretty mad if I was told I had to leave them there when I had checked before hand and the TSA said it was ok.


Here is the .pdf file of permitted and prohibited items. It was just revised 9/6/05.

Here is the TSA Airtravel page if you want to poke around.


I suppose you could always arrive at the airport extra early so you have time to go back and put the hooks in your car or even take a padded envelope and mail your hooks back to yourself from the airport. I've always seen mailboxes and Fed Ex stations at the airports I've been to.


BTW...I have a whopping 6 squares done and I started this project ages ago. *sigh*



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Thanks for the TSA link, Gina! That's going to come in handy in the future. Both my flight were pre 9/6/05 and I had to rely on calling the airline for information. When I brought my plastic hook through security, nobody even took it out to look at it. Hmm..I should either be relieved or worried! :eek


Anyway, as for scissors, I brought on of these, thread cutters, that I wore as a pendant. No problems there either. Good luck with your flight, Margaret! Will you be able to pick up lots of yarn in England? :) Two squares a day is plenty! You'll make great progress at that rate.


Gina, there's lots of us at different stages of this project, we'd love to have you join us and hear about your progress! There's no official form here; it's just low key with lots of encouragement. Julie is a wonderful cheerleader. :cheer


Progress: I've finished 47 and 48! I still need to edge 48 and hope to get 49 done today so I can officially be in the 50's! Woo hoo.:yay

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I have one of those Clover pendants already that I use for my cross stitch. If anyone else is thinking about buying one they are excellent.

I'd love to think I'd get the chance to fondle "real" yarn rather than buying online but I'm not sure how much time I might get for shopping. I'm going home because my daughter is going into hospital for five days. I'll be looking after an eighteen month old and a five year old.:help Help!

I will have access to the PC so should still be able to check in now and again.

Great job Sue - you are nearly there!






Thanks for the TSA link, Gina! That's going to come in handy in the future. Both my flight were pre 9/6/05 and I had to rely on calling the airline for information. When I brought my plastic hook through security, nobody even took it out to look at it. Hmm..I should either be relieved or worried! :eek


Anyway, as for scissors, I brought on of these, thread cutters, that I wore as a pendant. No problems there either. Good luck with your flight, Margaret! Will you be able to pick up lots of yarn in England? :) Two squares a day is plenty! You'll make great progress at that rate.


Gina, there's lots of us at different stages of this project, we'd love to have you join us and hear about your progress! There's no official form here; it's just low key with lots of encouragement. Julie is a wonderful cheerleader. :cheer


Progress: I've finished 47 and 48! I still need to edge 48 and hope to get 49 done today so I can officially be in the 50's! Woo hoo.:yay

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