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Why, Oh, Why??

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Why in the world did I not weave in the ends of the 20+ washcloths I made as Christmas gifts??? What possessed me to leave to do later? :eek


I forgot about it too. My DD was digging through my stuff last night (she likes to look through all the stuff I've done) and she pulled out the huge stack of washcloths and I saw all the tails and just about passed out. And here it is a little over a week until Christmas. And this is going to take forever.


Lesson learned....no more waiting to weave in ends!! :oops

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I second the Christmas Movie! :) I always watch TV and crochet seems to go by faster. Oh make sure it's something you have watched before incase you get side tracked you won't get lost in the movie. LOL

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I totally would, but my crochet time is limited to my one year old's nap times. And that time is shared with other things I need to get done and can't while he's awake (like cleaning. lol). He loves yarn, so he won't leave what I'm doing alone if I try to work on crochet stuff while he's awake! Only 3 hours a day to clean house and crochet....those 3 hours go QUICK when you have a million things to do!


I think if I can weave in the tails on 4 or 5 a day, I'll be done in time to wrap them for Christmas!


I will never wait like that again.

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Do a few at a time, so it won't seem like a chore. As your little guy is munching on Cheerios in the high chair, do a few.


When he's napping, do a couple more.


When he's in the tub with your husband watching him, do a few more.


Find a few minutes here and there and get them done.


If you break it down, it won't seem like so much. Good luck.



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I understand completely. I have a bag full of over 40 chemo caps with tails that need weaving in sitting next to my chair. I thought I would do them so I could take them to my November appointment at my oncologist. But no I just could not do it. I was telling myself I needed to finish some caps for my church's clothes closet for December instead. I listened to myself. Not sure if that was a good idea. So I have promised myself I will have them done to take to my February appointment. I think I will follow the advice posted by some here in this thread and do a few at a time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Once I made a ripple afghan with changing colors and... you guessed it — waited till the finish to hide the ends. That cured me. NEVER again will I wait quite like that. A few ends, maybe, but dozens?


This inspired me to pull out my ripple afghan and hide the tails now rather than wait until the end. I loathe hiding them.

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I think that the "mountain" of tails is the best cure for procrastination. I had my moment a few years back and now my yarn needle is right to hand and every tail gets treated immediately.


So, strangely, it is because I hate weaving ends that I weave ends. :wlol

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This inspired me to pull out my ripple afghan and hide the tails now rather than wait until the end. I loathe hiding them.
You won't regret it... like I did about waiting. :eek


I do have to say I'm working on a baby blanket in Caron Simply Soft at a loose gauge and have waited till I reach the border to hide them. I made sure to change yarns at ends of rows so all the tails should be hide-able when that border goes on. I hope they hide well, anyway.

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