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Sunny Day Hat


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My boys' aunt is losing her hair. She's been very sick. I made her this hat & sent it up to her today. It's the first of many I plan on making for her. This one was just a quickie to give her something to wear instead of a bandana.




It's just a simple DC with a K hook done in Loops & Threads Charisma in color "Sunny Day". I had an extra skein from the baby set I did a couple weeks ago.

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I chained 5 and joined to form a ring. Then ch2, and 9dc into the ring, join to top of ch2 for a total of 10dc.


ch2, dc in same sp, 2dc in each dc around, join. (20dc)


ch 2, dc in same sp, dc in next dc, *2 dc in next dc, dc in next dc* around, join (30dc)


continue increasing adding a dc between the 2dc in same stitch until there are 50 dc around on round 5


work even for desired length.


cut yarn and weave in ends.


Charisma is a bulky yarn. If you use a smaller yarn and hook just make sure your circle is at least 6 ~ 6.5 inches across before you begin working even.

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