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Mitts for Mom: Elegant Wrist Warmers


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Mom's been complaining that her hands are already cold when she crochets ar night, now that fall has arrived. So I'm making her a couple of things: a knit Cedar Wrap, and two crocheted fingerless mitts. Here's the first pair, CroJulee's Elegant Wrist Warmers. They're a little big on me,s o I think that means they should fit Mom perfectly. And red is her favorite color. Easy and fun to make.



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Oh I like those! I've got "driving gloves" on the list for my husband for Christmas. Kinda the same idea. TYFS!

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They came out great!!!! I gave a pair of fingerless mitts to a co-worker for her birthday since she was always saying how cold her hands were. She loves them, as I'm sure your Mom will love hers!!! Great color, BTW!!!!

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