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Everyone's normal day involves performing life support for sting rays right? I have the coolest job!


You and little sis are very welcome Mama! You know I love you more than my yarn! :hug


I hope you're doing well Ann. I may not say it but I do thnk of you and all the gang here often. :hug




You DO have the coolest job! Was bragging about you just today to someone at work!


Yup, I sure know about the love part! Back at cha!


Mama K

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Very cool job, Sue!!!! Sounds more cool and fun and more paradise-like than the place I call paradise!!!


Kuddles- I am sooooo happy that all is in place for Baby K!!! WOOTIE, WOOT, WOOTINGTON!!!!!! Will go take a look at the felted turtle Sue sent Baby K-- I'm sure it is AWESOME!!!


Ann- Glad you got a nap in today-- I could have used some rest around 3, but had to keep going till 6!!! Now I'm having coffee so I go to sleep at regular time--or I'll be totally getting up at around 3


Thinking of you all!

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Hi all, been busy this week. It's spring break and I've had the boys more than I thought I would since DD is also on spring break. But beginning next week, she will have them more as she's dropping out of her classes. It's beginning to take a toll on her and the oldest GS. She's also looking for a new job. So we'll see how it goes. I'm still looking for another job as well.


Ann - hope you're feeling better.


Joanne - just one more day and its the weekend!!!


Sue - you have an awesome job--lucky you.


Oliveoil - what a great story, thanks for sharing it. I made a coworker one for Christmas and her daughter took away from her (she's 16), so I made her another one for her going away gift and told her to keep it away from her daughter!


Thanks for the prayers for Pam. I'll be making her a prayer shawl and getting it to her as soon as I can.


Well, I'd better get ready for bed.

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Good morning and Happy, Happy Friday!!!!!


I'll be so glad when I can say at the end of the day--It's the weekend!!!!


Sherry- Good luck to you and DD on your respective job searches!


Wishing you all a good day!!!

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Good morning all!!!


Well Sue has done it! DD hasn't put down the felted turtle she sent her and now is asking questions about turtles (had to email Sue to ask DD's question: can turtles kiss or lick their babies, answer was no) and wrote an easter bunny letter asking for a turtle book! It's all Sue's fault! (But I love her anyway!)


I agree Joanne, so happy it is Friday. Did NOT sleep last nite! No reason not to, just didn't! Grrrrrr....luckily boss is still out so I can move slowly today and the kids at my school leave at 11:30 so will be quiet!


Well here's hoping we all have a great day!


Mama K

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Good morning! Its' Pajama Day today at day care, so the boys are already to go - LOL. I just love pajama day, no fighting on what to wear! Wish I could wear mine but I work in the church office and not the day care, so I have to dress up :( Little GS keeps asking me why I can't wear my pjs, just doesn't understand.


My boss has been out most of the week, so I've gotten a lot done and it's been relatively quiet.


Mama K - glad DD loves the new turtle. Will have to go and see the pic of it.


Have a great day!!

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Good Morning All! I got in another decent night's sleep! Woot! So hard to believe! :lol I'll take it though! Now I need to get in the shower and get ready to go pick up our taxes. Good news is we're getting $$$ back! :cheer Might be a little shopping trip in my near future! :devil:yarn


Everyone's normal day involves performing life support for sting rays right? I have the coolest job!


I hope you're doing well Ann. I may not say it but I do thnk of you and all the gang here often. :hug



What a cool job you have!!! And thanks for the hugs and the thoughts. :hug


Ann- Glad you got a nap in today-- I could have used some rest around 3, but had to keep going till 6!!! Now I'm having coffee so I go to sleep at regular time--or I'll be totally getting up at around 3


Thinking of you all!



Hi all, been busy this week. It's spring break and I've had the boys more than I thought I would since DD is also on spring break. But beginning next week, she will have them more as she's dropping out of her classes. It's beginning to take a toll on her and the oldest GS. She's also looking for a new job. So we'll see how it goes. I'm still looking for another job as well.



Thanks for the prayers for Pam. I'll be making her a prayer shawl and getting it to her as soon as I can.


Well, I'd better get ready for bed.

Best of luck on your and your DD's job search! :hug


Good morning and Happy, Happy Friday!!!!!


I'll be so glad when I can say at the end of the day--It's the weekend!!!!


Wishing you all a good day!!!

Weekend's almost here! Hopefully you'll get to relax all weekend! :hug


Good morning all!!!


Well Sue has done it! DD hasn't put down the felted turtle she sent her and now is asking questions about turtles (had to email Sue to ask DD's question: can turtles kiss or lick their babies, answer was no) and wrote an easter bunny letter asking for a turtle book! It's all Sue's fault! (But I love her anyway!)


I agree Joanne, so happy it is Friday. Did NOT sleep last nite! No reason not to, just didn't! Grrrrrr....luckily boss is still out so I can move slowly today and the kids at my school leave at 11:30 so will be quiet!


Well here's hoping we all have a great day!


Mama K

Oh Mama, not good!:hug Are you trying to take my place? :lol Hope you can get some sleep tonight. It's so cute how much Baby K loves her turtle! It's nice that she has developed an interest in them too!


Good morning! Its' Pajama Day today at day care, so the boys are already to go - LOL. I just love pajama day, no fighting on what to wear! Wish I could wear mine but I work in the church office and not the day care, so I have to dress up :( Little GS keeps asking me why I can't wear my pjs, just doesn't understand.


My boss has been out most of the week, so I've gotten a lot done and it's been relatively quiet.


Mama K - glad DD loves the new turtle. Will have to go and see the pic of it.


Have a great day!!

I think you should be allowed to wear PJ's today too! :D



Have a wonderful Friday everyone!!! :hug

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Hi all, been busy this week. It's spring break and I've had the boys more than I thought I would since DD is also on spring break. But beginning next week, she will have them more as she's dropping out of her classes. It's beginning to take a toll on her and the oldest GS. She's also looking for a new job. So we'll see how it goes. I'm still looking for another job as well.


Ann - hope you're feeling better.


Joanne - just one more day and its the weekend!!!


Sue - you have an awesome job--lucky you.


Oliveoil - what a great story, thanks for sharing it. I made a coworker one for Christmas and her daughter took away from her (she's 16), so I made her another one for her going away gift and told her to keep it away from her daughter!


Thanks for the prayers for Pam. I'll be making her a prayer shawl and getting it to her as soon as I can.


Well, I'd better get ready for bed.


You know what perplexes me??? My friends seem to get more enjoyment out of my SBT's than my own family!! So when this young girl went all "gaga" over all of the SBT's.......I was so thrilled!! Even her mother liked the totes!! And then there was my middle sister(she was there too), she didn't say anything!! I mean, "Really"!! Oh well, I'm proud that I am very crafty......don't make any $$$$(much to my dh's dismay--:lol)but as long as my hands don't hurt too much.....I will stay crocheting, knitting,& sewing!! :chook:hook

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I got a call from my cousin that is supposed to be visiting from OR tomorrow. She is in MA, but has the flu! :( She is supposed to be staying at a cousin's house, but is renting a motel room so she doesn't spread her germs around. Hopefully she will feel better in a day or two so we can still get together. I just feel so bad for her. She gets sick every time she comes home, but usually it's not this bad!

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You know what perplexes me??? My friends seem to get more enjoyment out of my SBT's than my own family!! So when this young girl went all "gaga" over all of the SBT's.......I was so thrilled!! Even her mother liked the totes!! And then there was my middle sister(she was there too), she didn't say anything!! I mean, "Really"!! Oh well, I'm proud that I am very crafty......don't make any $$$$(much to my dh's dismay--:lol)but as long as my hands don't hurt too much.....I will stay crocheting, knitting,& sewing!! :chook:hook

You keep on hooking stitching and pointy sticking!!!!:) When my stepdaughter was here visiting and we were going out to the beach, she said, oh, I wish I had a smaller bag to take instead of the big ole diaper bag. SBT to the rescue!!! I still have a few left that I made and didn't gift yet. She was over the moon and loved it!!! Made me feel great!:manyheart

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I got a call from my cousin that is supposed to be visiting from OR tomorrow. She is in MA, but has the flu! :( She is supposed to be staying at a cousin's house, but is renting a motel room so she doesn't spread her germs around. Hopefully she will feel better in a day or two so we can still get together. I just feel so bad for her. She gets sick every time she comes home, but usually it's not this bad!

Oh, that's a shame! Positive thoughts that she recovers quickly and can visit!!!:hug

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Just have to say--WOOT!!!! IT'S THE WEEKEND!!!!


Going to meet up with a few friends from the Ville tomorrow morning and then seeing the little guy in the afternoon. Trying to get some of the weekend chores done tonight!

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Hi all!


Olive - I hear ya! Don't worry, I am sure all you crochet is awesome!


Joanne - Woot for the weekend! So jealous you have ville people near you! Enjoy!


Ann - ah that is too bad! Poor thing!


Well need to get back to Baby K ....letting her stay up late tonite!


Mama K

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Happy Saturday! Feeling ok so far today! (been up a whole hour :lol) I worked on gd's scarf last night. Just have the border and embroidery left to do! Then it's on to the cupcake purse. I forgot to ask gd #2 what colors she wants so I'll give her a call this weekend. Hopefully I have them on hand! Looks like we're going back to some cooler temps! It's only 47 degrees out. DH says he heard we're supposed to get a frost this week! Crazy, crazy weather! Hope it doesn't hurt the trees. The maples are already starting to leaf out! Have a fantastic weekend everyone! :hug


You keep on hooking stitching and pointy sticking!!!!:) When my stepdaughter was here visiting and we were going out to the beach, she said, oh, I wish I had a smaller bag to take instead of the big ole diaper bag. SBT to the rescue!!! I still have a few left that I made and didn't gift yet. She was over the moon and loved it!!! Made me feel great!:manyheart

WOOT for SBT's!!!


Oh, that's a shame! Positive thoughts that she recovers quickly and can visit!!!:hug

Thanks! :hug


Just have to say--WOOT!!!! IT'S THE WEEKEND!!!!


Going to meet up with a few friends from the Ville tomorrow morning and then seeing the little guy in the afternoon. Trying to get some of the weekend chores done tonight!

Awww, have a great time!


Hi all!


Ann - ah that is too bad! Poor thing!


Well need to get back to Baby K ....letting her stay up late tonite!


Mama K

Thank you!

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Good morning all,


It is cooler out here today too than it has been all week. Rain is in the forecast. We can use some, but it would be really nice if it came during the week instead of the weekend!!! But I won't let it dampen my spirits! :)


Been busy here this morning and in a few hours will be going to my meet-up!


Hope you all have a wonderful day!

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Hello everyone!


Joanne, have fun! Ann, hope today is a good one for you, sounds like you are busy!


Gotta leave here soon, quick dr appt. Rain today here too and cooler, like Joanne. That's okay! Got stuff to do in the house!


Have a great day all!

Mama K

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Good morning all,


It is cooler out here today too than it has been all week. Rain is in the forecast. We can use some, but it would be really nice if it came during the week instead of the weekend!!! But I won't let it dampen my spirits! :)


Been busy here this morning and in a few hours will be going to my meet-up!


Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Why does it always seem that the rain comes on the weekend or when we have plans? :lol I just checked and we're expecting rain later today and tomorrow too. Have a great time at the meet-up! :cheer


Hello everyone!


Joanne, have fun! Ann, hope today is a good one for you, sounds like you are busy!


Gotta leave here soon, quick dr appt. Rain today here too and cooler, like Joanne. That's okay! Got stuff to do in the house!


Have a great day all!

Mama K

I'm having a good day, but trying to take it easy. I know if I overdo it I'll be in trouble! Good luck at the dr's!

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Ann, what comes after 2 days of rain? Monday. :D Glad to hear you're getting some rest!


Mama, I'm just making a mini me out of Baby Sis! :lol


:hug to all!!



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Had a great time at the meet up and it was good to see one of the gals who moved to Pittsburgh, but was in NJ for a bachlorette party this weekend!!! The two hours flew on by.


After that I went for a mani/pedi and then some clothes shopping. I weeded out more clothes that are too big and will bring them to Goodwill- I've been good at maintaining my weight and I think it helps not having clothes around that I can "grow into"


Hope all went well at the Doc's Kuddles!

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Ann, what comes after 2 days of rain? Monday. :D Glad to hear you're getting some rest!


Mama, I'm just making a mini me out of Baby Sis! :lol


:hug to all!!



:lol Of course it will probably be beautiful and :sun on Monday!:lol

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Ann, what comes after 2 days of rain? Monday. :D Glad to hear you're getting some rest!


Mama, I'm just making a mini me out of Baby Sis! :lol


:hug to all!!



Yeah, Monday supposed to be sunny and around 40 degrees! Brrr! Winter is back! :lol


Had a great time at the meet up and it was good to see one of the gals who moved to Pittsburgh, but was in NJ for a bachlorette party this weekend!!! The two hours flew on by.


After that I went for a mani/pedi and then some clothes shopping. I weeded out more clothes that are too big and will bring them to Goodwill- I've been good at maintaining my weight and I think it helps not having clothes around that I can "grow into"


Hope all went well at the Doc's Kuddles!

Glad you had a nice time at the meet up! The mani/pedi sounds wonderful too! I actually did a bit of clothes shopping the other day too when we stopped at Walmart. DH talked me into it. I've lost so much weight and all my clothes are falling off of me! :lol I hate spending money on myself, but since I got some birthday money, I tried some jeans and a dress on. I figured out why they've been falling off. Everything I have is size 1X-2X and my new jeans are a size 10! :lol Guess I should splurge a little more when the tax money comes in! LOL!


:lol Of course it will probably be beautiful and :sun on Monday!:lol

Yeah, sunny Monday, but the rain is close behind it and it's cold again! Hope the flowers and trees don't get hurt!

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