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Ever have a day....

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When you can't start a new project right?


I tried to start a little boy sweater, and I was reading the wrong size pattern, so that had to be frogged.


Then I tried a knitting pattern and couldn't get that to work either.


Ended up just reading a book while my little guy napped. :)Books are good too, but I really wanted to start a new project.


Does anyone else have days like this?



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all the time.. today I dont know what i want to do... beacuse i've had a just nudgin there headache. I want to crochet but just can't motivate, wanted to make some stitch markers for my etsy.. but again I cant motivate.. want to play on pogo. but cant motivate. mabey Ijust need to lay down ? hmmmm dunno

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I have been trying to make a scarf or a cowl out of some pretty variegated fall colored yarn. I have started and ripped five projects but I think I finally have something that will work. I think sometimes you do need to just stop and read a book.

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Yes - and it is just so dang frustrating and futile - I hate it when this happens - but then it's like if I leave it alone and come back the next day - sometimes something somewhere CLICKS and everything comes together :)

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Yes - and it is just so dang frustrating and futile - I hate it when this happens - but then it's like if I leave it alone and come back the next day - sometimes something somewhere CLICKS and everything comes together :)



I've had that happen also. Maybe I'm just too anxious, tired, etc. to be trying something new. I always have a backup book to read.



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I am right there with you Linda! More times than I can count, a project of some type has had to be frogged. I get so frustrated and sometimes wait till my Monday night crafting ladies group and have a friend read the instructions to me step by step and all of a sudden :idea. Sometimes I feel like what was I thinkin' and where was my brain. So join the group and get a :coffee and sit right here with your Crochetville friends and we will muddle through!:hug:hug:hug

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