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Another Hamster Hut


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Cute hamster and hut.

The hamster look just like one I had.

Watch out for chewing on the yarn. Yarn not a good thing for hamster to crew on.

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Cute hamster and hut.

The hamster look just like one I had.

Watch out for chewing on the yarn. Yarn not a good thing for hamster to crew on.


Thanks, I'm not putting it in her cage (she already has so much in there, she has a roll-a-nest {her second one already}, an edible log which is now in two pieces, will have to buy her a new one soon, a wood peg ball, toliet paper tubes) I take her out for a little while every night and she will use her hamster hut then.

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This is just soooo cute! Your hamster is adorable. The colors looks so much like the pet rat that my daughter used to have. When I made a hamster hut, years ago, I used cotton yarn. Because hamsters are notorious for chewing, I just thought that it would be safer. I just love your hut!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Watch out for chewing on the yarn. Yarn not a good thing for hamster to crew on.


Very cute! Love the hut colors. Maybe to make your hut more permanent or at least pet safe, try something like hemp or jute or sisal.


If you do try it with those types of cord/yarn, let us know how it comes out for both you and Fuzzy Trouble.

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This is just soooo cute! Your hamster is adorable. The colors looks so much like the pet rat that my daughter used to have. When I made a hamster hut, years ago, I used cotton yarn. Because hamsters are notorious for chewing, I just thought that it would be safer. I just love your hut!
Mine is made from cotton yarn too, she gets in it each evening, she's chewed at the side edge, but has not broke the stitching so far.


Very cute! Love the hut colors. Maybe to make your hut more permanent or at least pet safe, try something like hemp or jute or sisal.

If you do try it with those types of cord/yarn, let us know how it comes out for both you and Fuzzy Trouble.

Thanks, That's a good idea, not sure if I will try it though because I bought a roll a nest that stays in her cage. She is on her second one of those because she pulls part of it off to use when she makes her nest.


Aw, Fuzzy Trouble looks like she likes it! (What kind of hamster is she? Just curious.. Ours are Teddy Bear Hamsters.) :)
On the sign at the pet store, it said she was a Panda Bear Hamster.
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