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It has become apparent that I now have more crochet patterns - printed, bookmarked, in books and on yarn labels than I could possibly make in 2 lifetimes! Am I the only one with this dilemma - and don't even get me started on my yarn stash!:P

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I have that EXACT same problem!! And I keep finding more yarn that I have stuffed in places to hide that I bought more yarn when I already have pleanty, as my husband would say, but then I remind him of all the woodworking tools he has in the garage that he hasn't used in months.


I have been trying to put mine in binders so that I can keep track of them and eventually put them into categories.

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Well, between my crochet stash, my cross-stitch stash and all the books I own but haven't read yet (the library books and the books borrowed from friends get read first 'cause they have to go back) I figure that if my health ever fails and I'm housebound at least I won't be BORED! I'll just need to have someobdy bring me yarn and embroidery floss (my PAS is a lot worse than my YAS)



Or maybe it's a retirement plan-- then I'll have the time, but not the money, so stocking up ahead of time make sense:)




It has become apparent that I now have more crochet patterns - printed, bookmarked, in books and on yarn labels than I could possibly make in 2 lifetimes! Am I the only one with this dilemma - and don't even get me started on my yarn stash!:P
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I'm the same as you all, too many patterns and not enough time :eek Collecting them is part of the fun for me, it's like any other collection I guess we try to aquire as much as possible.........oh well why not:D

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Me, too! I love collecting patterns. In the 7 months that I've been crocheting, I have hundreds! ( I really need to back up those files:D) I'm kind of and "all or nothing" sorta person:blush

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I'm the same way. I have so many patterns that I have them mostly in crates. They are scattered in almost every room in the house. My yarn supply is in the same boat. Even though I have so much, I still keep looking for things I don't have.

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same here the stash gets bigger as i see yarn on sale, i get it who can turn away from $1.25 for 3.5oz of bernat cottontots yarn for example bought all they had (15) too many patterns and yarn and not enough time to do them all.maybe when the garden is put up and the snow is here i might have a minute to do more than crochet on the run.:yay

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Well, I'm with you girls on the pattern thing but unfortunately, not the yarn thing!!! I have been on bedrest due to my pregnancy and crocheting is the only thing that has kept me sane!!The problem is that I have been off work for a while now and I cant afford to buy any yarn:cry I kept comeing up with projects to start with my stash and scrap yarn but always run out before I finish it. Oh well, babys due any day now and maby I will be able to get back to work soon so I can finish it all.

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No, Cheryl, you are not alone. It's called PAS (Pattern Acquisition Syndrome) and I have a major case of it! I have so many patterns with tons of them I want to make. It's so bad, when I want to make another item, I get overwhelmed about which one to start, that I usually make something I either design or go searching for a pattern. Some patterns I have 2-3 copies of. And we won't get into my YAS (Yarn Acquisition Syndrome) problem. But thankfully for all the swaps I've been joining, it's been slowly being shrunk. :rofl

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I also suffer from PAS and YAS. (A telling sign of this not only enough yarn and patterns to fill several 20 gallon bins, but also a tendency to try to sneak them into the house without your dear husband noticing. Lucky for me, I usually confess and he just laughs about it.) About 2 months ago, I went through each pattern book I have and book marked at least one pattern I would do from each within the year. The books still sit on the shelves with their book marks in them.:blush

I am making progress on my yarn stash, though, by signing up for the square swap. Though, I did have to get some yarn for good color combos...and there are all those UFO's in the spare room...:eek

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Well its time to come clean for me!! For most part of my day I do have enough time now that I am not working and with hubby and kids at work and school respectively...but I used to browse the net and see what i can save and I have saved regardless of whether I am giong to make the project or not!!! As for my yas its toned down a bit as I can't find a decent store which will let me hoard.. Seems like I have a better collection than most stores I have visited lol!!!


And finally my hubby said those fateful words no more yarn or thread till I see something done by you!!!


Thanks to Crochetville numerous CALS I am finally getting something done!!




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I don't have a big yarn stash but I'm right with you on the PAS! I have tons of patterns printed out that I've never even done yet, and tons more saved on my computer since when I see a great pattern online but would rather not print it out right away, I paste it into word, paste the URL on the bottom of the page so I know where it came from, and save until I get a chance to print. (I do that because I'm always afraid that a site might disappear before I get around to printing it out.) So I have tons and tons of patterns in binders, *and* about 80Mb (eek! I didn't realize until I looked) of saved patterns on the computer that I haven't printed out yet!

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You know, I feel so much better after reading that I am not alone. Like Sarah, I try to justify my collecting her way: if someday I am housebound or ill, I will have plenty to do (God, please don't cripple my hands or allow me to go blind). And like Diane, I sometimes sneak my new finds into the house, which is really silly, because DH does not care one bit how much yarn, thread, hooks, needles, patterns, etc. I buy. I just feel guilty. But he knows how much I love to knit and crochet, and I do complete projects (most, anyway). And I suppose he figures that I will not complain when he needs/wants his techie toys. I keep promising myself that I will NOT buy any more patterns or thread/yarn, but it's just one promise I can't seem to keep.

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My top-10 list for justifying the purchase, or collection of, another pattern.


1. Chalk it off to education.

2. People buy books, read them once, and never look at them again. I pour over my pattern books constantly.

3. They are like art pieces! I can sit and stare at the photos and patterns for hours and really enjoy them.

4. They are cheaper than therapy.

5. They are cheaper than a meal at a restauraunt, and I enjoy mine much much longer! They are calorie free too!

6. The patterns come and go. If I don't get it now, I may not find it again in a year when I look for it. It is so sad to look for an oop pattern!

7. I share them with friends and relatives, so the cost seems more appropriate. My students and friends love pouring over the patterns!

8. They motivate me to use the piles of yarn stash I have!

9. I am helping support the darling crocheter who wrote the lovely pattern!

10. I WANT IT BAD! :devil



Reno, NV

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