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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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No he doesn't- Oh, your dS birthday is the day after my DH's. So we'll start next week? I can hat/scarf done b/4 then I think (I'd like to have them for DD when she comes down from Boston) It's from the yarn we bought together when I was up there

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:hi guys!


Sorry I missed chat. DH was using the computer. I made a doily-style dishcloth and a granny star tonight. I've got a bag full of cotton yarn to use up. I'm thinking dishcloths galore and everyone gets one for Christmas :shrug There are those loop-de-loop towels too.


Thanks LeaAnne for all the tips about the flannel ghan. Yours is absolutely beautiful. I would love to make one with you guys, but I can't buy the yarn right now. Certainly not that much yarn :sigh Maybe after Christmas. I think the Simply Soft would be really nice. It reminds me a lot of Bernat Satin. I love Bernat Satin. If I made mine I'd buy the yarn at Mary's yarn store. You get a pound for $5 :yes And mine would be navy and beige. What colour will Little Pete's be LeaAnne? Joanne, I like the navy and white idea...Leafs colours!


I'm so excited that Stacy's squares are in the mail :yay It will be a good week or more before I get mine, but that is very exciting!


Well my dear friends, good night, enjoy your Saturday sleep in :sleep

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Good morning!!

Beth- so happy to hear that you are ok. I was worried about you- I even went on to Hampton's web page and read about all the flooding, sheleters being set up, loss of power to the region....scary stuff. Glad you survived and are back. There was flooding down the Jersey shore- Ocean City, NJ is flooded. Two days without power is a long time!


Colleen- WTG on the doily and dishcloth! That's a great idea- I have some cotton yarn- mmm washcloths with a bar of fancy soap wrapped in a ribbon....ok, ok, I need to stop with all these grandiose ideas of gifts and get back to the hook and yarn and finish this afghan so I can start the flannelghan next week Now to figure out how to hide it from DH! I hope that DDs playdate goes well today and that they have fun together. Pizza's sound fun too. Let us know how it goes


LeaAnne- I got up late today 8 AM - wow- I haven't slept that late in a while. I've gotten the upstairs bathroom clean, came down to do the downstairs bathroom and the computer called my name and here I am. Soon as I finish posting, back to BR # 2 and then put the laundry on. I already changed the sheets on the bed as soon as I woke up. I have some yarn to buy today!!!


Stacy- hope roomies daughter was more behaved the rest of the night. Glad you stopped by for chat. Did you get any crocheting in?


Vicki- Good morning- great chatting with you last night! And Happy Saturday- sleep in day!!! DH ended up waking up and saw the end of the game. He was happy with the result and Rutgers is now 3rd in the Big East- they'll never beat Cincinnati(who is undefeated), but have chance to move up to 2nd in the division. Glad I didn't change the channel while I was chatting.


Scooby, Mary, Shannon- thinking about all of you.


Well off to do some more cleaning so I can get my flannelghan yarn. Have a splediferous Saturday and remember those vitamins!!!

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Morning all! It was nice to sleep until 7 this morning! That is good considering the alarm goes off every day at 5!

I did the towels in the washing machine and threw them in the dryer. DD's white blanket is in there. She is not happy. I also planned what I am going to make for dinner this weekend and did the grocery list. I am getting ready to head to the grocery store and hubby is going to take DD to her 2 hour tae kwon do practice.

I have a question about the flannelghan. Do you make individual squares and put them together or do you create the panels as you go? I like it. I would love to make one some day. Too many projects in my mind right now!

Joanne - Hope the yarn shopping is good! Let us know what colors you get!

LeaAnne - Good morning to you and it was great chatting with you last night! Glad I could make it!

Stacy - Hope Eva had a good night's sleep!

Beth - Welcome back and glad to hear that all is back to normal by you! Hope the weather cooperates and dries you out for a few days!

Enjoy the day all! It is bright and sunny here!



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morning, all!


Joanne - good luck at Michaels! I hope they have in stock what you are looking for :xfin I was glad to read that you were able to sleep in:c9 I can't wait to hear if you got what you needed and how you are going to "hide" your project from DH:hug


Colleen - have a fun playdate today!:cheer I hope DD has the best day... it's so great that she invited a new friend from school:hug


Beth - thank goodness you are ok!!! man, you sure did get lots of :rain! the front has finally moved, so the :rain is here today. It was raining so hard it woke me up.:eek Prayers that you are enjoying the perfectest day today:hug


Vicki - did you get to sleep in late? :yayHappy Saturday to you! Are you up to anything fun today? :hug to you and yours from one of your 'secret sisters'! :lol


Stacy - did Eva sleep well? How are Mia and Isabella doing? I hope you had a great rest of your evening:hug


Scooby - I can't wait to read what you got accomplished yesterday/lastnight:clap You are an inspiration in gettin it done-ness!:hug


Mary - hope you are having much success at your show:hug ...and continued good times with DD


Shannon - I hope you, Janna, Honey and BigBob are having a wonderful weekend visit with Gram... we missed you at chat, but got to bed "early":rofl :hug


Today I need to go food shopping, and might go see what's left at Michaels... their sale is really a good one. First, though, I need to go in my stash, and "kit up" my Christmas projects, and see if i have the colors that Lil Pete wants for his 'ghan: black and royal blue. I hope you all have a great day:c9 I'll drop by later on to check in!


Peace out!:manyheart

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Hi everyone-

Change in color plans for the flannelghan- :eekThey didn't have any blue (other than pale blue which reminded me of a color you would use for a baby). So I opted for Claret and lace.:yes The claret is a deep red and the lace is a beigy color. And of course I couldn't remember how much LeaAnne told me to get so I bought more than I need.:think I just re-read the post and it said 3 of one color, 2 of the other. Well I bought 4 of 1 color (lace) and 3 of the other(claret). So I'll have 2 extra skeins! (what do I make with 2 skeins of Caron Pounders?) The price was right though. And of course I had to buy some Caron SS since it was on sale 2/5- I love their SS Shadows- they make pretty scarves.


I stopped in AC Moore since I had a 50% off coupon. Of course they had tons of the pounders in all different blues- but it was still cheaper for me to get it a Michaels. I did buy the LionBrand Hometown USA yarn that Shannon raved about with my 50% off coupon- I'm going to make a hat with it.:)


Well, DH said he wants to take me out to dinner to Red Lobster. :yaySomeone came to look at the house today- haven't had any feedback. Oh, well. I think this is going to take some time- but we are in no hurry. At least the house was clean!!!


Have a good rest of the day!:hug

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Hi girls!!


Having fun here in NOLA! I just read through all your posts. Can't stay long, but I miss you guys!


I wasn't impressed with the final outcome of the Mystery project. I still made a bunch of the squares on the way down yesterday, because I have an idea. We'll see how it goes.


I hope everyone is having a marvelous weekend! Love you guys!:manyheart

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:hi, all


Joanne - I love the claret/lace combo you picked:clap Very Manly!:D

we'll have to think of what you can do with the 2 extra pounders:think... .hope dinner at RedLobster was great!


Vicki - you make the flannelghan in panels. You do so many rows of 1 color combo, and then switch. It's great to keep your attention, and less sewing:clap


Shannon - glad you are having a great time... I can't wait to see your idea about your mystery squares... I am glad that I didn't put the time in... I didn't care for what she ended up doing with the squares:blush (that's ok, I didn't really have the extra time anyway:devil)


Stacy, Colleen, Beth, Mary and Scooby... hope you are all having a fab weekend so far!!!


:hug:hug to all!

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Good morning everyone!


Glad to hear Shannon is having a good time in New Orleans!


LeaAnne- still have to figure out how I'm going to hide this flannelghan from DH! Usually where I crochet is downstairs where he also sits watching TV. Maybe I'll have to just crochet upstairs and tell him to stay away! We'll see what I can figure out.


Vicki- Good luck to your JETS today!


Beth- How's things by you? Are you drying out?


Mary- I saw pics of your GKs on FB! They are soooo adorable!! Hope the craft show is going well- can't wait to hear all about it.


Stacy- hope you are having a good weekend and that roomie's DD is behaving herself! The mailman didn't bring me what I was hoping for yesterday. Maybe when I come home from work on Monday, I'll have a nice surprise!


Colleen- How did the playdate go yesterday? Hope that it all worked out well and that DD enjoyed herself.


Scooby- How's the moving furniture/unpacking boxes coming along? I'll bet you'll be happy when things have all settled down and your new place feels like "home"!


Well, all, it is another gray dreary day here in NJ- but it is a great day to crochet!


Have a wonderful Sunday- and happy Football watching to all my fellow football fans. Giants are on a bye this week, so there is no stress today LOL


And to my fellow Hockey fans- DEVILS are on a roll- won their last 8!!!! Go Devils!

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Good morning all!


Beth - I'm so glad that you are safe and sound!


Joanne - I've always liked the Devils. Kinda like Brodeur. Unfortunately our Leafs continue to stink it up. The richest team in the league and they can't pull it off :think Is your DH really observant? I'm thinking you could work on a strip right in front of him and tell him it is a scarf :shrug:lol Then just do the stitching them together when he isn't around or when he is downstairs.


:hi to Stacy, LeaAnne, Mary, Vicki, Shannon and Scooby!


DD's playdate went very well yesterday. She had lots of fun! We have a very exciting day today....it is the Santa Claus Parade :yay:clap:yay:dance Here is the coolest thing. We have never gone to a Santa Claus Parade where we didn't need to wear snowpants and many many layers. However, it is going to be 13 degrees Celsius here and we can just wear pants and jackets. The cold and snow really makes it feel like Christmas, but this is going to be nice!


Have a wonderful day all. DH has made breakfast, so I'm going to enjoy :c9

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I'm thinking you could work on a strip right in front of him and tell him it is a scarf.


What a great idea Colleen! Thanks, I think that is exactly what I will do. So happy that the playdate went well- and enjoy the Santa Claus Parade in "warm weather" clothes.

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Happy Sunday! It is a sunny day here! Hubby just finished vacuuming for me. DD is doing her painting by numbers and I am here seeing how all my HBB's are. I have my first load of laundry in the washer. The towels are folded and I need to give the dogs baths today. They stink! But the good news is my head is feeling fine! No headaches to speak of! YAY!

Joanne - The flannelghan confuses me. This is one of those things that I have to see in order to understand. I know, I'm dopey. but I just can't wrap my mind around it yet!

Shannon - How is your Gram feeling? Is the visit a wonderful one?

Beth - Are you drying out in your part of the world?

Colleen - YAY for a great play date! Have fun at the Santa Parade! Enjoy it in the "warm"weather!

Mary - How did the craft show go? Are all the kids having a great time?

LeaAnne - How are things up by you? Are you getting the rain that Joanne and Beth got?

Stacy - Hey girl! How are the girls! Are they having a great weekend? Hope you are having a great day!

Nothing else going on here. I finished another square for DD's square ghan yesterday so I will start another one in a little while. I only have 2 more to go on that one! Then I can put it all together and border it!

Hope everyone has a great day! Talk to you all later!


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Hi all!


I can't respond to everyone individually right now, but I wanted to stop by and ask for prayers for my FIL. He is going to the ER for dizziness and vomiting. He is probably the healthiest person I've ever met and never worries about sickness, so for him to go to the ER- it must be serious. Jorge is on his way there right now while I stay with the girls.

I'm going to get breakfast ready but I will update when I can. Love you all and I hope you are having a beautiful Sunday! :hug

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Stacy- Prayers and hugs coming your and Jorge's way! Please let us know how he is doing.


Vicki- DH and I were in the car on the way back from B&N when we put the game on the radio- Yeah, Jets didn't take long to start losing. I'm not optimistic about the Giants this year either, although I'll keep rooting for them.


The flannelghan is here: http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=42711&highlight=flannelghan


It is RoseRed's pattern and LeaAnne says it works up fairly quickly and it is manly ghan.


Well, off to make some lunch- and the SUN is now out and it's about 68 degrees. Think I'll take a walk today!!!

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Stacy - I just saw your post and hope that your FIL is doing alright. He is in my thoughts and prayers, as is your whole family. :hug


Santa Clause Parade was a blast. It got a little cool toward the end, which just justified coming home for hot chocolate and popcorn :D I made 2 dishcloths today (just need a couple rows and the border on the second one).


I hope everyone had a good weekend with their families.

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Glad you had fun at the parade Colleen and hot chocolate and popcorn sounds like a good ending! I did alot on my afghan today and am thinking that it is just about done. I think I may do a few more rows tomorrow night and then do a shell border and it will be done. Then I can make a hat on Tuesday and start a scarf for DD. Hoping to start the flannelghan at the end of the week.


Hope everyone had a good Sunday and Stacy, continued prayers for your FIL and your family.

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