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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Colleen- the throw is beautiful-- BEAUTIFUL!!! Your sister and BIL will love it!!!


Scooby- Happy you found the yarn..whew!! How's the craft room coming?


Stacy- hope you had a good time at Mommy and me--and no gas pedal issues today! WTG on getting 9 squares done on the mystery CAL. I love all of Sarah London's work- she always has such colorful things. I need to do some more on my afghan tonight- probably while I watch the Rutgers game.


LeaAnne- WTG on finishing the flannelghan strips..You go girl--do we get to see pics of it?


Beth- saw your FB post- how are you doing ? Has the flooding affected your street? Hoping and praying for the best for you!!! Nor'Easter's can be pretty scary. So far today, we just had cloudy, gray, windy weather- very little rain, although on the ride home from work, the rain was starting, but very lightly.


Vicki- Glad you didn't have a headache today and glad you are still going to the MD to see if you can get a handle on what is causing it.


Mary- thinking of you on your way to DD's


Shannon- How was Janna's day? Any more tee tee potty??


Well, DH should be home any minute-can you believe I beat him home today! Got to go figure out what's for dinner. I had taken out chopped meat and put it in the fridge, but it's still frozen! I hate to defrost in the microwave..but may have no choice.


Have a great night HBB's!!!

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:hi all!!


No gas pedal issues today! :clap:cheer This morning I went out and noticed that the mat was all scrunched up under it, which makes sense that it was hard to press, but I still don't know about the sticky-ness issue. :shrug Mommy and Me was ok...the bratty kid was relatively well-behaved today, and Eva really enjoyed song time. I even caught her singing a couple of times! :manyheart


Dh just came home early and is hungry so I'm going to make dinner already. I will come back to post individually later!

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I got my green yarn for the Christmas mystery CAL! I had to go to Hobby Lobby to get a ribbon for DD's hair. It is 50's day at school and I told her that a ribbon would look so cute since girls used to wear them in their hair. Since we were there, I just HAD to go see if they had the green color. Sure enough DD found it in Red Heart. They didn't have any ILTY in the green, but this will do! Now let's see how long it takes me to catch up!

Scooby - Glad you found the yarn! That was close!

Stacy - YAY for no stuck gas peddles!

LeaAnne - Can't wait to see the 'ghan!

Have a great night all!


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Oh, vicki- green is such your color- I mean with the Jets and all!! I've been working on my afghan..which is also green.

you are so lucky to have a Holly Lobby..I don't know why they can't build one in NJ (central Jersey preferably). I've heard suh great things about the ILTY.


Rutgers is winning their game against S Florida and I did 6 rows of my afghan, but think I'm going to call it a night- go watch the game in bed, so if my tv starts watching me, I'm all set.


Have a good rest of the night HBB's:hug

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Hi everyone!


I've been :lurking around here today, but this is my first chance to actually say hello.


Joanne- Thank you. We had so much fun last weekend, I just had to share pics! WTG on your afghan!! What shade of green is it? Green is my fave!!


Vicki- :woo on getting green yarn!! I can't wait to see the finished product. My plan is to work on mine in the car. I hope tomorrow's part is the last one. That way, if I like the way it turns out, I can give it to my Gram!!:manyheart


Stacy-:clap:clap for no sticky gas pedal!! Thanks for the advice about the pillow. I slept that way when I was pregnant, so it might help.


Colleen-:drool I love your Purple People Eater!! You did such a beautiful job! Your sister's going to love it! Thanks for the chit-chat last night (since it was short). I'm glad you're feeling better.


LeaAnne- Did you finish the flannelghan? I hope you found your camera so we can see it!! It is so nice of you to devote so much time for a good cause!


Mary- I hope you sell out this weekend! I wish I could come up and see your stuff (and spend some $$!)!


Beth- I hope the weather isn't too bad for you. Is this from Ida? Good luck with the flooding. We're finally starting to dry out here.


Scooby- Don't overdo it. It will get done. I think it's about time you cashed in on some :crocheting time, girl! That IS what this CAL is about, right?


Jenn- Hope you are doing well!


I guess I thought I had an extra day to get everything done before my trip. But I have to load up before I take DD to school in the morning, because we're not coming back home. So, :sigh, another late night for me.

The good news is that DD has been going tee tee potty, and she had an awesome session at speech today! All of the sudden she has decided that she wants to be a big girl. :whewI was getting worried.

I may be able to stop in and say hi while I'm at Gram's, but I'm not sure. I hope that everyone has a safe and wonderful weekend, and I will see you on Monday!! Love you guys!:manyheart

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:waving Hi HBBs!!!This has been another long day. This is what I got accomplished today: cleaned off the clutter from kitchen table, burnt all the stuff in the woodburning stove that was in the burn box, unloaded the dishwasher and reloaded it with stuff that I emptied from a box and rerun it, cleaned out the cabinet under kitchen sink and put all cleaning supplies under there, emptied about 4 other boxes and cleaned out stuff that DF doesn't want to keep (the neighbor wants to go thru it and the rest will go to Goodwill),cleaned out and then carried a big dresser to the porch so the neighbor can come get it, gathered up about 3 bags of trash, cleaned the upstairs bathroom, got the guest room set up (put up the bed, put the dresser and chest of drawers from craft room in there), sorted stuff for the DF to put down on the ledge in basement, moved my kitchen table and 2 chairs up to the craft room(the rest of the chairs went to the basement), unpacked about 5 boxes of :yarn,carried down a twin boxsprings/mattress, headboard,footboard and rails so the boys could put it in the basement. I think that is it. I think all the major stuff is done now. The rest is just unpacking boxes and sorting thru them and putting stuff away. After that I will begin painting the bedrooms, bathroom and hallway.

:cheer:clap:yay WTG LeaAnne on getting all the strips done for the Flannelghan. I hope you get it all done. I can't wait to see it. I have looked at the pattern for one of those but haven't tried it yet. Was it fairly easy to do?

:) Joanne. The craft room seems to get started and then we move stuff from other rooms in there so we can get the other rooms set up :lol. I am hoping that tomorrow I can get it completely done and all the yarn unpacked :xfin.

:yay Stacy!!! Good to hear you had no gas pedal issues today. Hopefully it was just the floor mat bunched up under it. :wooSing it Eva sing it. At least the bratty kid was somewhat contained today and didn't drive you :loco.

:c9Vicki!! I just love going to Hobby Lobby. :D:danceSo happy that you got your green :yarn for the Mystery CAL. I can't think of a better place to buy green ribbon for DDs hair and might as well look at the yarn while you are there. As they say, you were killing two birds with one stone:laughroll.

:yes:yes Shannon. You are so right. Cleaning and earning :crocheting time is what the CAL is all about. But I think sometimes I forget about cashing in and keep right on cleaning so I should have lots of :crochetingtime built up. I did :crochetingtoday, I made 17 yo-yos, 12 saltines and started a scarf for the crochet for charity blast CAL that is being hosted by Darski this weekend. How's your hip? Is it better? :hug:jumpyay:bowJanna for going tee tee potty and having an awesome day at speech!!!! Have a great safe trip. Will miss ya while you are gone and will be looking forward to hearing about it when you get back Monday.

:hug Colleen. How are you feeling? I hope much better. Do you still have your voice? Hope you have had a great day.

:manyheart Mary. Hope all is going great at the craft fair. I bet you have sold out already. Can't wait to hear all about it.

:2hug Beth. I hope you are still not getting :wbrr:2rainy weather. How long does a nor'easter last. I have never experienced one, or if I did I didn't realize that was what it was :lol.Stay warm and safe.

Well I think I am off to go :crocheting or :book and then I am off to :sleep. I need to sit and unwind for a bit. Hope everyone has a great :night and will see you all tomorrow. Love ya and lots of :hug:hug.


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Good morning and Happy Friday!!!


Safe travels to New Orleans Shannon- enjoy your visit with your Gram and YAY to Janna for going tee tee potty!! Looks like your girl is growing up!!! The green I am using for this afghan is RHSS Green fleck- it is kind of a sage green with flecks of color in it. Actually when I first started to re-teach myself crochet last February, my middle DD was with me in ACMoore and she liked the color and wanted me to make an afghan out of it. Since it was on sale, I bought 9 skeins of it! And it has sat in a basket until now. I decided it was time to finally make that ghan for her.


I am very intrigued by the mystery cal by Sarah London- I do have other skeins of green yarn. But, I really want to make oldest DD her scarf and hat and fingerless mitts first to have them done when she comes for Thanksgiving.


Scooby- SLOW down, girl- you have gotten sooooo much done! Although I guess you want everything done now. LOL...Just don't over do it!! And in between all that moving boxes, furniture, re-arranging, you still had time to crochet.. WOW.


Beth- Hope things are ok. I was reading about the flooding in your area. Did you lose power? Parts of the Jersey shore were getting some of that rain/winds/flooding from the remnants of IDA, but basically all we got yesterday was the wind. It is drizzling outside this morning.


Stacy- Did you get much done on the needlework last night while DH was at school? I agree with scooby- it sounds like the gas mat getting crunched caused the gas pedal stickiness. Just check your mat every time b/4 you drive. I keep hoping every day when I come home that the mailman will have a surprise for me!!!


LeaAnne- please post pics of your flannelghan!


Colleen- How's the voice? and the ear? hoping you are feeling better each day!


Vicki- Happy Friday- end of the workweek! Happy happy joy joy!!! Did you start on the mystery cal?


Mary- thinking of you selling your beautiful wares!!


Have a lovely day everyone and remember your vitamins.:manyheart:hug

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Hi girls! It's FRIDAY!!!!! YAY for FRIDAY! I can sleep a little later tomorrow and I can get some stuff done at home! It has been sorely ignored in the last week since I felt yucky last weekend. No cleaning got done! Hubby cleaned a bathroom this week and he needs to clean another one today! I will get to the floors either Saturday or Sunday. Depends when I feel like doing them! He he!

Yes, Joanne, I did start on the mystery CAL last night. I got the first three squares done before I called it a night. I was working on my paper and paying the bills first. I have my yarn with me today. I figure I can work on it while waiting in the doctor's office this afternoon.

Scooby - WOW, you got so much stuff done! It's going to be so nice when all the stuff is put in its place and you can just sit back and look at it all and love it. Can't wait to see the pictures of the craft room!

Shannon - YAY for Janna! They grow up on their own and when they decide, they do it! Glad to hear she had an awesome speech session! I hope you all have a great weekend!

Stacy - Good morning girl! How are the girls? ARe you ready for the weekend? I hope the gas peddle stays unstuck and that the mat was the problem!

Mary - Hope the craft sale is going well!

Beth - Are you still rained under? How much rain did you get?

LeaAnne - Hope all is well up by you! Give the chickens hugs for me!

Ok, you will not believe what I heard last night. While I went to Hobby Lobby last night hubby called my twin sister in NY. She is coming down to see me for Christmas. She told hubby (and swore him to secrecy and not to tell me!) that my uncle actually tried to get her not to come down here! His reasoning was that it would make my older sister (who lives down the street from me) feel bad. What is that **@! Those two have chosen not to speak to each other. That doesn't mean that I can't speak to them and have them at my house! And that doesn't mean that he should be asking the twin sister not to come! Ooh, I was mad. I had to tell you all. I can't wait to see what happens next with this!

Hope you all have a great day and I will tell you all what the doctor says. I should be here for chat tonight. Have a great day all!


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I am finally feeling better. I still cough a bit in the evening, but I am feeling more myself. Thank you for all your well wishes. Poor DH has it now :( It is absolutely beautiful here! Sunny, unseasonably warm. :yay


I am on a roll. I got DD off to school, laundry started, groceries bought, meals planned for the weekend, supplies bought for tomorrow's playdate craft, fridge cleaned out. I better keep going before I lose momentum. I have to get it done so I can get out for a nice walk.


Last night was my last official evening at work. That said, I'm working one morning and one afternoon next week :P:lol I did say I'd fill in when they need me. :shrug


I won't speak to each of you because I gotta keep moving! I hope you all have a marvelous Friday. I'm thinking about you all! :hug

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YAY!! The day is over and the weekend has begun ! :clap:cheer:clap:cheer! Am I just a little excited? YES! WOO HOO!


Okay, I will calm down now!

Good for Colleen getting so much done today. I know someone is Texas who could use some help!



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Hi, all!


Vicki - you are too funny about your Friday-itis!:lol Spoken like a true teacher:lol


Colleen - WTG:clap on getting so much done and planned today! I am so happy that you are feeling better!


Scooby- OMG, girl! You are unbelievable with what you accomplish! WTG on all you have done around the house, and :clap for partaking in Darski's Charity CAL!


Joanne - I am so glad you had a wonderful trip, and got to get some good rest:hug Happy Friday!!


Stacy - Hooray for singing Eva! I hope you had a fantabulous day today!


Beth - How are you? I know you are keeping yourself busy :whew... i hope today was great for you!:hug


Shannon - Have fun in NewOrleans! Be safe, and give Gram lots of :hug:hug


Mary - Good luck at the craft show this weekend... I am thinking of you!


well.... I did it!!!! I finished that flannelghan, and it is at the benefit. The teacher I know who was the organizer was so overwhelmed. It felt really good to do something so nice:U. She valued the 'ghan at $75.00! It will be raffled off, but people will want to know what it's worth. The colors aren't true in this pic (RHSS Pumpkin and Black), but here it is. I am pleased with how it turned out:c9


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Oh, LeaAnne that flannelgahn is awesome-ness!!! Congrats on getting it done and the value placed on it (in my mind it is priceless)


Vicki- I'm with you girl- TGIF!!!!!! It's the weekend!!!!! YAY!!!! How did it go at the doctor this afternoon?


Beth- thinking about you with all the rain and flooding in Hampton- hope you are all ok!


Shannon and Mary- thinking of both of you and can't wait to hear all about Mary's craft fair and Shannon's visit with Gram in New Orleans!


Stacy- how's things by you today?


Scooby- How's that craft room coming along? Are you still a ball of energy? I have sooo much cleaning to do this weekend- getting up early tomorrow and got to clean both bathrooms, wash the br and kitchen floor, dust, vacuum, change sheets, do laundry and tidy up some piles of mail on the kitchen table (yes, I've slipped, there are piles again-but I blame it on DH! LOL)


the plan is to get up early (what else is new?) and then clean all morning so that I have the rest of the weekend off to relax and crochet and watch some football.


hope to be here later for chat.


CYA later!

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Beautiful 'ghan, Leanne!! :whew for finishing it in time- your fingers must be smokin'!


Scooby and Colleen, you two are on a roll today! WTG! :cheer


I hope Shannon-ness has a wonderful time in NO, with Gram. I thought of her when I checked on the update for the mystery CAL. It is cute but I really only like it up to about 6 or 7 squares. I think I will go and get some colored beads like I said, and work them in with the white.


Beth, I hope you are all ok. :hug


Joanne, have a great weekend, and good luck with your cleaning.


I hope Mary is having lots of success with her craft fair. :cheer


Vicki, how did you do at your dr. appt.?


I think I got everyone. I'm trying to get dinner ready early so I will be here to chat. :xfin The girls want pb&j, so that should be easy. Dh is being picky and wants Chinese, but we don't know a good place around here. He is checking it out online first. I hope to be back soon!

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I was able to get back in and it is "normal" again. i was able to delete the duplicate post. Now to go see if dinner is ready- baked chicken and a salad with some leftover string beans from last night


Cya later.

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:hi everyone!


LeaAnne - :drool your 'ghan is BEAUTIFUL! Good job! I love it!!!!! I'm sure the woman at the benefit was blown away. That was so nice of you!


Stacy - I hope you got dinner all sorted out.


Scooby - You are a crazy woman! I cannot believe how much you accomplish.


Vicki - :lol Who in Texas needs some help? :shrug I'm glad you made it to Friday. You deserve a fantastic weekend!


Joanne - WTG making it to Friday for you too! Good luck with all that cleaning tomorrow and I hope you get lots of :crocheting and football in.


Mary - I hope the craft fair is going well. Thinking about you and wishing I could pop up there.


Shannon - I hope you are having a blast in New Orleans with Gram.


Beth - :hi thinking about you :hug I hope you are dry. :hug


This afternoon turned out great. I went for a walk. It was so sunny, so I soaked up some vitamin D. I crocheted a little tiny santa applique (no intended use yet, it is from a wreath pattern where you put a bunch of santas and stockings and presents all around a wreath...i've always wanted to make a wreath). DD and I went to the park after school. I made a roast turkey breast, rice, veggies and fruit salad for supper. It was delish. I just edited the play room for DD's playdate tomorrow (no instruments you use your mouth for and stuff like that). I'll need to vacuum in the morning...didn't quite get to that today...too sunny :devil She is having a little girl from her class over. I bought bristol board and "jewels" to make little princess crowns and we are going to have make your own pizzas. Hopefully they get along :xfin At this age you never know.

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HI gang! I am here. I went to the doctor today and he said that maybe we need to start thinking about prevention rather than treating the headache. So he put me on topomax. I am supposed to take one a night for a week or so and then take one in the morning and one at night. The idea is to take them so that I don't get the migraines any more and I am able to stand the medicine. I have to go back to him in 3 months to see how I am progressing. I get to be a pin cushion as I need to have blood drawn for that. I get to be a pin cushion in December for the endocrinologist. Soon I will have no more blood to give!

LeaAnne - The ghan is just beautiful! I hope it fetches a good price at the auction. You did a wonderful job! And yes, I do have Friday-itis! I love Fridays because I can sleep a little later the next day! You just gotta love that!

Stacy - How was Chinese and PB&J? I hope it all worked out!

Colleen - YAY for a beautiful day! I hope the walk was just lovely and that you had a great rest of the day!

I am here for chat for a little while!


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Vicki- I hope the topomax does the trick for you. I can't imagine getting migraines. B/4 George stopped visiting me, I always got a headache the day b/4 his arrival. As soon as he came, headache went away- but it wasn't a migraine- just a dull headache.

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AC was so much fun! I am not a gambler- but had fun spending some $ and watching others spend theirs! The massage was fabulous! And we were really treated like VIP's. It was a great way to spend time with co-workers away from work.

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