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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Good morning!


LeaAnne- I had fun last night too! Thank you. Unfortunately, DD woke up before the sun this morning. That's okay. It's football day!! GEAUX SAINTS!!


Joanne- I will watch DH's hand. I knew when he told me on the phone that it needed stitches, but he is so hard-headed!:angry Have fun at the wedding. And I hope you can get away in time for the games!


Stacy- Did DH make it through the night?:lol I hope he's feeling better today! How's Isabella? And Mia and Eva?


Colleen- I can't wait to hear about your trip!:princess We've missed you!!


Beth- How happy are you that DH is home? I only ask 'cause I couldn't tell in you posts.:heehee


Vicki- How's everyone feeling today? I hope you get some results soon. :hugs to all of you!


Mary- I can't wait to see pictures of all your beautiful creations!! Hope all is well up there!


Hi Scooby and Jennifer!!


We need to get ready for the horse show. I have a few things to do around here before we leave. My poor house is a mess again.:( Sometimes I don't think I'll ever catch up. I need to quit dragging my badorkas!! Help!!!!:help I'm drowning in junk over here!


Have a great day everyone!:manyheart

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Morning all! It is bright and sunny here. I need to open my windows! It will be that kind of nice day!

LeaAnne - We have not heard about the truck yet. We don't even think they reported it to their insurance company yet! Hubby will do that tomorrow. Poor thing does not feel well this morning.

DD is feeling much better. I think she wants me to believe she is better so I will let her go back in to tae kwon do before the doctor gives her the ok to go back. She will survive. She is going to miss her belt test, so I hope they will just let her test searately like they did in August.

I must run. I need to finish the laundry and take a shower. Hubby's cell phone died. I think it needs a new battery. We need to go do that and I need dog food too!



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Hi Everybody, and Happy Sunday (Football day!)


It's SO wonderful to have dh home!!! Yesterday, he took Jr. to his swim meet, and I had a peaceful, relaxing, delightful time with just my dd at home. I actually crocheted! I didn't do much of that while dh was gone. He says the rooms I painted are definitely blue, and asked if I was going to keep the trim the colors they currently are. (Answer - most definitely NO! but I didn't have time to work on them while he was gone.) He also said the ceiling looks better than it did when we moved in. So I'm pleased.


Oh, Jr. swam 3 times, and won 2 of them. The first time, he messed up his dive, and it set him back.


Shannon and LeaAnne, I :rofl over your jokes in the post. I told all my creations the vampire ones. My dd says we're corny. I think that's a compliment, right?

Shannon, I hope dh's hand is OK. My personal thoughts about your house -- your dd will only be little for an amazingly short time. You can clean later, enjoy her now! Which is why my house is a total disaster!:lol

LeaAnne, have fun at Miss Jeanne's house. I hope the creations pick fun costumes!


Joanne, I hope you get out of the wedding in time for your games. Let us know which one ends up getting top billing, and which one is the PIP.


Mary, are you feeling better since the meeting is over? That had to be so much stress on you. I'll bet you aren't fond of confrontation.


Vicki, how do dd and dh feel today? I hope everyone is recuperating. How are you holding up?


Colleen, I hope your vacation was :c9 and your trip home is safe. We can't wait for pictures!!!:hyper


Stacy, how is Isabella? How are you? Are you getting enough rest to heal?


Scooby, how are the wedding plans? I'd love to hear more about your house. :drool I love big old houses!


Jennifer, I hope school is going OK. I'm thinking about you, even though I know you are too busy to pop in here much!


I did the grocery shopping, and got everything put up. My dd drove me between the stores. She is deaf in her right ear. Today, it was an issue. I am a nervous Nellie, and have to work hard to stay calm while the kids are driving. I was telling her to switch lanes in my calm voice, and she didn't hear me. When she finally asked if she should switch lanes, I was freaking out, and yelled at her. So we need to work on communication while she is driving.

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:hi everyone! We're home!


I just spent an hour or so skimming all the posts. Clearly I can't go on vacation anymore. I get too behind with my besties :rofl


Stacy - I'm so glad your procedure went well and it sounds like you are up and about and getting back to normal. :hug to your Bella. I think my DD stuggles with her self esteem and it helped me to hear everyone's suggestions.


Shannon - Good luck to your sister with her horse show! Good luck to you with the decluttering. I love the story about DD wanting to be herself and her saying her little prayer to the wishing fountain :manyheart Love your scarf!


Beth - I am so happy your DH is back and that you got so much accomplished. WTG with the painting! What are you crocheting now that you've started again?


LeaAnne - I'm glad you got a stay up over with your mommy. How did the halloween shopping go? What colours are you using for your flannel ghan?


Joanne - I love your hat and scarf. You are just churning out the projects these days!


Vicki - :hug to you and your family. I was so sorry to hear about your DH and DD's accidents. DH should definitely get follow up and you should consult with the insurance company about physical therapy or massage therapy. I'm not sure how insurance companies work there, but here many people get such therapy covered after an accident (I work at a physical therapy clinic).


SCOOBY!!!! - Wow! You have had a lot going on! Congrats on your upcoming marriage and thank you so much for stopping by. We all missed you!


Jennifer - Good luck with the consignment selling! Keep us posted!


We had an AMAZINGLY MAGICAL time! :clap:dance:elle It was fantastic. Everything went smoothly. Staying at the resort was great. DD loved Disney and all the characters. (Beth, we saw Aurora). It was relaxing and fun! I am so happy :c9 It was all decorated for halloween and looked great!


I did 3 loads of laundry today. 2 are still out on the clothesline. It is beautiful here today. Our tree is completely leaf-less, but no snow here yet.

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Oops - I knew I'd forget someone! MARY!!! WTG keeping your cool at the meeting and saying your piece. I'm glad you are feeling better. Looking forward to seeing your afghan pics. You are getting close to the craft show, aren't you??

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Happy Sunday!


Welcome back, Colleen! I'm glad to hear you had such a fantastic time! I can't wait for pictures. :wink What did dd think of the Princess dinner? Which dress did she wear?


Shannon, sorry to hear about dh's hand. Jorge did that once and he came home with his hand wrapped in electrical tape. :eek Men. Good luck to Sister again today! Also good luck with your flannelghan. I am thinking of making one for my dad, for Christmas. I made one for dh and he loves it. I think I used about 6 skeins of each color (I made a checkerboard pattern instead of the plaid.) I'm thinking of ordering ILTY for my dad's...I think the skeins are a bit smaller but my hands were so sore by the time I finished with Jorge's.


Leanne, good luck costume shopping! I love to go and browse all of the costumes. Last week, we saw a Kung Fu Panda one for adults, and a pregnant man costume! LoL I told dh he should try that one, but he didn't think that was funny. :shrug:heehee Hugs to Jeanne!


Beth, sorry to hear about the mis-communication with your dd. Glad your dh was good with the paints colors and the compliment about the ceiling. I"m sure it is wonderful to have him back. :clap


Joanne, I hope the wedding doesn't last too long! :heehee I hope you make the flannel-ghan, too- it would be neat to work on them all together!


Vicki, I'm happy to hear that everyone is feeling better. Sorry that the people didn't report the accident. :angry I hope you can get that straightened out soon.


Mary- :hi I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday.


Great news- dh's eye didn't fall out! :rofl It is still red and sore, of course, but he hasn't complained about it much today.

Last night we had a bbq, then the neighbors invited the kids over for a Halloween/birthday party. They played a few games and danced, then we left. It was mostly older kids and they were shoving each other off chairs during musical chairs. One kid, who was maybe 8) accidentally put his sleeve in the punchbowl, and he swore! I looked at him and dh told me to cool it because it's not my house. :blush

Today we've just been lazing about at home. I have 3 loads of laundry on my bed, waiting to be folded, but so far all I've done is work on Isabella's socks. I'd better get moving and fold it so we can have somewhere to sleep tonight! :lol

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Welcome Homee Colleen! Did DD have a great time with all the Princesses? Good to hear you had a wonderful time! I hope the weather was good. Did you do any swimming there?

Shannon - How is hubby's hand? Did he go to the doctor or wrap it in a bandage at least?

Stacy - How is your hubby feeling tonight? Did the girls enjoy the BBQ? Glad to hear youu had a relaxing day!

Beth - Ooh, sounds like you had a wonderful day! Good for you!

It is time for the baseball insanity to begin again! The Yankee game is just getting started! LET'S GO YANKEES! If they lose this one I think I will have a cow!

TTFN! Have a good night!


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Hi Ladies

I just wanted to post that Iam still here. Iam getting everything together for the craft show next month. I still need to take some pics so you all can see what I have been working on. It has been rainy and cloudy here, so it is hard to get good pics. The upside to that is I have been crocheting up a storm. Right now Iam working on a baby sac for a friend of my DD. It is like a bag you put the baby in when it is bed time. This way you don't need a blanket, so they can't kick it off. It is alot of trial and error right now. I will remember to take a pic when finish.

COLLEEN WELCOME HOME :cheer:cheer:cheer

we sure did miss you. Hope you had a great time.

LeaAnne, Joanne, Beth, Vicki, Shannon, Stacy, Jen and Scooby hope you are all having a great Sunday.

I have to get back to crocheting.

Talk to you later


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:hi Mary!


Can't wait to see pics of your work. :clap I love baby sacks! We had one for Mia and she loved to be in it. She was so small that she fit into the largest size (12 months, I think) when she was almost 18 months. She wasn't too happy to not be able to use it anymore. When Eva came along I bought one for her, but she hated it. They are a wonderful invention, and I can't wait to see your interpretation. :D


Oh my gosh, I have to tell you this quick story...the girls were playing on the floor and Mia took something that belonged to Isabella. Isabella told her to give it back, and she said, "I'll give it back...when I die!" :rofl Where does she come up with these things?

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Hi everyone! I'm back from the wedding- so much for leaving at 8- it was more like 9- listened to the game in the car on the way home.


Can't post to everyone now- too much going on between the Yankees (up 3-1 top of the 6th) and Giants 14-10 (half time)


Welcome home Colleen!!! WTG on the crocheting Mary...Glad that DH's eye didn't fall out Stacy...and yes, I think I'll be making a flannelghan...working on a few more scarves. Almost finished one today in Chenille Thick and Quick.


Congrats to LeaAnne's Pats and to Shannon's Saints (what a comeback they had) and to Vicki's Jets. Hmmmm that's 3 for 3; can my Giants make it 4-4? Beth's Redskins don't play till tomorrow night.


Have a good night...oh, oh, Angels have 2 on with 2 outs.......

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Good morning and Happy Monday...and yes it is a Happy Monday (except for the Giants who lost their game)


Didn't get to bed till around 1 with all the excitement of the yankees win so it'll be an early night tonight.


Hope everyone has a splendiferous day!



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YAY! The Yankees are on their way back to the World Series! IT begins Wednesday night! WOO HOO!

How was the wedding Joanne? And how did the Giants lose? They were up at half time! Fox kept flashing the score of the game during the baseball game.

Mary - Can't wait to see the pictures of all the goodies for the craft fair!

Stacy - That is funny! The things that kids say just crack me up sometimes!

Off to read more about the Yankees victory. TTFN!


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:dance:clap:elle I got my Shannon square :yay It is so pretty and colourful! Thanks Shannon!


Just took a crying little girl to school :ohdear and now I'm going to enjoy a coffee and a day of catching up around the house. Have a good one!

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Good morning everybody. I need :morcoffee so I won't try to answer everybody. I do want to give Colleen a :hug because it's hard to drop off a crying child at school. Have a good Monday. I'm going to try my darnedest! My oldest ds made my breakfast. My dd and I volunteered with the kitties. My youngest ds is washing the sheets. My oldest is cooking dinner tonight, and he is cleaning the cat boxes.... I work SO hard. :sweat:rofl


Do I brag too much???:blush

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Thanks for the hug, Beth. :manyheart


I took Beth and Joanne's advice. I just cleaned out my drawers and closet and have 2 garbage bags full of clothes to donate. :whewIt feels good. :clap


Now I just have supper to make, some more tidying to do, laundry ongoing and I'm off to work later. No wonder I don't have time to :crocheting:rofl Have a great Monday everyone!

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I started with a nasty headache around 8:30, but nothing that a good :morcoffee won't cure! :lol It is almost gone already.


Beth, your inventions are awesome! :cheer


Colleen, great job on cleaning! :h5


I also left a crying girl at school this morning. :( Isabella took a shower this morning and insisted on brushing her hair, rather than using the wet comb, which made it kind of frizzy. When she got to school, a girl in her class told her that her hair looked funny. :angry Which was actually funny coming from that girl because she had a ponytail with hair falling out all over the place. But I digress. Isabella was sad and tearing up again when I left. Today is my day to watch Roomie's kids so I won't be able to talk with the teacher until tomorrow morning. I really want to see how she acts in class.


Well it is time to get Mia to school, I will be back later! :manyheart and :hug to my besties!

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SHANNON I got your square and it is sooooo pretty. Thankyou very much and Thankyou for the little gifts too. You are the best.

As I was reading your note that you wrote I was thinking. I think we found each other here cause we are soooooo much alike. If you just look back at the other post......... the advice we give each other, the way we care about each other and we are all willing to help each other and cheer each other on. I don't think we are friends any more .......... WE ARE FAMILY.

Colleen and Stacy :hug:hugfor your crying girls today. Hope everything turned out ok.

Hope everyone is having a great day


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Oh, Stacy and Colleen, I hope the girls had a good day after the rough start. Usually once they get into doing something and the day starts, they calm down and are fine. I hope that is the case with you!

Mary - I agree with you. We have become a family to each other. We didn't start out that way. We just evolved in to it!

DD is sitting workin on a project for school that her teacher said is due tomorrow instead of Wednesday. Yikes! We had it all planned out, now she just needs to get it all in final copy and make sure it is all neat. It is on the symbols for the state of Texas.

Another Monday has almost ended. I don't know where it went, but it went quick!

I hope you all had a great day. Hopefully a good night is to come! Talk to you all later! Off to work on my paper!


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HI everyone

Colleen and Stacy- hope that your DD's had a good day at school in spite of the teary starts! It is hard leaving a child at school when they are not happy. Here's some:hug for you!!


Colleen- WTG on cleaning out the drawers and closets! It feels great doesn't it? And now someone else can use what you no longer do. It's a win- win!!!


Mary- I agree, we have evolved into family! What started out as a cleaning CAL has become so much more. Heck, we hardly "talk" about cleaning anymore:lol


Vicki- I don't know how the Giants lost- but lose they did! I was really paying attention to the Yankees!!! And now my brother and nephew and me have a little friendly rivalry going on. I told them it's my turn this year. They had theirs last year when the Phillies won the WS! DD in Boston said she doesn't care who wins- she's not a fan of either team- (of course not, she is a Red Sox fan) but that she is just hoping for a good series. She did say that the Pennyslvania relatives had their turn last year, but it's hard to root for the Yankees. I told her that even though she wasn't a baseball fan until she moved to Boston, she was raised by a Yankee fan, so she owes it to me to root for the Yankees:lol....


Beth- Your inventions were raised right- nice that they pampered you today. Love how they all chip in and do their fair share!


My youngest DD and SIL got a puppy today- She is an English bulldog and her name is Belle. She is really cute. SIL had a bulldog growing up and he loved her- he even has a tatoo of the bulldog on his calf! They are so excited with the new addition to the family. (of course, I was hoping to have a grandbaby, but now I have a grand "fur" baby!)


Middle DD has a meeting at Kean University on Wed- meeting about grad school. Hope that it goes well for her. She got her undergrad degree at Kean and graduated with honors, so hope that helps her with getting into grad school.


Well, that's all from this front. I'm going to be hitting the sack early tonight. Gotta rest up for Wednesday night!!!!


Have a wonderful night everyone:hug

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Oh, Mary, your work is so beautiful. I'm so glad that you posted pictures!!!! I love that snowflake ghan! And the sweaters are so colorful! And the strawberry set-how adorable! And the doll dresses- all beautiful

You have every right to show off!!:clap:manyheart

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Hey my peeps!


Mary- Your work is beautiful!! Thank you so much for posting pictures. How long did it take you to make the afghan? I'm so glad you like your square!


Joanne- Congrats to you on your first grand "fur" baby! Why are you always the one in the friendly rivalries??? Hope you get a good night's rest.


Vicki- How are DH and DD feeling today? Did you hear anything from the doctors or the insurance company? I've been meaning to ask you, how is everything between you and your sisters? I hope everything is going well.


Stacy- :hugs to Isabella! I hope her day turned out much better! How are you feeling?


Colleen- That is awesome that you got rid of so much!! It does feel good, doesn't it? :hugs to DD, and I hope her day got better too! I'm thinking she probably had fun telling everyone about Disney! I'm so happy that you got your square and you like it!


Beth- Umm....yes you brag too much, and you should!! Your inventions are AWESOME!! My mom was never able to brag about my cleanliness, 'cause it didn't exist!:lol I pray that I'll be able to brag about my DD about it.


LeaAnne- Yay! Our Saints and your Pats won! How was your day at Ms. Jeanne's? Hope you're having a great day!


Sister says thank you for all the good luck wishes, and that it helped! She got 2nd place and 8th place! DD had her 4 yo check up today, and it went well. I was supposed to drop her off at Mom's and go home, but it's been raining all day, so I'm staying at Mom's tonight too. I'm glad I keep my crochet in the car!!

Have a great night all! :manyheart

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I almost forgot. I have a story.


Janna started talking to a little girl while we were in the waiting room at the doctor's office. The little girl asked her her name and my name and whatnot. I guess Janna got excited, because she started talking fast, and even I couldn't understand her. The girl says to her, "Why are you talking Spanish?" Then she turns and asks her mom why. Her mom says, "I think that was more like gibberish."(:angry) Just then, Janna says, "Uno, dos, tres....." The mom says, "Oh, I guess she is speaking Spanish." Way to stick it to her, my girl!!!:devil:c9

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