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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Good luck to your sister. I don't know much about horse shows. :blush


Does your dh go to hunting every weekend during the season? How long will Janna be with your mom?


Maybe I will venture over to the yucky Wal-mart to see if they have it. The one close to us did away with their yarn department. It makes me mad to think that there was probably a bunch of yarn on clearance! :lol


The tutu came out really cute but Eva screamed when I put it on her. I don't think she'll be dressing up this year. :shrug


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Yes, DH goes hunting every weekend he can. Next week is Halloween, and the weekend after that is DD's neurologist appt., so he'll be missing some.


Did you see my message on fb? All LB fans on fb get free shipping this weekend. The Walmarts I went to didn't have all the colors, so you might want to just order it online. You need the password to get the free shipping.


I'd love to see pics of the tutu. It took some convincing to get DD to want to dress up. She always just wants to be herself. Oh yeah. We went to the mall today and she wanted to throw a coin into the fountain. As she walked over to the fountain I said, "Don't forget to make a wish." I heard her say, "Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen.":rofl I guess she got confused!

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:rofl That is too cute! Janna sounds like a gem! :manyheart Did you find a new neuro or did you finally get ahold of your old one?


I will have to check out that free shipping. I can't decide which colors I like.

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We had to find a new one. I'm really anxious to see what he says. She seems to be doing great on her medicine, and I just hope that he says to keep doing what we're doing. I don't like the idea of trying her on different meds.


I couldn't decide either, but I ended up getting Green Bay, NY White, and New Orleans French Berry.


Did you get your tickets to 311 in Vegas yet?

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From what you've said, it sounds like she is making awesome progress. I hope he has great news for you. :hug


The pre-sale is on the 28th. Jorge just "informed" me that his brother doesn't have the money for his tickets yet. Which, of course, means that they will be asking to "borrow" from us. I am so fed up with this.

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Ooooh, that's a bummer! But it sounds like it will be lots of fun. I can't wait to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra! I listened to their CDs today. Christmas music!

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It sounds familiar but I don't think I've heard them. I can't even get into Christmas music right now! :eek LoL


Well I'm going to scoot, Shannon-ness. The kids are all in bed and I am pooped. Have a great weekend and good luck to your Sis! :hug

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Okay. I need to go to bed too. It's been nice chatting with you again. Sweet dreams tonight. And I will tell my sister that my imaginary friend wishes her luck. Thank you. Give the girls hugs for me.:manyheart

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Good morning and welcome home to Beth's DH! I think Colleen returns today from the land of the princesses today too!


Shannon- that scarf is really neat. I looked at the directions and it seems easy enough..can't believe you were able to chat and "knit" at the same time! Good luck to sis this weekend at the horse show. And I can't tell you enough how cute the pic of Dr. Shannon and Dr. Janna is on FB!


Stacy- Glad you are feeling better and sorry that Eva didn't like the tutu! I bet it came out really cute! Any special plans for Isabella today?


Mary- how's the hooks flying? How many weeks until your craft show?


Vicki- sorry I missed you for chat and hope the MRI and the xrays come out ok. The weather here is balmy and cloudy. The forecast for tonight is: Rain with isolated thunderstorms in the evening...then a chance of rain after midnight. Some thunderstorms may produce gusty winds and heavy rainfall in the evening. Breezy with lows in the mid 50s. i think they just might get the game in . GO YANKEES!


LeaAnne- forgot to ask- did you meet the kids that you will be babysitting for? Is that still a go?


I must have fallen asleep around 9 and woke up at 6--so I got 9 hours of glorious sleep! Just what I needed! Now its time to run the vaccum, dust, wash the sheets and then go get a pedicure! DH and I have a wedding to go to tomorow afternoon at 3 (who has a wedding on a Sunday during football season? LOL) Anyhow, figured I'd treat myself to a pedicure since I'll probably be wearing a sandal type of shoe. (any excuse to go pamper myself...lol....) Luckily the Giants aren't playing until Sunday night so we'll probably get to see alot of the game!


Have a wonderful Saturday! I think I need to start another project today. I wish I knew what I feel like making. I think I'll try a hat to match DD's legwarmers and fingerless mitts. Then start on another afghan.

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Good morning, everyone!

:c9My honey's home! Life is good.


Shannon, I love your scarf! The colors are very nice together. I like the rippled pattern.


Joanne, I hope you enjoy the wedding, and don't miss too much of the game.


Stacy, I hope you continue to feel better. Give our Isabella a big :hug from her imaginary aunt Beth. I'm glad she could help you push the stroller.:D I'm sorry Eva didn't like her tutu. Maybe later?


Mary, good luck preparing for the craft show.


Vicki, When does dh have his follow-up appointment with the doc?


Colleen, LeaAnne, Jennifer, Scooby, I hope you are all pleasantly busy!


Today my dd has dance, my oldest ds has work, and my younger ds has a swim meet. My dh is taking ds to the swim meet, which will free up about 6 hours of my day. I'm SO glad he's home! I have several extra loads of laundry to do, but the first one is in the washing machine now. Love modern appliances! I can't imagine doing it with a washboard, like Grandma used to do!


Have a great Saturday, Ladies!

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Happy Saturday! The sun is out and it is a beautiful day here! But is sounds like it will be wet baseball weather up in NY tonight! I hope they get the game in!

Hubby did not make his follow up appointment yet. He needs to call the doctor on Monday and do that. DD goes back for hers on Friday at 3:30.

Beth - YAY for your hubby being home! I hope he had a wonderful homecoming! And now you have help at home! Gotta love that!

Shannon - I saw your scarf! It's beautiful!

Stacy - How is Isabella doing today? I hope all is well. Did the girls have fun playing super hero last night?

DD is going to go trick or treating at the gym that hubby joined. She was all worried that because she was taken out of her physical activities that she would not be able to go trick or treating. Perish the thought! I am going to straighten her hair for her costume. She says her neck does not hurt so much today, so that is a good thing. Hubby says he felt okay when he got up. Let's see how long it lasts.

Talk to you all later! Have a great Saturday!


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Glad that DH and DD are feeling ok today Vicki! And the weather here is just cloudy with peeks of sunshine now. Hope it lasts until this evening!


Well, off to dry my hair and go for my pedi pampering!

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Good morning ladies!


Vicki- I hope everything turns out okay with DH and DD. I think you told us, but what is DD going to be for Halloween? It's foggy and cold here!


Joanne- I loved your comment about my picture! One guy wrote me a message last night asking me if DD was having surgery.:think:shrug It finally dawned on me that he saw the picture!:lol:lol Good luck to you Yankees tonight, and I hope they get the game in!


Stacy- It was so nice chatting with you last night! I hope you have a great day, and can find your yarn!


LeaAnne- I hope you get to relax and enjoy your weekend!


Beth- :yay for DH being home!! And :yay for you getting some help and getting free time! You deserve it! What did DH say about the paint?


Colleen- I hope your trip home is safe and that you had a wonderful time!


Hi Scooby and Jennifer! Have a great weekend!


We're about to start getting ready for the horse show. I can't believe how cold it is. 46 degrees!! I'll try to get back tonight. Love you guys!:manyheart


BTW, apparently our local FOX station was getting complaints about them not showing the Saints. They usually show Dallas (:yuck) because we're closer to them than New Orleans. Anyway, they let people vote, and the Saints won 80% to 20%! So I'll be able to watch the game tomorrow! Yay!

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Good morning Ladies

I just finished an afghan. I just have to weave in the ends and take a pic, I will try and post it later. I did 1 load of laundry that didn't get done yesterday, It is in the dryer now. I straightened up and put all the dishes in the sink soaking.

Hope everyone is having a great day. It is rainy and warm here. I have all the doors and windows open and the furance off.

Talk to you later


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What a wierd kind of weather day here. One minute it is pouring rain, then the sun tries to come out.:think. It's like it can't make up its mind. How bout if it just rains for the next couple hours and then stops at 7 or so for the game tonight!


Shannon- YAy for the Fox channel for listening! Enjoy the Saints game tomororw.


DH met me at Wally World after my pedicure. I needed to pick up some candy for the trick-or-treaters next week and some odds and ends. Of course I had to check out the yarn. They had no more clearance yarn and they did have the LB Hometown USA yarn. But the color selection wasn't great. I do like the New Orleans Berry color and Detroit blue (navy)- they didn't have either. Oh, well, not like I need more yarn!...lol... I was eyeing a NY Giants long sleeve t-shirt and DH bought it for me. It is that really pretty royal blue and down the sleeve it says The G Men! I love it:manyheart


I think it's time to pull out the:hook and :yarn and try a hat. At least if I get that done, I can start another afghan.


Have a great Saturday afternoon!:hug

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Shannon that is cool that you can watch the Saints now. How is it that you are closer to Dallas, than to a team in your own state? :think Out here, the Raiders are aired every Sunday and it makes dh sooooo mad! He hates the Raiders.


Mary, sounds like you are having a beautiful day. I love to have the windows and doors open when it rains. I :manyheart that sound. Can't wait to see the afghan pic!


Vicki, I'm glad to hear that dh and dd are feeling better today. :hug


Joanne, :clap for sleep! Enjoy your pedicure and the wedding. The newlyweds obviously are not football fans. :lol


Beth, I'm so happy that dh is able to take over for you! :cheer that he is home! What did he think of the paint?


I was supposed to take Isabella to Target for a new watch, then let her pick out yarn for the slipper socks she has been asking for. Well, dh woke up with pinkeye today and now he is in bed, dying. :rolleyes The girls are outside playing "wild animal park" so I think all is well, for now. :wink

I have some laundry to do and also need to vacuum. Not sure if the rest of our plans are out the window, since dh's eye is about to fall out of his head. :lol


Well I am off for a little while. BBL! Have a beautiful day! :sun



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Stacy - What football team doyou watch? The Chargers are south of you, right? DD is going to be a Devil of Darkness. It is a long dress type costume with devil horns. It looks cute on her. I straightened her hair for a party today and it was cute! Hubby forgot to put the memory card back in his camera so we could not take any pictures of her!

Shannon - How did the horse show go? Did your sister ride well?


Joanne - The game has been postponed until tomorrow. I hope I will be able to stay up to see it!


Beth - How is having your hubby home? Does he like the paint job you did in DD's room?

LeaAnne - I hope everything is going well for you!

Mary - I am glad you could turn your furnace off for the day! Are you ready for the craft show?

Scooby - How are things up by you?

Hubby felt better this morning. Hopefully he will continue to feel better tomorrow, although if the Jets don't win I will hear him screaming.

Thanks for all your concern over the past couple of days. I really appreciate it! You are all the best!

Talk to you all later!


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I finished a hat that actually looks like a hat!:clap I added some fringe to the scarf and it doesn't look as bad. So DD will be getting legwarmers, fingerless mitts, hat and scarf. I finished another pair of fingerless mitts too (had just enough of the same color yarn as the hat and legwarmers and other pair.


I am so torn for tomorrow night- Giants and Yankees at the same time and we'll be at a wedding reception (already told Dh I want to leave around 8 (it starts at 5:30) Oh, well, what can you do?


Here's the pic of the hat and scarf. Have a great night. Off to bed for me!


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:waving, everyone!


sorry to have missed chat lastnight, my mom arrived late yesterday afternoon for a visit... with her pj's! :rofl:woo I got to have my own 'stay up over'... with MY mommy! It was soooo awesome! a very needed and welcomed surprise, you can be sure!

This afternoon, we went up to Jeanne's (did I forget to tell you guys she lives in town?) ... another awesome visit, with my "other mother":clap we just got home a little while ago:c9


Joanne - Have fun at the wedding tomorrow...you are right: Who has a Sunday afternoon ANYTHING during football season?!:think:rolleyes:lol

At least you got a pedi, though! :cheerfor Spoilness!

Oh... and my post yesterday took a long time... I read through all that I had missed, and then read through again and took notes. I felt like i missed so much. and I DID!


Shannon - hope you all didn't freeze your patooties off at the horse show! I hope that sis did great! I didn't know that you call Janna your chicken... :lol That's what I call my chickens! :rofl... one more thing that proves we are sisters, I guess:wink... anyhow, I sure hope you had a fun day! ... hey, and :cheer:cheer for those SAINTS! I wish you could pick which "local" game you wanted to watch. ...so, are you wearing your Giants shirt to that wedding?! could you imagine?:devil


Stacy - How is poor Jorgy's eye? ...the poor baby... I hope it didn't "fall out" :rofl... you are priceless!

I hope that you and 'bella got your special time today, and that she is feeling better... tell her "auntie Lea" sends a great big extra :hug, just for her!


Vicki - DD's costume sounds "sick-a-licious"! I am so happy that everyone was feeling better today, and that the trend continues:hug Sorry that the game was a "washout" tonight:(


Mary-Mary! :cheeron finishing a 'ghan! Your hook must officially be "feeling better":heehee what one did you do? did you make another corner to corner throw?

You weather today was just like ours... wet and WARM... it was weird, but good. How is DH doing? and the rest of your clan?


Beth - I am so happy for you today!:hug Did DH like your work? I was reading your post, and remembered that right after DH left, you and your DS fixed your dryer! You are right about modern appliances. How did women do it before?! :shrug


Colleen - Welcome home! I hope your trip was really the bestest! :hug


:waving, Scooby and Jenn! I am thinking of you girls (as always:U)


Tomorrow is Halloween shopping, and football watching:clap:cheer I think we are going to Jeanne's again for dinner... we brought those Pats some pretty good luck last week, so we will try it again:D.

OH! and I FINALLY :crocheting something! :faint... I know, I can barely even believe it myself :rofl... it was just a scarf, but it was something! My mom picked some yarn for me to make a scarf for one of her friends... white FunFur, white Cha-Cha, and white Simply Soft. It is a long skinny scarf (kind of reminds me of a boa:lol)... it came out pretty though... now I just need to find a pair of white "magic gloves" to put some FunFur around the cuff to match. The best part was that I already had all the yarn!:clap


Well, m'ladies... I guess I should go along... I'll try to stop by tomorrow before we head to "Nanny's" house. I hope you all have a great night!


Sweet Dreams, bestie-est friends anyone could ask for!

:hug:manyheart:hug :night

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OMG, Joanne!


we were posting at the same time! I love your scarf and hat! The colors of the scarf are way-cool-ness!


I am going to :xfin that dinner at the reception is over, so that you can get home to watch your games... I would have to keep flipping back and forth:lol ... can you stand the excitement?!

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Hi girls!


Sister did okay today. She's in 2nd and 9th place. She's riding two horses in this show. She trains horses for people. Anyway, she's riding again tomorrow, so I have my :xfin that she'll do great!


It's been a long day, and I'm going to bed. I just wanted to say goodnight to my Besties first! Love you guys! :manyheart

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