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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Scooby!!!! So good to hear from you. I thought maybe you just didn't have internet anymore. :D We were very worried, but I'm glad your friend let you know that we posted to you. Congratulations on getting married and moving. Sorry to hear about the school problems, and ds getting swine flu! Was it really as bad as everyone is making it out to be, or just like the normal flu? I hope you can come back and update us once in a while when you get a chance. Thank you for letting us know you are ok. :hug


Mary! It is good to hear from you. I forgot that tomorrow night is the big meeting- good luck! Since you are sick you are already drained but I hope you can stand up to those people and make yourself heard. :hug


Beth, sorry to hear about the paint. :angry My FIL is our go-to guy for stuff that needs painting, I've never had to experience the paint-coming-off-with-the-tape problem. Good luck on fixing it. I also think white trim sounds nice. What about that darker blue that she liked? Maybe that would be a nice compromise- it's not black but it is darker, so maybe dd will like it. :hug


Thank you for all of your thoughts!! The procedure went well. The dr. could tell right away that I would need "extra" anesthesia so I ended up getting 7 or 8 shots of it. I asked at one point if he was almost done, and he said "not quite," then told me to look, and he had the mass hanging next to my head. :yuck Gross!! It only took an hour, and he gave me an extra shot so I don't have any pain for a while. :D

When we got to MIL's, Mia didn't want to leave, and Eva was sleeping, so dh will pick them up after karate tonight. I had planned to take a nap while they are gone but now I'm thinking I will just go to karate with them. It's not too often we both get to go, without being distracted by the other two. :wink

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Stacy I'm so happy that the procedure went well. :manyheartTake it easy for a few days, ok? Hope you had a good time at karate.


Well, ladies, the Yankees are winning 7-1 YAY :clap:clap Yanks! Finally in the bottom of the 8th- don't think we'll have extra innings but doesn't look like I"m gtting to bed until midnight or so Another night of 5 hrs and some minutes of sleep!! But so worth it. AROD is on fire tonight!!!!:clap


Let's go Yankees:cheer Let's go Yankees:cheer Let's Go Yankees:cheer

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Thanks, Joanne, I will try. Jorge has to go back to work on Thursday so hopefully I can get some rest tomorrow. I ended up not going to karate, and opted to spend time in my bed with my :yarn and :hook.


Hope you had fun watching your game.


I am off to take some Tylenol, then go to :sleep. Sweet dreams!

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Stacy, I'm glad your procedure went well. I hope you feel better very soon. You showed mean old George, didn't you!


Joanne, so glad your game went the way you wanted. I hope you got some sleep last night!


Mary, Feel better, sweetie!:hug I'd send you some chicken soup, if I could. I hope things go well for you at the meeting.


Vicki, how was bowling? Could you concentrate with the game going on?


Scooby, it is a big relief to hear that you are OK. It sounds like you've had some ups and downs. Congrats on the engagement and the move. The old house sounds very intriguing. I love old houses. I just don't like drywalling and painting them!


Shannon, LeaAnne, Colleen, and Jennifer, Have a great Wednesday!


Hubby comes home in 2 days!!!! :cheer:clap:yay ... :eek I need to clean this place up!!!

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Good morning everyone!!!

Happy Hump Day!

Beth- here's hoping that your badorkus is in full swing getting the place ready for DH's return- only 2 days- seems like yesterday that he left and it's almost 3 wks ago. Gosh, the time just keeps on flying by!


Stacy- Hope you got a good nights sleep and that you take it easy while Jorge is home from work The old standby, rest and:hook and:yarn should do the trick Take advantage of having him home:devil


Mary- Good luck with the meeting tonight. Rooting for you that it goes well:cheer. Hope you are feeling better today and get to do some:crocheting


Shannon- thanks for the nice little chat on FB. It was fun!


Vicki- How bout them Yanks!! CC was phenomenal and A-ROD seems to have put any post season demons to rest! How did you do at bowling?


LeaAnne, Scooby, Jennifer - have a great day. Again Scooby- soooo happy to have heard from you:c9


Well, besties, off to get ready for work Ill be so happy come home tonight and get some rest. These games are wearing me out. Thankfully last night wasn't such a nailbiter and I got to :crocheting while watching the game!


Cya on the flip side (and since I haven't said it in awhile....remember your vitamins....:lol )

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Happy Wednesday all!

Mary - I hope you are feeling better today and that the meeting goes well tonight! Let us know what happens!

Joanne and Beth - I watched the game at the bowling alley. I made sure the t.v. was set to FOX and we were on a lane that was near it, so I was watching! My bowling scores were not good, but hey, I wasn't feeling my best and I really wanted to stay home and watch the game! Do we play again Thursday?

Stacy - So glad to hear that everything went well at the doctor! Good for you staying home and resting! You needed it! Relax for another day. Hopefully all will be well by Thursday!

Colleen is probably getting loved by all the princesses and and Mickey. I hope she is having a great time!

Shannon and LeaAnne - Have a wonderful day!

My head feels better today. Hopefully it will stay that way! Have a great day all and I will talk to you later!


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Hey ladies!


Joanne, glad to hear your getting a break from all of your high-stress games! :lol


Mary, I hope you are feeling better today. Good luck with your meeting tonight. :hug


Vicki- sorry to hear your scores weren't good. What can they expect, though, when there are important games to watch? :D I'm glad to hear your migraine is gone.


Shannon-ness, I hope you didn't get lost in the bedroom mess! :lol


Leanne, how is everything? You've been quiet the last couple of days- I hope everything is ok. :hug


Beth and Colleen- hope you all are having a happy Hump Day! Beth, I can't believe it's been 3 weeks already! Really?! You've done a wonderful job of keeping busy. :hug


Last night, after the anesthesia shot wore off, I was in pain. :ohdear The dr. didn't give me anything for it, just said to take extra strength Tylenol. It didn't help much and I had a horrible night of sleep. I've been trying to keep it low-key today but it seems the more I move, the better it feels. So I have straightened up the living room, made my bed and put a load in the washer. I also helped dh type up some notes for his history midterm (poor guy is a horribly slow typer.) Now I am taking a break to check in here. Dh also called in to take off tomorrow. :yay:clap Although I think he mostly did it so he could study. LoL Oh well, at least he is here in case I need anything.


I'm going to scoot and work on some cross-stitching while he is at school with Mia. BBL! :hug

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Hi everyone!

Good luck Mary!

Stacy- I never found extra strength tylenol to work- I always take Advil or Motrin. Seems to do the trick for me. Hope the pain is subsiding and Yay for Jorge being home again tomorrow.


Beth- how did your day go today? B/4 you know it DH will be home!!!


Shannon- you must be busy clearing out the guest room and going through your clothes today --- or crocheting your pillow....


Vicki- Amazed that you could concentrate on bowling at all with the game on. And yes we play again tomorrow night- and if they win, we are going to the World Series!!! Glad to hear that your migraine is gone.


Colleen- Hope you guys are having the time of your life and that your princess is enjoying all the princesses!!!


LeaAnne- hope things are ok. Missing you around here. Just wait till you read the posts and see that Scooby posted!!


Well, I'm going to go make some dinner. Try to check in again later.

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:hi everybody!


Stacy, I hope your pain subsides. I'm glad you found that moving helps. I'm glad Jorge is staying home another day with you.


Joanne, sounds like your Yankees are having a very good year! What did you make for dinner?


Vicki, I'm glad your head feels better. I hope you are having a relaxing night. Do you feel drained after your migraine?


Mary, are you feeling better today? Please let us know how tonight's meeting goes.


LeaAnne, Shannon, Colleen, Scooby, and Jennifer, Our group is back to 9 now! How wonderful!!!! I hope you are having a wonderful day!


We touched up the wall paint in dd's room today, I still need to touch up the ceiling paint, but just can't motivate myself. There was an opossum on my front porch tonight when I brought my ds home from swim practice. I thought it was exciting! I guess he likes the food I put out for the neighbor's cat. I thought the cat had some help eating -- he was putting away more food than my 4 cats every day!

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Good evening girls!


It's been a crazy couple of days! Good, but crazy. I've been lurking around here though. I'm going to bed, I just wanted everyone to know I'm thinking about you!


Stacy- I'm glad the procedure went well, and I hope you can sleep more comfortably tonight.


Mary- I hope everything went well at the meeting. Are you feeling better?


Vicki- WTG! You were the 6,000th post!!:yay:cheer:clap


Everyone- Have sweet dreams, and a wonderful Thursday! I'll try to talk to each of you tomorrow! Love you all!:manyheart

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Oh, ladies, look at the time! I should be in my bed snoozing away! But I am not. I has been a HORRIBLE night! Hubby and DD were rear ended while he was bringing her home from day care today. The bed of his truck is supposedly buckled, but I didn't see it. I took DD and then hubby to get checked out at the emergency room. Hubby had a concussion, but DD is fine, thankfully. I am so tired, but I wanted to come on and say hi and I need to get my sub note sent to my friend to hand in tomorrow. I will talk to you all tomorrow. I hope everyone had a better night!


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Good morning.

Oh, Vicki- so sorry that you had such a bad night. Luckily DH and DD are OK after being rear-ended. Glad that DD is ok and keep an eye on DH with the concussion. That was good that you took them to the ER to get checked out. Here's hoping that today is a better day. (and just think the Yankees can clinch tonight and be on their way to the World Series):hug to you and yours!!!


Shannon-Glad you stopped by to say hi- you are too funny....lurking.....as far as dinner- I made chicken salad out of leftover chicken so we had chicken salad sandwiches and a salad. Not exciting at all, but nonetheless it was good.


Beth- I saw that pic you took of the opussum on FB, but didn't know what it was...lol..I'm.not much of a wildlife gal..but I did see some sort of animal that I didn't know what it was crossing my front lawn last evening. I guess next time if I see an unknown type of animal I should take a pic of it and post it so you can tell me what it is. :yes...Only 1 more day till your DH

is home!!


Mary- Hoping that the meeting went well and that whatever the outcome, you can now put the issue to rest. :hug for you and DH


Stacy- How was the rest of your day? Sorry the Dodgers lost, my DD emailed me that Philly was going nuts last night...Looks like we may be heading to a NJ Turnpike Series as my nephew says. Have a great day- rest up , :crocheting and let Jorge take care of the girls!!


LeaAnne- missing you and hoping things are ok!


Colleen- keep on enjoying disney-ness!


Scooby- hope things are going well with the moving- and looking forward to the next time you stop by


I went to bed at 9 last night. I figured I'd better get a good night's sleep since who knows how late I'll be up tonight with the Yankees not playing until 8!


Go Yankees!!!!

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:hi, all!


I haven't time to catch up until tomorrow, but wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you!


Things thankfully are going well, just really busy. 3 more weeks of PTO madness (fundraisers, bookfairs, bakesales and the like), then I get a nice break until January....


Jeanne is doing fabulously, and is at the hairdressers as I type. I call to check on her, and her sister is doing the :driveing.


I remember you all in my thoughts and prayers, and MISS you guys BIG!



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Hi all. Hubby is laying down right now and DD is upstairs watching t.v. She is fine. She got up this morning and was in some pain. She ate and had some hot chocolate and she said the hot chocolate did the trick. Hubby is not feeling well and we are going to go back to the doctor in a little while. We are still waiting to hear about his truck and how much it will cost to fix it and the best way to fix it, if there is one. Hopefully we will get some of that information by tomorrow.

You all are the best! Where else can I come at midnight and vent about things? Thanks ladies. I need our group right now!


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Hi Ladies

Vicki Iam sorry to hear about DD and DH. Iam glad they are alright and I will say an extra prayer for your DH tonight.

Stacy hope you are feeling better soon.

Shannon hope you are having a good day.

Beth when you finish DD's room I need my livingroom/kitchen/diningroom painted also.;)

LeaAnne great that MIL is felling better.

Joanne GO YANKEES :cheer

Colleen hope you are soaking up some of that sun for me too.

Jen and Scooby hope you are having a great day.

Last night the meeting went good and bad. The end result was that they offered the job back to us and we said no thankyou. You would have been sooooooo proud of me. I had all my evidence and I gave back to the 3 members that started this. While I was reading my little speech you could have heard a pin drop. When my hand started to shake I remembered what LeaAnne said and I sat on my hand. I did leave the room 3 times to get myself in control again but I didn't let them see me cry. Dh stayed the whole time in the meeting and I was sooooooo proud of him. He never lost his cool, he wanted too but he didn't. Is he not just the greatest? I think I will keep him.:D We are still members now that we see all the support we had. Yes we are keeping our eyes open.

I talked enough for now

Talk to you later


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Mary- glad that you stood your ground and DH too- soooo proud of you. I'll have to remember LeaAnne's trick of sitting on your hands if they start to shake. Now you can concentrate on getting ready for the craft fair!!!


LeaAnne- Thanks for stopping by to say Hi- hope you can pop in every now and then during the next 3 wks between all your busy PTO stuff. Great to hear Jeanne was at the hairdresser- that's always a great sign!


Vicki- how did it go with DH today at the MD? Hugs and prayers coming your way. And feel free to vent any time you need to. That's what is so great about this bunch- we are always here for each other when we need it most. Hoing you can relax tonight and watch the Yankees (did I say relax????LOL)


Stacy- hope you had a good day and enjoyed having Jorge home. How is the cross stitch coming along? Hope you'll post pics when you are done.


Beth- is tomorrow finally the day DH comes home? Do you have anything special planned? You and the inventions must be so happy knowing he'll be back!! How's the painting?


Shannon- hope you had a great day-ness!


Colleen, Scooby and Jennifer- thinking about ya!


Well, that's it for now. Time for some dinner- Tuna sandwiches and soup tonight ...as you can probably tell by now, I'm not much of a cook....but I told DH this when he asked me to marry him! LOL



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Hey there Besties!


Vicki- I'm so sorry that DH and DD got in an accident. How scary! I'm glad they're okay, and I hope the doctor went well for DH today. I'll be praying that they both feel much better. :hugs to all of you.


Mary- Good for you and DH for not losing your cool at the meeting. I'm glad you've decided to stay members. I'm very proud of you!


Joanne- Are you ready for tonight? We'll be watching it here. How was Delta Force today? Tuna sandwiches sound good. Maybe we'll have that here too!


LeaAnne- Thanks for the update! I'm glad everything and everyone are well! We'll be here :cheer:cheer:cheering you on the next 3 weeks! You can do it!


Stacy- How are you feeling today? I saw your status on fb. It is nice to have extra time with the hubs, isn't it? Of course, I won't be seeing mine much until January....deer season. I always say I'm single this time of year!:lol:lol


Beth- I cracked up when I saw your pics of the opossum on fb. We see them here all the time.:yuck Your kids are adorable by the way! Happy inventions are the best kind to have!!


Colleen- Have you gotten to give Mickey a kiss on his nose yet???


Scooby and Jennifer- :waving and hope you are having a wonderful day!!


DD and I went costume shopping yesterday. She was happy with her Minnie Mouse and she wanted me to be a doctor. When we got home I tried my doctor costume on, and she decided she wanted to be a doctor too. So we went to Bossier and got her a doctor costume at Target. Then we went to Olive Garden...yummy!! It was nice because DH went with us, so we had an impromptu family night out!:heart:heart:heart


I learned how to knit with my hands!! It's so cool! I'll post the website in a minute. I also found a pattern for ice skates that I'm going to try! Yeah, Christmas presents!!


Have a great night everyone!! I'll be around, waiting to hear from Vicki while I watch the game tonight! :manyheart

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Hey besties!


Vicki, I'm sorry to hear about the car accident! Did you take dh back to the dr? I hope it is nothing serious. :hug


Mary, I am so proud of you! WTG on giving your speech and not letting them see you upset. :h5 I'm glad you found so much support and that you are staying members.


Joanne, good luck with your game tonight! I hope it doesn't run too late for you. :wink


Beth, I loved your possum pics on FB!! It was really cute. I don't like them, though- we got them all the time in MI, and once there was one on my parents' porch and it wouldn't go away, or let us go up the stairs! There was also one at our apartment once- it hissed at us when we tried to walk past.


Leanne, thanks for the update! Good luck with your busy-ness in the coming weeks. I'm glad to hear that Jeanne is up and around.


Shannon-ness, how cute that you are going to be doctors together! I would like to dress up but I don't know about buying something I'm only going to wear once. I'm cheap like that. :lol


Colleen, hope you're having a fabulous time at the Magic Kingdom! :manyheart


Jennifer and Scooby- happy day to both of you! :hug


Well...I was feeling all warm and fuzzy that dh stayed home- until after lunch. He started to play video games, and asked me to get a glass of water for him. Then we took Mia to school and went out to lunch. Afterward I was super-tired and planned to take a nap, and guess what? He fell asleep and left me to watch Eva (who had already taken a nap.) :angry Then he got mad that I woke him up to pick up Mia, then when I asked if he was going to pick up Isabella (I still cannot walk that far) he mumbled something about feeling like a single parent. :thair:tryme If there were a smiley with steam coming from the ears- that would be me. :ohdear

He left for school and I am counting the minutes until bedtime- I need a nap! :blush

Well I'm going to scoot and help Mia with some spelling. Have a great night! :hug

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Thanks for the links, Shannon! I like to make something for our Mommy and Me instructor every year, and this year I am thinking ornaments. I will add these to the list.

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Hi ladies.

I did take hubyy to his doctor today, who ordered an MRI be done. So we went to do that, but they needed to do blood work on him first. that would take an hour to get done. then the MRI would take an hour. We decided that he would rather just get the MRI done tomorrow and just come home. Poor thing. He says he feels like he's been slapped around. DD is feeling better. I just gave her some Motrin for her neck, but she will go back to school tomorrow. I may write her a note to excuse her from PE.

Mary - Glad to hear about the meeting. And it is wonderful to hear that you had support from lots of people! What about the people who started all this? What did people say about them? Now on to the craft show!

Joanne - Are you seeing this? We are not out of the first inning and we are losing 4-0 already?!? They had better get their acts together. It must be all the bad vibes hubby is sending since he doesn't feel well.

Shannon - I am here for a little bit. I am very tired though, so I most likely won't stay up to watch the whole game. Hopefully hubby won't either!

LeaAnne - Good for Jeanne being at the hair dresser! Like you said, that is always a good sign! Good luck with all the craziness coming!

Stacy - How are you feeling? Did Jorge help you get the little angels? You take it easy and don't over do it.

Beth - How long until your hubby comes home? Are you almost done painting? How does it all look?

Hi Scooby and Jenn!

I hope everyone has a great night. Joanne, let's hope this doesn't go extra innings and let's get back on top! LET'S GO YANKEES!

Nighty night all!


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Shannon- thanks for the links- those ice skate ornaments are so cute. And knitting with your hands- pretty cool! Nice that you had some family time today! And Olive Garden- I love their salad and breadsticks.


Stacy- Has the steam coming out of your ears settled down a bit? Men can be like that...sometimes they can be so frustrating. Like my DH tonight- went to class and on the way home calls and says whats for dinner? I said I didn't take anything out so first I said let's have salad. He says "how much salad can someone eat?" So I said, you didn't have salad last night or the night before and he says I just had it today for lunch. Like I'm supposed to be a mind reader and know what he had for lunch! Hope you get to go to bed early tonight


Vicki- Sorry to hear DH still isn't feeling well. And these Yankees are giving me fits. Looks like we'll be heading back to the Bronx for a game 5. AJ Burnett looked like cr..p the first inning and even after. CC he is not. WEll, here we are in the 7th with 1 out and 1 on second base. We'll se if they can do anything!!!


I've been crocheting another scarf and fighting with a skein of Vanna's- so many tangles- I really hate when that happens cause it takes so long to make something. This scarf should have been done by now if not for all the stops I have to make to untangle..:thair


Oh, well. Let's Go Yankees- Do you really want to play again on Saturday or wouldn't you rather rest up for the Phillies??????

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Hi Joanne!

Yes, I've calmed down a bit. I just put my kids in their bedroom (with their outside door locked but the one that leads to the bathroom and my room open) and put a movie on for them. I am so not dealing with Roomie's kids tonight- the b/f has been on the phone outside for 45 minutes already instead of watching them.

LoL @ your dh. Mine does that sometimes, too...like I'll tell him we're having such and such for dinner, and he's like, I don't know why you're cooking- I had a big lunch. :rolleyes How am I supposed to know?


Vicki, did he have the bloodwork done today, and then the MRI tomorrow? I hope it turns out to be nothing serious. :hug



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