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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Sorry about the loss, Joanne.:( I'm glad this isn't your birthday week, but all your teams should've at least pretended like it was.

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I agree Shannon-I wish they remembered this is my birthday month! this loss was the manager's fault- he never should have taken out the pitcher. He pulled some of the pitchers too soon. And I just don't get what he did in this inning. And why were the outfielders playing so shallow?


And now I have to go through this drama again tomorrow night. I'm with Vicki-I can't get anything done with these games!

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I'm not sure I'll be back later. I'm going to watch House and then go to bed.


Oh, I didn't tell you ladies- one of my co-workers got me a belated birthday gift- 2 hanks of hand dyed alapaca yarn. It is beautiful. But, I have to wind the yarn and I don't have a winder.

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The Yankees left too many runners in scoring position with less than two outs. Also, if Swisher did not get caught stealing, he would have been on base when Posada hit that second home run. That would have been the winning run. But let's be real about this, we knew the Angels would not have gone away quietly. CC is pitching tomorrow, so let's see what happens there.


I can now sit and get some stuff done. My anxiety level is going down. I hate extra inning playoff games! They just kill me!:P

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I know Vicki- I think my heart rate is finally coming down to normal and I can relax the rest of the evening.


You have bowling tomorrow night right? Who knows the game might still be on when you get home...they seem to like 4-5 hour games!

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Well, I guess no chat tonight. That's alright, I need to do some more purging anyway! This is going to be a long ordeal, but I'm already feeling good about what I'm getting done. Now, when can I schedule in my crochet time I'm earning???:think


I have a couple crochet questions. How do I know how big to make my square to go over the pillows? Does it have to fit tight? Do I just keep putting it up to the pillow to figure it out? Also, can someone tell me how to make a circle for a moon, without a lot of holes in it?


Jennifer- It's good to "see" you again!! Mary will probably be able to help you with your question. But that is so exciting that you'll be selling your work!!:yay:clap


Thanks to all of you who commented on my pictures on fb!! You guys are the best! LeaAnne, I think you're the only one who isn't on fb. You should join us!!

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I agree with Shannon- Leanne should join FB just for us! :rofl


Shannon, I just saw a square yesterday that had a circle in the middle of it, with no holes. Oh! It was on the pillow-ghan CAL thread...it is the circles-to-square pattern from LB. It is for an afghan but I'm sure you can just use the pattern for one of the squares. :wink I don't think it has to fit tightly but you should probably either measure the pillow or hold it up to the pillow sporadically to be sure it is the correct size. Good luck getting all of your purging done! I wish I had enough clothes to have a problem like that. :lol


Jennifer, it's good to hear from you again! I'm happy to hear you may be selling your crochet! Unfortunately I haven't sold any of my stuff so I'm not sure how consignment and commissions go. Mary would be the one to ask about that! Hopefully she will pop in soon and see your question.


Joanne, how nice of your co-worker to give such a thoughtful gift! I think you could just turn it into a ball. :think I'm not sure how hanks work.


Vicki, Beth, Colleen, Mary, Leanne- have a nice night! :hug


Thank you for all of the well-wishes for my procedure. I'm sure everything will be fine but I am a bit nervous about having shots in my pelvic area. :sweat:xfin that my anesthesia doesn't wear off too soon!

I am off to get the girls ready for bed. I am beyond ready for a break! :D

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Good morning everyone!:hug and well wishes today to Stacy-I'll be thinking about you today and hope that all goes well. Please pop in when are able and let us know how everything went


Shannon- sorry, kiddo, no advice on the pillow since I've never made one. But I do like that circle in square pattern that Stacy linked to from LB. Good luck with the purging- it feels great when you are finished and then you can :crocheting to your hearts content!


Vicki- another day, another Yankee game!! Sure hope that Joe takes a lesson from Scoscia and manages a little more with instinct and less with the stat book. If a pitcher is doing well, leave him in. No more yanking them because of "match-ups". It sure backfired on him last night! I'm a little concerned with CC going on short rest- he was dominant in game 1, we'll have to see how he is tonight! And what about those Phillies taking another game from the Dodgers? My brother and nephew are beyond ecstatic. If this ends up to be a Yankee/Phillies world series, my brother and I will have lots of fun! (although I really want a Yankees/Dodgers- Joe vs Joe World Series)


Beth- You are on the home stretch till DH comes home! Did you get any of the ceiling painted? And your inventions are beautiful! Loved the pics on FB.


Mary- How are you? Hope all is well...as you can see from prior posts, we are all deferring to you to give advice to Jennifer about selling crochet! You are our star seller!!


LeaAnne- Hope things are good with you and the family and Jeanne and Uncle Art.


Thinking about Colleen and the princessess in sunny, warm FL!


Have a wonderful day everyone! :manyheart

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:hugHi Everybody! Good morning to you!


:hug Stacy -- you are definitely in my thoughts today! I hope your procedure goes well, and you feel great in no time.


:hug Colleen -- hope your travels go well, and you enjoy sunny, warm, beautiful Florida with your princess, seeing the other princesses.


:hug Joanne -- I think my inventions are beautiful, too! They really are great kids. I am so blessed. I painted the bathroom yesterday. I talked my dd into using the rest of the paint for the ceiling in her room. It's one color card away from the one she chose. But we are using Wipeout for the walls. It will be a very blue room.


:hug Vicki -- the Yankees will get 'em tonight! At least we all :xfin.


:hug Mary -- I'm missing your wisdom and wit. I hope all is well in your corner of God's country.


:hug LeaAnne -- I am thinking about you! I hope Jeanne and Uncle Art are both doing well. Are you taking some time to care for yourself? You deserve and need it.


:hug Shannonness -- I used the LionBrand circle to square afghan pattern to start the squares I sent everyone. It is quite easy, and makes a solid circle. There are 3 sizes to choose from, too.


:hug Jennifer -- Good luck with school, writing, and selling your crochet! You do stay busy! I wish you luck.


My house is a disaster area. I really need to buckle down the next couple of days so it looks half decent when dh gets home on Friday. I also need to work hard on my dd's bedroom. Luckily, I'm done working for the month. I should have more time to get everything done. I hope.

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Shannon - When I made a pillow I measured it to the insert that I was putting in it. then I amd eit a few rows bigger so that when I put it all together the pillow fit in there and it was snug. I hope that helps you a little.

Stacy - I hope all goes well today! I will be thinking about you and will wait to hear how things go!

LeaAnne - Is everyone okay up there? How is Jeanne and Uncle Art feeling?

Joanne - I hope they have the game on in the bowling alley. If not, I will ask them to put it on and I can watch it between frames.

Colleen - You are off on your trip! Have a great time and I can't wait to hear all about it!

Mary - How is everything up by you? I hope you are well and that the weather has not turned too cold on you!

Beth - Way to go on getting the bathroom painted! I can't wait to see what it all looks like!

I have a migraine this morning, so I started having a Coke at 6:30 this morning. I took my Exedrine migraine and we will see how I feel later. I will probably be WIDE awake fom all the caffeine in me, but hey, what can I do? I talked to both my sisters about their migraines and found out that my twin sister is on blood pressure medicine to help prevent hers and my older sister is on a different medicine for when she gets hers. When older sister gets them, she gets vertigo! Ugh! The doctor thinks the vertigo is the aura of her migraines. Then I found out that while I am hyper active thyroid, my identical twin sister is hypo active. I found that to be interesting.


Anyway, enough of the family medical history. I will come om later and see how everyone is doing. Have a great day all and LET'S GO YANKEES!



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Ugh Vicki! I know how that feels! Migraines are the plague of my life, like your one sister I get vertigo with mine...no headache just dizzyness with nauseau and painful earringing. Some tips my doctor shared with me that's helped: First things first, Cut the Caffine. Caffine is a temporary fix, temporarially dilating blood vessels in your brain, but when the Caffine wears off, the migraine comes back twice as bad. You might get a headache just from cutting the caffine but in the long, it helped, I still get migraines but nowhere near as bad. Second, try keeping a Journal and chronicle your monthly along with what you've had to eat. According to my doctor, most migraines are caused by food triggers most of which can easily be avoided. There's lost of stuff that can cause migraines in food but MSG, Yeast, Caffine, Citrus or Citric Acid, and certain chemicals in nuts are the BIGGIES. By keeping a journal, you can sorta find a "trend" so to speak in your migraines. For example: mine are monthly and can also be caused by large intakes of Caffine or MSG. Third and Final, Try Magnesium Gluncinate (or another magnesium brand that is doesn't upset stomach...warning you'll have to order it). According to my doctor, many people who get Migraines are Magnesium defiencent especially us woman (you know that chocolate craving you get every month...yeah that's caused by needing magnesium). Good luck with your headache and hope you feel better soon.


Everyone: School is going well, sorta. I'm kinda failing in two subjects, I am doing well in them, I just can't seem to pass the tests for them. It's midsemster so I'm busy, busy, busy. I have 3 papers due within the next three weeks alone, and five more due next month. I work everyday on one paper a day just to keep up, while trying to keep up with my reading and other homework assingments. I'm doing well in my other three classes, passing with flying colors (as usual...yeah my friends hate me and my photographic memory that lets me remember anything I've seen or read) and keeping up with school work. I'm having a lot fun in school just keeping up with work, so no extra-curricle activities aside from an hour of crocheting I've scheduled in every night to work on my new wrap that my Mom bought me the yarn for. Speaking of school, I better get back to work. I'm sitting in the school library waiting for my next class, at 11:00, and doing homework at the same time. Thank you for being to help me out.

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Yeah, I know about the food triggers. I know canned peaches causes my migraines and soft serve chocolate ice cream from Carvel. If I get the chocolate with the vanilla I am fine, but I can't have the chocolate by itself. As for the caffeine, I don't intake a lot of it to begin with. I don't drink coffee and I usually don't drink soda. Go figure that one.

I find that more often than not I wake up with the migraine and have it before the day even starts! This is hours after I have eatne anything! I will keep talking to the doctor and see what happens next. That is all I can do!

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Awww Vicki, I'm sorry to hear about your migraine. My SIL gets them if she eats food with lots of MSG. My mom also used to get them, she has high blood pressure and a hyper-active thyroid but I guess the meds that she takes for the b/p help them. It's good that you know some of your triggers. I hope you can get to the bottom of them soon. :hug


Jennifer- sorry to hear about some of your classes. Great job on doing well in the others though. How many are you taking, anyway? Very sweet of you to stop by and pass on some info to Vicki. I had no idea about the magnesium/chocolate cravings...but I will have to investigate it! :wink


Beth, good luck on getting the house straightened up and the room finished. Hopefully your inventions can help you with the straightening! :hug


Joanne, have a wonderful Delta-Forceness day! :hug


Mary, where are you? I hope all is well with you and dh. :hug


Colleen, I hope you are having a blast in FL! :hug


Shannon, how's it going with the room? Did you pick up Janna today? :hug


Leanne, I hope everything is ok in your part of the world! :hug


I am starting to get nervous. Mainly just about the anesthesia shots and praying that it doesn't wear off. LoL So many people I've talked to said they can't believe this is an in-office procedure. But the guy is a surgeon so I imagine he knows a thing or two. :wink

Well I better run and pack up a bag for the girls to take to MIL's. I will try to pop in later tonight! :hug

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OMG YESSSSSSSSSSS IT IS ME!!!!!!!!!!! How are you all? I have missed u all soooooooooooo much. Sorry that I got sooooooooo far behind and didn't get my squares done but I did really enjoy the ones that I received. They are absolutely beautiful. So much has happened here in the last few months I don't really know where to begin and if I can retell everything in order. But here is my best shot.


You all know that I was fighting with school back in July and I did finally get all of that straightened out. My DS, yes Josh, contracted 13 viruses and infected 41 files on my computer right before my birthday (Aug. 11). Therefore my computer was down for A LONGGGGGGGGGG TIME. I am still having a lot of issues with it and have problems accessing some websites and of course the Ville is one of them. I slowly but surely getting all the kinks worked out. The Sunday nite before classes started, my truck broke down. We thought it was the battery so late Monday afternoon my step dad brought me a battery and put it in and guess what? It wasn't the battery. The tow truck finally arrived about 6 that nite and towed it 30 miles away to my mechanic. Come to find out someone had siphoned all the gas out my fuel tank and because I didn't know it and kept trying to start it, it burnt up my fuel pump:angry:angry. I managed to make it to school that Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. BUT, one of my instructors got kinda snotty and told me if I missed another day then she would have to give me an "F" for the class :eek. Yep, u guessed it, I missed her class the next Tuesday, as Josh called me from school early that morning and told me he was sick. So I went and picked him up and took him to the dr only to find out that he had the swine flu :thumbdown:yuck:ohdear. So he was home sick for almost 3 weeks. The Dr advised me to stay away from others as I had been exposed so I couldn't go to school. The dr also gave me Tamiflu in hopes that I would not catch it too, but it was too late. I got it anyways :(. About a week after Josh caught the swine flu, the dr's office called me back and said that Josh also had the strep throat. Needless to say, I missed about 6 weeks of school so I am sure I had a bunch of F's by this time. I did call them and let them know that Josh had the swine flu and that I was contagious and do you know they were calling me wanting me to come in and see my clients :think:eek. So this semester was shot from the get go and I am withdrawing from all my classes.


On to the good news. I met a wonderful man a few months ago and our friendship grew in to a lot more. I am currently in Nebraska and in the process of moving here. After I get moved I am getting married :eek. Something I said I would never do again. I guess the old saying about never say never is true :rofl:rofl:rofl. I am sure the next question from u guys will be "What happened to the HS sweetie." Well he came to visit as I think I told you all about. He stopped by my house for a few hours on his way to Nebraska for work. After he got to Nebraska I talked to him a couple of times and found out he does have gf that he told me he didn't have :lol. We are still friends but that is the end of that.


After I got to Nebraska, I did go to Cheyenne and met a very very dear friend friend in person that I met right here on the Ville. I know that many of you saw the post that she put up about our meeting. She told me that many of you asked about me and I appreciate the inquiries as you all are great!!!!!!! The weekend that I met my friend in Cheyenne was the first time that I had the chance to pick up a hook since July :eek:yell:bang:irk:grump. So much has happened and taken place I just can't seem to find the time for :crocheting.


After I get moved (which will be Nov 2nd), I have a lot of things to do. My fiance and I will be doing a lot of work around the house. The house is about 200 yrs old and is in really good condition but it just needs needs a little help. It has 4 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, a huge dining room, huge living room, kitchen and basement. We are completely remodeling the basement and turning it into a bonus/family room for the kids. The laundry room is also in the basement. Right now the basement is just a basement :lol and needs some serious attention. The living room and dining room has new carpet but just needs to be painted. The kitchen needs to be repainted and the cabinets need to be refinished. Upstairs all the bedrooms need to be painted and we decided to put carpet in all of them. Hopefully I will be able to be back here for good now and keep u all updated with the progress.


I guess I had better close for now. I have prolly bored u all enuff for now :lol but it is good to be back and see u all. I hope to keep in touch now and I hope u all are doing well.


Lots of :hug:hug:manyheart:manyheart to you all!!!!! I HAVE MISSED U ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hi Scooby! Great to hear from you. I'm so glad you have so much wonderful news to share.


Stacy, I hope things are going well. It will be nice to hear from you that the procedure is over. I hope this will make George behave!


Vicki, so sorry you have a migraine. I hope you feel better soon.


Jennifer, you sound so busy! It seems that you are good at putting yourself on a schedule. I could use that type of self-discipline!


Joanne, I hope your Delta Force Day is going well. Can't wait to hear your take of the Yankees game! I love it when you and Vicki play sportscasters! You have a gift!


Shannon, How is everybody?


LeaAnne, is the recuperation going well in your family?


Colleen, I hope you are being treated regally!


Mary, I miss hearing from you. I hope you are having a good time!


I got a bit frustrated with painting -- the tape we so carefully applied didn't stop the paint from getting where we didn't want it, and when we pulled it off, it took the primer with it (in places.) So it made things worse, I think. So I took out my frustration on the front flower garden, and dug up all the bulbs, seperated them, and replanted what we need. Now I get to share daffodils with some of my friends! And my garden looks a lot better (no weeds) and will do better (room for roots!) The bulbs had been neglected for a long time. I never knew when to dig them up. I know a master gardener now, so she told me.


Amanda loves the bathroom blue (called Ocean Cruise) on her ceiling. It matched the sky today perfectly! Now it's dry enough that I can start on the walls. We still don't know what we will do with the trim in the room. Right now it's hot pink, which isn't going to work in the blue room. I think white would look stunning, but she'd prefer black, or a different blue. Any ideas from people with more decorating sense than I have?

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OMG! So good to hear from Scooby!!! Thank you so much for stopping by and updating us on your busy busy life!!!! And poor you with ds and you having the swine flu..glad to hear you are feeling better. And so happy for you with the upcoming move and marriage!! He must be very special for you to move! How does DS feel about moving to Nebraska?

The house sounds awesome and I am so happy that you are so happy!! Made my day hearing from you!! We were all so worried about you and were so relieved when Dorothy posted the pic of you and she. Sorry about the school thing- will you be going to school next semester in Nebraska? Keep in touch as best you can with your busy busy schedule and again Welcome back to the Besties!!


Beth- Daffodils- are we ready for spring already? I am and we haven't even begun winter yet!! Glad that DD agreed to using the ocean blue on the ceiling. As far as trim, I'm a fan of white trim. Our office is blue and the trim is white. In fact all my rooms have white trim..lol...I like the crisp look of colored walls with white trim. So my vote is for white!!


Stacy- thinking about you all day today- hope everything went well with the procedure


Vicki- sorry about teh migraines. When I used to have visits from George, I would get a severe headache the day before he was scheduled to visit and once he arrived, the headache went away. it was like a pressure relieved..it was not a classic migrained, but it wouldn't go away until George arrived. I rarely get headaches anymore. I also take a BP med so maybe this helps? That is so strange about you and your identical twin having hypo and hyper thyroids!! Hope your headache subsided and you can enjoy bowling tonight. And yes, put the game on - not on till 8....I hope we don't have extra innings again. i have work tomorrow!!!


Shannon- hope you had a great day.


Mary- hope you are well and when you stop by, can offer some selling advice to Jennifer


Jennifer- photogenic memory- my DH is like that- he never studied at all when he was going for his master's degree- and he graduated with straight A's...not me...I had to work for every A I got..lol


LeaAnne- Thinking positive thoughts about you and the family every day.


well, off to get something for dinner (leftovers tonight- DH grilled some steak last night (and he must have thought he was feeding a family of 6 instead of 2 people..lol)


Have a great night LET'S GO YANKEES

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SCOOBY!!!!!!!!!! We are so glad everything is okay! We were very worried about you and are so glad you are back! YAY! You have had a lot going on, but hopefully all the bad stuff is behing you!

Stacy - How did everything go at the doctor today? How are you feeling?

Beth - I hate when I pull tape and it pulls everything else with it! I did that once in the NY house in the dining room. I thought hubby would kill me when I told him! Alas, I will not be here tonight to help narrate the game. I will be watching it from the bowling alley. I would so much rather watch it from here!

Joanne - Are you ready for round 4? Hopefully this won't be an extra inning affair! I don't think I could take it!

I am going to grab my :hook and my :yarn and crochet a little before we leave. I think I seriously need it! Have a great night all and LET'S GO YANKEES!

Nighty night all!


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Hi Everyone

Jenn. 10-20% sounds about right. As she sells your items and pays you, then you could make more of what is selling. With the colder weather coming I would suggest Hats, scarfs and mitts.

Stacy I hope everything went well today.:hug

Shannon get rid of all the clothes that don't fit, or you don't like, I agree you will have sooooo much more room.

Colleen I hope you are having fun.

Joanne I love your scarf and legwarmers, you did a great job on them.

Beth good luck with the painting. :cheer for DH coming home on friday.

Vicki good luck with bowling tonight.

LeaAnne glad that MIL is feeling better and out of the hospital.

Scooby it is soooooooo nice to hear from you. Congrats on moving and wedding. Iam glad you and DS are feeling better now. You sure were missed around here.

Well Ladies I have been sick since Saturday. I have not even crocheted too much. It took me almost 2 days to make one barbie dress and I can make them in about 1/2 hour. I started to feel better last night but I took it easy still today. Tomorrow Iam just going to straighten up around here and crochet. I want to feel better for tomorrow night for the big meeting. I will be glad when that is all over with.

Have a Good night everyone


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Feel better Mary and good luck tomorrow night. you must really not be be feeling well if you haven't even been crocheting and it took you that long to do a Barbie dress!:hug to you!!!


Well, Besties- It's YANKEE TIME!!!!

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