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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Good morning besties!

I got a new computer at school! It runs so much faster than the dinosaur I had! YAY ME!

DD's color belt test is et for October 31st. Yay! She is getting ready to go to the tournament in November. She just loves it all.

Otherwise, all is well. Hope all is well iwth everyone and I will talk to you all later!


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Very quiet here today!!! Everyone must be very busy. Had a good day at work! But, it is raining here- and supposed to rain tomorrow, Sat and Sun. Bummer. Yankees/Angels ACLS is most likely going to be rained out Friday and Sat!!! Why didn't they start the series earlier in the week???? oh, well, can't do anything about the weather!


I didn't start my leg warmers last night. I kind of just vegged and did nothing! But I'll be starting tonight. I am sitting here surrounded by yarn and a list of projects so time to get the badorkus in gear.


I'm going to go start dinner and will try and check back in later. Dinner tonight? Low sodium soup and grilled cheese and tomatoe sandwiches! Perfect-ness for a rainy evening (and easy too!!!)

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:hi everyone!


My it is quiet here today! DD had swimming (she is loving it :manyheart), went to the library, did some car shuffling to get one of the vans to the garage (new brakes :yuck), went to work, now I'm back home again to relax. I haven't eaten and I'm thinking toasted bagel with cream cheese and strawberries.


I hope everyone is having a good day.

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Hello again everyone!

I started the leg warmers and the pattern is easy:whew.


Colleen- Yay for dd and swimming!! And yay for you- it's almost Friday and you made it through the working full time for a few days! So, when next week do you leave for Disney? Oh, I wish I was coming along- the weather here is so damp, rainy and chilly!


Stacy- How's things in Cali? Watching the Dodgers/PHillies game and it looked nice and sunny again. I know, i know, you like the rain. You can have mine!!!


Mary- How are you doing? Still can't get over the 3-4,000 dollar test! You must be on the home stretch of getting things :crocheting for the show!


LeaAnne- thinking of you and Uncle Art and Jeanne. Continuing to pray for you all. Please stop in when you can and let us know how everyone is doing.


Shannon- How was your day? Any more cleaning done on the guest room?


Vicki- Yay on the new computer at school. A non-dinosaur computer is always a treat!! Good luck to DD on her belt test!! I'll be working on Halloween. Yes, i know it's a Saturday, but still have to work. That's ok, though- I really love going to work now that I like what I am doing!


Beth- Did you get any more work done on the ceiling? Or were you busy in Quicksilver with DD and DS taking turns driving???


Hope everyone has a good night! Sweet Dreams:manyheart

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Hi girls! The dogs got me up....again, so I thought I'd write while a wait.


LeaAnne- Praying that everything is going well around you. :hugs for everyone!


Stacy- Goodness, you've had some week! That's one scare for each girl, right? A policeman who's a friend of the family told my dad after DD choked that if the child can still breathe, the best thing to do is put your mouth over theirs and try to suck the obstruction free. Joanne, can you vouch for that? I'd never heard that before. :hugs to you, Stacy. You've certainly earned the Mommy Award this week!


Colleen- Your job is making sure your vacation is well-earned isn't it? You've had quite a week. That's great that they let you go to pizza day! And :yay:cheer for DD and her swimming!


Joanne- I am SO ready for the game!! This is going to be very exciting! Good luck with the leg warmers. What color are you using? I can't wait to see them!


I gotta go. I hear DD and I don't want her to think it's time to get up. I'll be gone all day tomorrow, but I'll try to make it to chat. Love you guys!

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Morning! (Too early to say "good" in front of that!) :morcoffee


I hope everyone is well. I'm still here. I had some fun time with the kids yesterday, spent a little time working on the ceiling, and mostly chillaxed. I needed it.


I'm too tired to answer everyone. Just know that I love you all like sisters!:hug:manyheart

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Happy Friday! I agree with Joanne, it is too early to say "Good morning"yet. I just wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone and I hope you all ahve a great day! I have a mother coming in to school to meet with teachers this morning. Such a joy this meeting will be.:sigh Such is the life sometimes!

I hope the game does not get rained out. Have they announced any make up dates if they do get rained out?



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hi, all -


I had a few minutes, so I wanted to drop by and wish you all a Happy Friday!


I don't know if I will be at chat tonight. It's been a long week, and I am thinking that for tonight watching the inside of my eyelids would be the wiser choice. :wink


Uncle Art is home:yay he is feeling ok, just tired. He will be back in 4 weeks to have chemo injected into the left side of his liver. He says that he is not so nauseous as he was, and said :ty to you all for thinking of him:manyheart

Jeanne is at the moment waiting to go into surgery to get her pacemaker. She is relieved that that was what they need to do. Like she says, now she won't have to worry about this happening again. she confessed to us that she has not been feeling right for some time, and is glad that she was forced to take this stay in the hospital. The doctors told DH and BIL that we are lucky that we didn't lose her.


...things are looking up! (Thank you, God!)


I don't have time to say individual :hi's right now, but please now that I keep you all with me in my heart:manyheart Oh!...and this morning I thought of you, Colleen & Mary, as I awoke to white flaky stuff falling from the sky:wbrr


talk to you soon!:hug:hug

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:hi everyone!


It has been a long, crazy, horrible week and I cannot wait to get away next week. We definitely need this vacation! I am hoping to chat with DD's teacher after school, but I've got a good 2 hours until then so I think I'm going to go do some retail therapy :).


LeaAnne - I am so happy to hear that Uncle Art and Jeanne are doing better and I think some good rest will be good for you too :hug Sorry to hear about the flaky stuff. So far we have been spared, but it has been very chilly. That's okay, because it is hot in Orlando these days :D


I hope everyone is having a good day.

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Thanks for the wonderful update! I'm so happy, and relieved for your family. I'm glad you didn't lose Miss Jeanne, and everything will be fine after her surgery! And Uncle Art -- I hope the rest of his treatment goes well. I'll bet you are exhausted! Get some rest! This has been a rough week for you!:hug


Colleen, :cheerFlorida bound!!! I hope you have a safe, fun, wonderful, magical :2magictrip! How wonderful for your family! I hope the conference with the teacher goes well.


Vicki, I hope the parent conference went OK. Some parents are very annoying. You know, when I have parent/teacher conferences, people look at me funny. (That's what homeschool moms call talking to themselves.):blah


Joanne, Happy Friday! :yayHow are the legwarmers coming? Which pattern did you choose?


Stacy, Shannon, Mary, Happy Friday! I hope you have a fun end-of-week day!:hug


I'm almost scared to type this, because I'm sure I could go back in there and find imperfections, but I think I'm ready to prime my dd's ceiling!:faint. I also patched a couple of cracks in the bathroom, which will need sanded and primed, so I'm going to wait for the spackle to dry, so I can get both rooms done at the same time. I hope to have the both rooms painted when my dh gets home. (Not a big job -- they are both the size of a postage stamp.)

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:clap:clap:clap for LeaAnne's family! I am glad to hear that all is well and that a pace maker is the only thing needed! And good for Uncle Art and not feeling so nausous (I don't think I spelled that right!).

DD got in trouble in school for calling people names at the park during their field trip. She called someone over weight and out of style. I will have to see what is going on and maybe we need to have a parent conference with her there to find out what is going on. She is getting too big for her britches.

Colleen - When do you leave? What places are you eating? Have a great time! and enjoy the warmer weather! Hope the little Princess has fun!

I don't know if I will be here for the chat. We are going out to dinner later. Hubby has a third interview today with a company. I'm sure it will go well. I hope to be able to share good news with you all soon on the job front!

Later ladies!


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Hi Ladies

:cheer for LeaAnne's family, that is good news. Oh and NO flakey stuff here yet either. I guess you were blessed. :lol

:cheer for Colleen getting thru the week and getting ready for Florida.:)

:cheer for Beth getting the ceiling done.

:cheer for Joanne starting the leg warmers.

:cheer for Vicki's DH on job interveiw.

:cheer for Shannon for just being you.

:cheer for stacy cause you like the rain. ( I don't )

The tests that DH needs to have are on his brain. Yes he has a brain we just need to know how much of it works. He has chemical poisoning to the brain from a placed he worked at about 17years ago. Not all Doctors can give these tests. Thats where the $3-4,000 comes into play. We need the results from the tests to help his claim for damage to the brain. He had these tests done about 12years ago and we were not charged for them. The Doctor did them as a favour for another Doctor we see. I know what you are thinking.... why don't we go back to that Doctor. Well we can't cause that Doctor is not in Canada any more. He is in Texas. Long story short....... He told Canada where to go and went to Texas. So far our Doctor has found 2 Doctors near us that can do the tests, he just has to wait and see what one the lawyer wants to use. This has been going on for 14 years now and some days it gives me a headache.

I hope I explained it right.

I have to go Dinner is ready and I will try and get here tonight for chat.

Talk to you later


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Hi everyone. Internet gave me trouble this AM so I couldn't wish everyone a Happy Friday!

Thanks for the update LeaAnne and i'm glad that Uncle Art and Jeanne are doing well. Prayers for a successful pacemaker insertion for Jeanne. Get some rest- it's be a rough week! And flaky stuff already!!! Oh, no, winter is here!


Colleen- You survived your horrible week and Mickey and Minnie are around the corner!!! Hope your meeting went well this afternoon. I'm so jealous of you heading to a warmer climate and to the bestest place of all Disney!!!


Beth- Yay for getting the ceiling done and ready to be primed !!! You get the gold star of the week!!! What a nice surprise for when DH comes home that it will all be primed and painted!!!


Mary- That explains a lot about the test. Wow- can't believe this whole thing has been going on for 14 years- those Worker's comp claims do take a long time- but I didnt' think that long! Wonder why the MD said enough of Canada and down to TX? Probably more reimbursement for what he does. Ugh....


Vicki- They are scheduled to play the Yankee game tonight- trust me, this is not baseball weather, it is cold and damp- not rainign all afternoon, but watch it start up at game time. They are going to play tonight according to Mike on WFAN! If game 2 gets rained out tomorrow, they'll play @ 4 on Sunday. I also have to keep switching channels tonight since RU is playing Pitt on ESPN! DD sounds like she is getting too big for her britches. Gotta love daughters!


Shannon- hope you had a good day


Stacy- Hope that none of your DD's gave you any palpitations today and that it was a nice relaxing, non- drama kind of day!


Not sure if I'll be here for chat, what with switching back and forth between the Yankees and the RU football game- but I'll try


I picked the pattern that everytime I tried to link gave me *****. It is very easy. Starts out with 9 rows of SC and then goes to HDC. Hoping to at least finish the first leg tonight and start on the 2nd.


We had a message from the realtor- someone is coming to look at the house tomorrow!


Have a good night. Try and catch you all later!

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:cheer:clapYAY ME! I got Shannon's square! It is beautiful Shannon! No wonkiness what so ever! And I love the little inserts you put in there! They are wonderful!

By the way, I added -ness to the end of pumpkin today! DD needs a pumpkin for school to do pumpkin experiments and hubby bought one for her today and I told her it was the perfect pumpkinness for her to take to school! It just sort of slipped out and I couldn't help it!

I don't know if I will be here for chat tonight. I am tired and I am just wanting to relax a little. I have a ton of reading to do and I need to work on my paper tomorrow. I need to figure out what needs to be put where, if that makes sense!

TTFN to all! I just had to come on and say thank you to Shannon for the wonderful square!


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I have to tell you the one thing I don't miss about living in the north east is the cold and the snow. In the fall I sort of miss the cooler weather and the colors. Then I hear about the first snow fall and I think oh, I am so glad I am not there!:lol

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Every blue moon we get flurries. We had some flurries last year and the kids were going nuts! It was all after school and the math teachers had kids staying for extra help, so they let them go outside for a few minutes. They loved it. Otherwise, we don't get snow and that is fine with me!

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