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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Here are my Rutgers and cardiac cath scarves! It is not really scarf weather, but think I'll bring the RU scarf anyway. It is kind of cloudy and temp around 65. Weather forecast calls for some rain this morning and then cloudy/partly sunny this PM- temp around 68. Right now it is just cloudy


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:bday:bday Joanne! And many more!! Have fun at the game today. You know, sometimes scarves are used for fashion more than for warmth. You should bring it to the game. BTW, I love both scarves!! Have a great birthday! Go Scarlet Knights!


Gotta run....I still have 1 1/2 rounds on Mom's RR, plus weaving in the ends. Wish me luck that my pinky doesn't fall off!!

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:bday:bday:birthday Dear Joane:bday!


I hope you have a wonderful Birthday Joanne! Enjoy your Rutgers game and dinner out. What a wonderful way to spend a birthday!


Have a great Saturday everyone! We are doing some cleaning around the house, I need to zip out to buy DD some new PJs and then off to Mom and Dad's for Thanksgiving Dinner. Pumpkin Pie :c9

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Thanks everyone! Just checking in and then off to meet DD and head over around 12- lots of homecoming festivities! And so far, it is drizzling a little but hoping it will be over by game time. Stopping at the dollar store on the way to pick up some ponchos!!!

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:sweat I just read all the posts I'd missed earlier.


Stacy, how did the meeting with the roomie go? You know we are your besties, and I'm sure you've heard the saying: "Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies" so if it got REAL ugly, give us a call.


Shannon, I can't believe MIL gave that book as a birthday present to your dd:eek That really wasn't appropriate, and it would have irked me, too. MIL's! It took me years to get along with mine, but my dh prefers me to stay away from her -- he says she's a bad influence, and likes to break up couples. And he wants to keep me!:manyheart


Joanne, I hope you are enjoying homecoming! Let us know all about the game!


Vicki, enjoy the cooler weather! We got a little rain here today, but it just managed to cool things down nicely.


LeaAnne, Your family makes me :D. I love that you are too popular to chat! Happy Anniversary! I'm a little over 3 weeks behind you! We reach 19 years in the beginning of November!


Mary, :hugI'm so sorry that the stress is making you sick. You are too sweet for something like that to happen to you! I hope you can put it all behind you, and enjoy your holiday weekend with your sweetie. The visit with the grandchildren did seem to fly by. How lovely that you got to see them, though. Happy Thanksgiving!


Colleen, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have a great time with family and desserts!:manyheart


I cleaned out the dd's room, and started working on her ceiling again. I'm very unhappy with it, though, so I need to get more drywall mud, and smear more on... :thair You should see how crowded my bedroom is with my dd's bed in there! At least I'm motivated to make progress, so I can get her out of there!

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:hi, gang!


I have just a few moments, but wanted to say hi!


...I can't believe it was my first night late to chat, and I missed Jenn:( If you are out there, :hug continue to work hard, but remember that you need fun, too... otherwise, burnout. Your mom was wise and sweet to bring you to ACMoore for a "just for you" treat. I hope you stop in now and again, just to let us know how you are:hug


Beth- :nworthy... wow! that was a lot of reading:lol It sounds like you are keeping yourself pretty busy! I hope that the DD ceiling project goes smoothly, so you can have your room back soon:hug do the boys know how to help you with it? Oh, and :ty for sharing the pic of the bun cover! it is really pretty!


Joanne - :yay Go Rutgers! I hope you are having a fabulous birthday!:yay

and :yes, I stayed up to sing to you at midnight! :wink


Colleen and Mary - Happy Thanksgiving holidays! I hope you enjoy your families, and reflect on those things that you are most thankful for! I have a plate with this saying: "Don't just count your blessings, Share them!" ... i hope you both have a wonderful holiday


Colleen - Congrats to DH on his new job! It sounds like you guys made a good decision. Oh! and thanks for the pumpkin cake recipe... I will have to try that for sure! the buttertarts sound divine :drool... I think I have tasted one, but didn't know what it was called. Growing up in Maine, our menu had a heavy French/Canadian influence... do you suppose that's why?


Stacy - how was your date? I hope you and DH had a wonderful time out alone:manyheart... and I am praying that your meeting went well:wink


Shannon - how are you today? I hope you finished Honey's RR:yay

Is DH home for the weekend?


Vicki - how did Tae Qwon Do and the dentist go? (hey... I rhymed!:heehee) hope you are having a fun Saturday!


I gotta tell you girls, 7 :ttalks have been hanging around in my yard all day:eek. :thinkI've never seen that before!


Uncle Art called this morning, and he will be here on Tuesday to start chemotherapy. My auntie Sue will be staying the night with me, as they will be keeping my uncle in the hospital overnight. I don't know if my mom will be here or not:shrug... he is her brother.


Well, that's all I have to report at the moment... I hope you all are well, and enjoying a wonderful day! I'll "see" you later!



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:hi all!


Well I wish I had more news to report, but...Roomie flaked. :tryme Yep, her b/f was supposed to drop by and be in on it, too, but she just got up and left around 6:30. We didn't want to ruin our night, so we waited for about half an hour, then went to dinner. She came home about an hour after we did, sent her kids to bed, then went to her room and shut the door. Her b/f hung out with us for a little while and we chatted but no drama was mentioned. I think he doesn't like to talk about it in front of her. :ohdear After a while we went to bed, then I forgot water, and when I came back out to the kitchen, her door was wide open and they were :blah I just shook my head and went to my room. She's obviously trying to build drama, you know? Oh, one funny thing was, she came up to me to talk while I was chatting with Shannon and Leanne, and I told her I wasn't ready to talk. Well, she was fine with me after that, she kept coming over to chit-chat and I just nodded and "mm-hmm"-ed a lot. Then, when Jorge came home, she got really quiet and serious and dramatic. :rolleyes Gimme a break.


Ok, so anyway...dinner was really good. We went to a nice restaurant and got soup and sandwiches. On the way home we stopped at Starbucks, then the magazine stand. I got the new Interweave Crochet- there is a Mandarin jacket that is really cute, but I'm still on the fence about the rest. It was the only crochet magazine they had, though. This morning, Roomie had a conference and she took the monsters with her. No idea when they will be back. Let me tell you- it is SO nice and QUIET with just me, dh, and Eva. :manyheart We lazed around this morning, cleaned a bit, then went out for lunch. Dh has really been into soup lately and I like it. :devil Cut my grocery bill in half this week. :heehee


Anyway...enough :blah about me. :blush Leanne, enjoy your night with Auntie Sue. I hope things go well with Uncle Art and the chemo. How often does he need it?

7 turkeys- that is crazy! You must live way out in the country! LoL


Colleen and Mary- Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you have a wonderful holiday and lots of family time. :manyheart:hug Colleen, :clap for dh's new job! 15 years is a long time and I'm sure it was hard for dh to let go. Good luck to him (and you!) as he starts over. :hug Thank you for the pumpkin spice cake recipe- it sounds like something I will have to try soon! And thank you for explaining butter tarts. They sound yummy, except for the raisins. I wonder if they could be made with pecans? Or would that just be a pecan pie?


Joanne...:bday Did those Rutgers guys pull off a win in honor of your big day? Great job on your scarves. :manyheart


Beth, don't wear yourself out! Good luck with that bedroom ceiling- I like your motivation. :lol Your bun cover is pretty- thanks for sharing!


Everyone else- :hug and :manyheart to you! Hope you all are having a good weekend.



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Hi everyone!


I had a GREAT birthday- and Rutgers won 42-0! They were really a better team than who they were playing ( I think they do this on purpose for homecoming- they want to win for all the fans and alumni) LOL. Anyway, the weather was nice- sun came out- and then it got a little chilly- I was happy that I brought my Rutgers scarf with me!!!


We had a great time together-not to often that I get that nice 1 on 1 time with her now that she is married. We went to the Old Bay- and had a delicious dinner and I had my fav- key lime pie for dessert! All in all I had a glorious birthday!!


Middle DD is coming to NJ tomorrow- she wants to make me a birthday dinner- so I'll be picking her up at the train sometime around 4 and she and BF will make me dinner and then we'll watch the Yankee game. Her BF was at the game last night with his father and one of his brothers! He is a die-hard Yankee fan so of course, he is more than welcome in my house LOL


I spoke with my oldest DD today- and she is not happy with the Red Sox- but said, at least it is Hockey Season so she'll just move on to the Bruins....lol......


I'll say a special prayer Tuesday, LeaAnne for Uncle Art that chemo goes well for him


Stacy- glad you had a nice dinner date with your DH- you need that every now and then. And you and roomie and Jorge and BF will need to set rules and talk- or things will continue to fester. Glad you got some quiet time this morning while she was out with the "monsters"


Shannon -I'm watching the LSU FL game- 3rd Q with LSU losing. fingers crossed that they can score again and tie the game.


Colleen and Mary- Happy thanksgiving


Vicki- how did the appts go today?


Beth I'm sure now that your bedroom is crowded with DD's bedroom, you'll get that ceiling done lickety split! That bun cover is cute. Wish I knew about them when my DD's were all taking ballet!!!


well, everyone, I think all the food i ate and the excitement of spending the day at the game with DD has worn me out. (this is what happens as you age..lol). And yes, since it is now past 8PM, I am officially a year older......


Have a great night everyone and thanks for the birthday wishes. I couldn't have asked for a nicer day! I took some pics and will post a few soon.

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Oooh guess what?! So, I was going through my stash to see if I have a "manly dog color" for the sweater, and I found these huge hanks of LB Big that my mom sent like 3 years ago. I had planned to donate them or something but held onto them instead. And guess what I am going to make? A dog bed! :clap:cheer There are 4 hanks- 2 each of 2 different colors. I think I am going to make 2 big circles (they are both variegated so not really a way to combine them) and use 2 strands of white held together to join them, then stuff it. Or maybe I should just join them halfway and not stuff it, so he can crawl in like a sleeping bag. He's a weird dog- he likes to "tunnel" into things, I guess from his "badger-hunting" genes. :lol

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Hi Joanne! I'm happy to hear you had a great time at the game. Go, RU! :cheer Have fun with your dd tomorrow! How nice that they are going to make dinner for you. What is on the menu?


My quiet time is over. I think I may retire to my room to finish the dog bed. It is working up quickly because the yarn is so thick! :eek

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Joanne - Glad you had a fabulous day! and how nice that you got 1 on 1 time with married DD! Enjoy your dinner and the game tomorrow... what are they cooking for you?


Stacy - I'm sorry to hear that you didn't have that meeting... I agree with Joanne, you and Jorge should force the issue. and if b/f doesn't like to talk in front of her, then have it without him... it's too important to have peace in your home. I'm glad you had a nice date, though:wink. sounds divine to me!


Hugs to you all!

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LoL Leanne- that's what I thought, too. :heehee The bed may not be *too* attractive, but the price was too good to pass up. :wink


I know we need the meeting. I am going to try and push it tonight after the kiddies are in bed. They just came home and she is not even talking to me now. :thair

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LoL Leanne!


Eva's fine. We took Klaus to the dog park and she thought it was the coolest thing. The other two are still at the IL's. :clap


How are your kiddos today?

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