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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Judy :( did you get to keep all of your SKY friends? I am glad you found a new home with us!:hug

I'm managing to keep in touch with most of them...but it's hard without our meeting place.

Thanks for asking


Time to get off here for the night.

We have about 6 inches of snow out there and our dogs are loving it! Pics tomorrow if I can:D

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Sorry, DH came in and I got sidetracked. He brought me a big-a** margarita! Plenty to share!


LeaAnne, we call them the Cowgirls in this house!

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Iam back

Dh was gone most of the day today but he is home now. I just wanted to vacuum down here, 1 less thing that has to be done.

Today was a lazy day for me. I woke up with a head ache so I slept all morning the had lunch then had another nap this afternoon.

It is still cold here. You could all send me some snow........ I will take it anytime.

Beth and Scooby I hope you both are feeling better.

Vicki I hope today was a better day for you.

Colleen... Turkey can I have some.

Shannon you are on a roll WTG

Stacy did you find what you were looking for?

Joanne Iam :) about the snow.

LeaAnne how are you tonight?

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Good evening!


Shannon - Glad you loved TSO. That's too bad that it wasn't Janna's thing. Good luck getting stuff done, watching football, etc.


LeaAnne - Your Sunday dinner sounds very comforting :c9 Add the toll house cookies...mmmmm....what time should I be there!


Joanne - Enjoy being snowed in with your DH. Kinda romantic :wink


Judy - I hope you are snug and cozy there too. I'm glad the dogs are enjoying it. They get all refreshed with a new snow, don't they?


Mary - How was DH's birthday?


What's going on in my neck of the woods, you ask? Let's see. Did a bit of pick up around the house today, 3 loads of laundry (one left to fold), took DD to a birthday party, went to church, let everyone fend for themselves with leftovers all day, and this evening DH and I were just watching some TV. Perfect lazy day after getting all my shopping done. Tomorrow, big family Christmas as my mom and dads. Surprise surprise I'm bringing dessert :devil


Leafs are playing Boston (:yes LeaAnne, your Bruins are going down. Leafs are up 1-0:cheer). I have no idea if we get the Saints :shrug We don't watch football here. :no This is hockey country. :devil

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OK girls, I worked through all 12. Here you go!

12 works in progress

11 works in mind

10 granny’s daughters

9 ripples rippling

8 squares-a-joining

7 ‘ghans a frogging

6 hooks a-blazing

5 golden skeins

4 balls of yarn

3 lacy doilies

2 pattern books

And a crocheted gift beneath the tree!

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