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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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I agree Joanne. If I miss a day or 2 here it takes me forever to catch up


If you miss 3 hours at the Kissinger, it's hard to catch up... could you imagine?! Wow! :nworthy... I don't know how Judy does it!

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Iam very happy to be here with you guys

Back Atcha, Mary! :wink:hug

It bothered me too- the only DD I'll see is youngest. Middle DD is going to Va or to Boston. But I will see her one night after work this week- it will be a very quiet Christmas here, but in all honesty, I'm kind of looking forward to less chaos. DH's GD (6 1/2) and GS (15) will be coming over for a little while- so all I'm going to make is lasagne and salad and garlic bread- easy- no stress. I'm all about the trying not to have stress

That sounds like a nice day, Joanne!:yes I like your thinking about the no stress. Good Plan :thumbup

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They are forecasting 8-14 inches- supposed to start in the wee hrs of the morning and last through early sunday- so much for shopping.


As long as I get my hair appt in at 9, I'll be good.


I really don't like driving in the snow

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I'm with you... I like being home with my hot cocoa and watching it out the window.


We are only supposed to get about 6" here... Saturday night into Sunday. Cape Cod is supposed to get 2 feet!

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I'm with you... I like being home with my hot cocoa and watching it out the window.


We are only supposed to get about 6" here... Saturday night into Sunday. Cape Cod is supposed to get 2 feet!

Oh, WOW!

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Well, my friend, I am getting sleepy- it's been a long day for me. And I've got lots of:crocheting to get done tomorrow- I want to get up early to do the usual cleaning- ugh...

Think it will be the bathrooms and kitchen tomorrow morning. Vacuuming, dusting, laundry on Sunday.


Have a good night's sleep.


What time is the game tomorrow night? And what station?

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They said on our news tonight that this storm started out as rain in Texas And Louisiana... Didn't I think of Vicki & Shannon!:lol

Especially poor Vicki being all bummed this week with all that rain...

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I think it's 8:00... I know it's NFL Network. Will they also show it on another channel? :think I need to go check it out now!


Good luck with your early cleaning and your hair appt.... so you can have the rest of the day to :crocheting...


Sweet dreams, and I'll catch you later on!:hug:hug



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before I head to bed....


Beth - Sorry about your boo-boo:( :hug

Scooby - how are you doing after that fall?

Stacy - did you get a suitable outfit for 'Bella?

Shannon- How was the TSO?

Mary - :birthday to DH! It was awesome to "see" you!!!!

Judy - how are you doing? I was glad to see that you have a neighbor's DK to dig you out...

Colleen - did you finish the 12 days of a Crocheter's Christmas?

Joanne - I hope you get some good :crocheting time on Saturday!

Vicki - :hugI hope that you have an extra great day! You deserve it! Happy vacation to you!:hug



:waving to all of my besties (especially anybody I forgot:blush)... I hope this post finds you as stress free as you could be! :hug:hug

Stay warm, everyone!:wbrr:snow:flake::wbrr

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If you miss 3 hours at the Kissinger, it's hard to catch up... could you imagine?! Wow! :nworthy... I don't know how Judy does it!

I may not be doing it for long!:lol

I had company yesterday and missed 8 hours of posting - had o change my posts per page to 40..then SKIMMED...and it took an hour:P

I may just be an occasional visitor there or I won't get any crocheting done!

Judy - how are you doing? I was glad to see that you have a neighbor's DK to dig you out...

:lolIt's the homeowner:lol He's about 35 - almost the same age as DS. My hubby is 64 and I'm 61 - a young 61, though;)

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Good morning to everyone!!! Yes, it is Saturday, and Yes, I am up early---darn internal clock- gets me up every day....even on the weekends!!!


No flaky white stuff yet falling, but they are still predicting a major snowstorm-so slight change in plans for the day. Think I'll head out early to do my errands and to pick up some fruit- felt like a banana this morning (eating one that is:lol) and lo and behold- we have none! Cleaning can get done after my hair appointment and then it will be :crocheting time!


Have a wonderful day- to my besties on the East Coast- stay safe in the snow and to Mary- I would gladly send it your way if only I could!!!


:hug:hug:hug to each and every one of you! Time to enjoy my cup of Christmas Blend coffee!!!


And for those who missed chat last night- Colleen had us singing christmas carols so here's a song to start the day

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Ev'rywhere you go;

Take a look in the five and ten glistening once again

With candy canes and silver lanes aglow.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Toys in ev'ry store

But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be

On your own front door.

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Good morning, Besties.


I'm up early, too, Joanne. I would have posted before you, but I had to read ALL the posts from last night. It's like being a real wallflower at a party -- I got to see everything that happened, but I didn't participate at all.


Vickie,:hug:hug:hugSomething great will come along for your DH. I'm sorry to hear about the current position, but he's going to get something better for you both!


I haven't peaked outside yet, but the wind is howling. We rarely get snow here -- too close to the Jet Stream. It would be nice to have some white stuff. Unfortunately, I think we're more likely to have sleet and icy conditions.


I love the Christmas carols from last night. I must say, LeaAnne, I'm totally impressed with your voice. You sound better than Celione.


Stay warm and dry! Love you all.:manyheart

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Beth- hope your graft is doing ok- do you have to keep your leg elevated? I felt so bad when I read your post yesterday so here are some extra:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for you!



And here's another Christmas carol favorite of mine ( did I tell you all I love snowmen:lol:lol:lol)

I thought it was appropriate song for the impending snow storm:


Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul,

With a corncob pipe and a button nose

and two eyes made out of coal.

Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale, they say,

He was made of snow but the children

know how he came to life one day.

There must have been some magic in that

old silk hat they found.

For when they placed it on his head

he began to dance around.

O, Frosty the snowman

was alive as he could be,

And the children say he could laugh

and play just the same as you and me.

Thumpetty thump thump,

thumpety thump thump,

Look at Frosty go.

Thumpetty thump thump,

thumpety thump thump,

Over the hills of snow.

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Happy Saturday everyone. I was up early today. I couldn't sleep. They are talking all about the snow storm that is going up the east coast! Beth, is it falling by you?

Stay safe if you are in the snow's path. Be careful!

I hope everyone has a great day. I will check in later to see how everyone is doing.



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So far, we aren't getting any snow. We're just getting wet. It may change, but I'm not expecting it to. We get snow once every 2 to 3 years, and we had some in March, so it's too soon to get more.


I'm feeling a lot better about my leg since it's less tender now. It does look a lot healthier with the dead stuff gone, and the nurse actually showed me what to do with it, instead of just telling me. I guess I"m a visual learner. I'm on a new antibiotic, too, which is easier on the stomach, so I don't have that :yuck feeling all day. Thanks so much for all the :hug. I love :hug. I collect them! And :D too. I have a nice collection of smiles.


Am I being too lazy? I edged the afghan with a single row of sc, and I want to call it done. The pattern calls for 5 rows of sc. Will one row of sc do the job?


Oh, I almost forgot, I am making snowmen gift bags for all the gift cards we're giving this year. I have one mostly done, four to go. Better get hooking!


My favorite carol is

"O Holy Night the stars are brightly Shining

It is the night of our dear Savior's birth"

I can't hit the high notes, but I think it's just gorgeous!

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