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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Poor Joanne...all alone:hug

I'm on the SKY Cal and one of our members is in Australia - she ends up talking to herself because she's on in the middle of our night:lol



I may take a pic of my tabletop tree - only because all the ornaments are from my many 'ville friends:manyheart

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Good morning and Happy Saturday! Dh and I only put up a small tabletop tree this year- nothing special at all- We didn't do the big tree since we wanted to keep the house "clutter=free" for showing (not that anyone is looking this time of year, but you never know). I have a lot of beautiful Lenox ornaments- I'll take a pic next year when I have my regular tree with all those ornaments on it!


I'll post a pic of Mr. Penguin sometime later on. I've got to charge my camera battery.


Hope everyone has a wonderful day- off to start the cleaning so I can sit on my badorkus this afternoon!!!

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Good morning all! It is a cloudy Saturday here and the thunder boomers were out in force here last night! I knew it was going to rain, but not thunder! They are saying light rain today and it is supposed to clear and not rain again until Monday. The good news with all this rain is that we made up our rain deficit! We were 7 inches under because it was a very dry first half of the year, but it has been a very wet second half.

I need to go get dog food today. DD has tae kwon do today and she has birthdy and Christmas money burning a hole in her pocket so we are going to spend that today. I need to get some towels washed and the gorcery list made.

Stacy - I would definately call the department chair on this one. He can't give a test on material that the class has never had! That is so not right.

Joanne - Enjoy your day at home today!

Mary - I hope your computer gets fixed soon!

Tena - I hope you get all your stuff done. It is so hard when you get behind and then need to catch up. Good luck.

Have a good day all. I will come back and check in later!


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Good morning besties!


Stacy, I'm so proud of Isabella's great report from school! You must be very proud of her. How is her esteem now?


Joanne, I have :xfin that you actually get some good badorkus sitting :crocheting time today. You worked hard so many days. I'm glad you are getting a weekend.


Judy, I'd love to see your tree! Mine is nothing exciting. My kids do all the decorating. It's done with love, but not with too much patience.


Shannon, how are you? How goes the wedding planning?


Tena, I hope you got some :crocheting done in your comfy chair last night.


The caffeine hasn't broken through the fog enough for me to name all my besties yet, so :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to all of you!


I have 42 motifs to go. working on that afghan is my highest priority right now. I need to finish it... my dd wants another shrug, and fingerless mitts, and.... :manyheart I love having something to make for someone I love!


Today my dd dances. My oldest ds works. I'm meeting IRL friends at a coffee house to :crocheting and :blah. We should have all the problems of the world resolved by 11. My dh is taking my younger ds Christmas shopping. Hopefully, we'll get the laundry done, everyone fed and watered, and the kitchen straightened up today. That's all on my list.


Have a :manyheart day!!!

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Beth, your posts always make me :D. Enjoy your :crocheting with your IRL friends. Can't wait to hear how all of the world's problems have been resolved. :lol What it really needs is some women with :hook in charge!


Judy, can't wait to see a pic of your tree. :manyheart


Vicki, have fun shopping. Thanks for reminding me that I need to buy dog food, too! :lol Hope dd finds something nice to buy. Sorry to hear about the thunderstorms- I don't mind the thunder but man do I hate lightning! What do your dogs think of them? My mom's dog runs for cover as soon as she hears thunder.


Joanne, have you started with the badorkus-sitting yet? Hope you get lots of things done today. After I made the 3rd bag, I thought the same as you- I have so many things to get done, why am I wasting time with this? :lol But sometimes we just need to give in once in a while. :manyheart Can't wait to see your penguin!


Everyone else, hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Anyone heard from Leanne? Was she going to stay with her sister for a few days after the party? :think


Oh, Joanne, sorry I missed you last night. I logged off and went to lie down with Eva. We read a book and the next thing I knew, dh was standing over me, laughing because I was sound asleep while Eva sat next to me, playing with my hair. :lol Oops. Thankfully it is more sinus-related rather than respiratory. Dh told me to go back to bed and rest, and so far has brought me a bagel, orange juice, my vitamins, and a cup of tea. :manyheart We are supposed to drop off the girls with the IL's at noon so we can do some Christmas shopping.


Enjoy the day, besties! :hug

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Hi! Cleaning is done!!! YAY! I also ran to the bank and went to pick up my present for the grab bag at work. We all put our names in a hat and write 3 things on it that we would like-with a limit of $20.00. So I had bought a really cute ornament when DD was here from Boston from 10,000Villages-handmade. But that only cost me 7.00. Another thing on the list was candles so I went to Yankee candle and got something. I am thinking I might put the gifts in the penguin bag!


I made a nail appt for 2 PM today- treat to myself- they haven't been done in 3 wks. So, without further ado here is Frosty's friend, Mr. Penguin!


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Hello, all... from the land of computer repair!!!


I got back from my sister's last Sunday to find that my computer was all funky:think ... so I haven't had it 'till now. Man! that storm was :yuck-y! Have you all stayed nice and warm?:U


I missed you girls, and need to go catch up on what you've all been up to.

I have been praying that you have all been well and relatively stress-free, considering how close Christmas is getting:eek I hope that you have all been well. It's really been lonely here without you girls


My neice's party was a lot of fun... we played Apples to Apples, and had a lot of laughs. A lot of her friends couldn't come because of the weather, so it was more cozy:manyheart

Her surgery was Tuesday, and the doctor was happy and excited for her. They were hoping to reduce her by more than 1/2. We will not know her real size for 3-6 months, because of the healing.


We did get our tree up, and my chickens did the decorating. It looks so nice:c9 I will try to share a pic with you when I come back on.


I didn't get the babysitting job - not either of them:(. It's ok, though... it just means I am meant to do something else. I may check with my old company after the holidays, to see if they need any part time help in the Sales Department.... from what DH says, they could use me!:devil


Anyway, I wanted to come by and say :hi and send :hug to you all, now that I have my computer back! I missed you girls!


BB soon, my besties, when I have caught up on what I have missed...



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Doing good! Yes, the wedding is tomorrow! I hate to say it, but I'll be so happy when it's over! Janna is good. Been in big-girl panties since the day after Thanksgiving!:clap:clap I'm still trying to get used to seeing little panties in my laundry basket. They're so cute!


What's been going on with you, my friend?:hug

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Shut UP!!! :woo:clap:jumpyay:dance for Janna's cute little big girl pants!!!!!! I am so proud of her!


Things are good here... I am trying to not be too busy:lol


Oh, and I quit smoking (again)... on November 22!!!!! I am tired, but am so proud of me (and my extra 10 pounds:rofl)

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I wanted to tell you guys... but was :blush that I had even gone back in the first place.


This truly is the hardest thing that I have ever done... It is starting to get easier, tho, the more days go by...

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I didn't know you had started back up. But :woo for you for quitting!! I'm so proud of you. My mom is struggling with that right now.:(


I'm on my last strip on the flannelghan. I hope I can get it done in time!:eek And I don't see my other projects getting done in time. Oh well. There's always birthdays and other holidays, right?:heehee

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I am right there with you in the "not finished" department :heehee... I can't let myself get stressed over it, tho... like you said, there's always b-days and stuff...


How is Honey doing it? I am taking Chantix this time... it really is working well.

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I ended up not having to do too much. I made the invitations, and I'm going to help set up tomorrow. They took care of everything. She's a real go-getter, that girl! Opposites attract, in this friendship.:lol I tried on about 15 dresses the other night, and couldn't find anything. I ended up finding a dress in my closet. So hopefully it'll be okay.

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She was using the patch, but I think she stopped. She couldn't sleep and it made her feel jittery. She doesn't want to talk about it, so I just leave it alone. I'll tell her about the Chantix. I'm so proud of you for taking it so seriously. And don't ever be embarassed to tell us something. That's what besties are for. I'd been wanting to ask, but didn't want to put it in your mind. So, does that mean the kids haven't been getting any allowance? heehee

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I have no idea. I know they ended up with more than they planned. I don't even know if they know. The wedding is at 4, so we'll have time to get everything ready. This will be the first wedding at my mom's restaurant.

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