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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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What is the deadline on your cleaning? :confused:shrug Please don't feel overwhelmed. :hug There, you needed that hug.


No she just fell off her bike. She has no idea what happened (she has blocked out the accident), but she must have hit a stone or something and went over. Luckily it was bring a friend day for the group and my dad was right behind her :whew

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Thanks for the :hug! There's no time limit, but the only stuff I ever get done is the stuff that has to be done the next week. I can't get caught up. I have so much I need to clean out. I want to hurry and get Janna's room done and get my new carpet. I just can't get ahead!:angry


Thank God your dad was there! I'm glad she only has minor injuries. Give her a :hug from me. And here's one for you, just 'cause:hug


I don't want to cut into your nap time. I know how important that is. Have fun tonight!!



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Well the outdoor market and sale was a disappointment, but that's ok. WE did some errands, and got the grocery shopping done. Now sitting on the couch watching the game. The rest of my cleaning and laundry will wait for tomorrow.


Hope everyone's day is going well! Hugs to all.

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Hi All

Party was good last night. I had a great time meeting Ds's friends. The time change is still getting to me but I feel better today.

We went and did our errands today. Ds had to go to the bank. then we went to dollar store, wal-mart,lunch and grocery store. Got home and put everything away, then make supper soon and then we are off again. He was going to have friends over for the big fight tonight but another couple wanted to have it at their place, so we are off to there. Iam not really into fights so Ds said it would be ok if I took my crocheting with me. YAH for me LOL.

Iam trying to keep up with the posts, so when I get home it wont take me a month to read them all. LOL I do miss everyone. I hope everything is going good and you are all having a great weekend.


Love to All


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Hi everyone!!


:whewI've been working today! My back is killing me! I dusted, vac'd, mopped most of the floor, rearranged, went through drawers and boxes, picked up toys. I still have lots to do, but I feel good about what I accomplished.


I didn't get the game here, but I kept up with it on the computer. Go Yankees!! I think we'll get the game tomorrow night. :yay


Mary- I'm glad you're having so much fun with your DS! That's awesome that he's letting you crochet at the get-together. Maybe you'll find some recruits there!


Joanne- Sorry the market was a bust. Did DD have another yart sale today? Silly question, but did you enjoy the game?


LeaAnne- Did Boston not hear that it's your birthday week? I know they'd try harder if they knew. Hope you're having a splendiferous day!!


Everyone else-:hi and :hugs to you all!! I hope you're all having a great weekend!

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Hi Mary and Shannon!


Glad you are having a good time Mary and that you get to take your crocht along with you tonight.


Shannon- WTG on all the cleaning today!


Yankee game was awesome! Poor LeaAnne- I think you are right Shannon- the Sox didn't remember it was her birthday week!

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Look at you with your bestie squares!:cheer You're making me look bad. I think I have 4 done. See? I don't even know how many I've made. All the frogging has got me confused. But they were frogged with love.:manyheart

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Shannon- love it---frogged with love!

I am trying to get these done - will probably finish tomorrow while watching the game--then I have to get cracking on making something for my DD.


Oh, I saw a post that someone went to Toys R us and Smurf's are back. I remember my DDs playing with Smurf's- maybe I should get one for DD for her 30th birthday!

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Joanne- Smurfs are awesome! I heard they're making a Smurf movie! I love Smurfs!!:D:D:D:D:D (I'm blue....like Smurfs!)


Stacy- Thank you for the nice comments on my pictures!:hug

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Just want to say good night to my friends. We had a good day. My mil took my dh and ds(how do you pluralize that?) to see the Harry Potter movie, then we all met at Hardee's. ALL of us -- Mom, the 3 siblings, 2 sibling spouses, 5 grandkids (all of them under the age of 18) and one great grandchild. It was nice. Most of us went to a car show afterwards.


Have a good night! See you tomorrow!:hug:manyheart

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Beth, sounds like you had a great day with minimal driving! :clap How fun!


Shannon- the photo of you and Janna is beautiful. :manyheart Sorry to hear that your butterfly died. I have to agree with Leanne, though- if he was wingless, I don't think he would have lived anyway. Great job on getting so much done! Don't feel bad about your bestie's squares- I only have the middles of mine done. I've decided to buy the yarn for the outside at HL, and work on them on the way home. I started a cardigan last night :blush that I am hoping to finish on the way there.


Joanne, I am dying to see Nurse Jackie, but we don't have Showtime. Is it good? We are getting DirecTV in our new house though, so hopefully we will be able to see it. I love Edie Falco! Sorry the Co-op was a bust. Good luck figuring out what to make for your dd.


Mary, hope you had fun crocheting at ds' friend's house.


Well, guess what?! We found a house! :woo It was the first one we looked at today. I spoke with the owner yesterday and she was just so sweet. I explained the situation and she said she totally understood and that as long as we were sure we could make the payments, then she looked forward to meeting everyone. She even called when we were on the way, to see if we were on the way! :manyheart We toured the house, and went back inside to discuss the terms. She said we had to make a decision because she had another appointment to show it immediately afterward, but we had all basically agreed that if she ok'ed us, then we would take it. She was just the sweetest woman, I cannot say enough about her. But onto the house- it has 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, a fireplace, huge front and back yards with fences and locking gates, 2-car garage, brand new hardwood floors and new paint, tile floors in the kitchen and on the countertops, and all new stainless-steel appliances! :manyheart It is just gorgeous. And, since we signed the lease today, she gave us the keys and told us that technically we don't take over until the 15th, but we can start moving our stuff now. :clap:cheer:jumpyay This takes such a load off my mind. I was worried about going to MI without having place to move after we got home, etc. :whew Plus, rent isn't due until the 15th, which means I have another 2 weeks to pay off the utilities and such to wrap up everything here. I cannot tell you all how relieved I am.

We took apart the bunk beds tonight and tomorrow we are going to make 3 trips to take everything we have packed up so far. I am hoping to at least get the beds set up and put some stuff in the girls' room so it looks inviting for them. Dh's cousin is having his b/day party at 2:30 so we are going to get an early-morning start.


Well I'm going to scoot and pack some more. I started this cardigan last night, but ran out of yarn about halfway down the back. Let me tell you- if you think you can't make wearables- try the Chevron Lace Cardigan! It is super-simple and easily adjustable to the length of body and sleeves. :manyheart

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Good morning all!


:clapCongratulations Stacy on finding the perfect house!!! :manyheartI am so happy for you-and bonus that you can you start moving your things in already! i like that cardigan--saved it to my favs- I read through the pattern, and doesn't seem that difficult (but, hey, I didn't think squares would be so difficult!) Nurse Jackie is entertaining and since I'm a nurse, I'm enjoying it. I always forget its on Monday night and last night they had a Nurse Jackie Marathon so DH and I got all caught up. I really liked the granny square scarf she wore in a few of the episodes!


Beth- Glad you had a great day yesterday and it didn't entail tons of driving!


LeaAnne- hope you enjoyed your day by the pool with family and that your sister wasn't too upset that you didn't go to the pig roast!


Colleen- hope the rest of your day went well and that you have a chance to put your feet up and crochet a spell today


Vicki- Welcome home! Hope the flight back was much better than your flight to NY


Shannon- You were on a roll yesterday so I'm encouraging you to keep it up. You can do this! Did DD have fun?


Mary- hope you had a nice time at the party (sure you did since you could bring your crochet with you)


Scooby Doo-hope all is well

Jennifer- hope you are having a wonderful weekend.


Have a great Sunday- off to take my vitamins and start the laundry- it is a rainy day her in NJ right now- hope it clears up for the game tonight. Oh, if anyone has AC Moore, RHss is on sale this week 2.19/skein



Cya later besties :hug

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Stacy, :cheer:cheer:cheeron the new house! I'm so happy for you!:hug It sounds wonderful.


Joanne, here's :xfin for :sun for the game. Good luck with the laundry. Lucky me, I get to go grocery shopping in a bit.


LeaAnne, Mary, Scooby, Jennifer, Vicki, Shannon, Colleen, and anybody I missed with my :tired brain, :hi Good morning! :hug

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:jumpyay:dance:jumpyay... Congratulations, Stacy! Your house sounds PERFECT:c9. :clover


:dance:jumpyay:dance WTG, Shannon on getting so much cleaning done yeaterday! I am with Joanne, stick with it while you are on a roll:yes You can do it:cheer:cheer

LOL about the :xfin while typing... Of Course I am talented!:devil


:waving Joanne... :think:shrug I am sitting here wondering where the Sox went?! :lol:lol I didn't even watch the whole game yesterday:sigh... it was just sad.

Hey 2 more weeks until we get to watch football:cheer:cheer

I hope your weather clears up for you, and that you have a great day :hug


Beth - What a nice Saturday you had! I hope today is just as great for you!


Mary - What a cool DS you raised:yay letting you bring your :crocheting to the party. It sounds like you are having a spledid time :manyheart I am soooo happy for you:hug


Vicki - :welcome home! How did you enjoy sleeping in your own bed? I hope it was heaven!


Colleen - How is your mom doing today? I hope everyone had a great day up your way yesterday, and that you got that nap!:hug


HI, Scooby and Jennifer!


Yesterday I ended up pretending to be Beth:drive:drive:drive I was in and out all day into the night dropping off and picking up kids. Everyone found something to do and somewhere to go... I think they were secretly relieved that we didn't go:blush My sister took it very well :whew. I know she was a little :(, but didn't let on. Anyway, once her friends arrived, I am sure she had a wonderful time (she usually has about 100 people).

she is going to come down here to see my uncle Art on Thursday, so we will exchange birthday gifts then:yes.

I don't know yet what today is going to bring :shrug... it's still quiet here:c9


I hope you all have a wonderful day, and I'll see you later on, ok?



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Good morning, Besties!!


Stacy-:wooI knew you were going to have good luck! Congratulations and good luck getting as much moved as you can! I'm so happy for you.:D

Love that cardi by the way! Thanks for the link. I might try it for my mom for Christmas.....and for me!


Joanne- I hope the weather cooperates for you and your game tonight. I'm going to try to watch it too! I'll be :cheering with ya!


LeaAnne- So sorry about the game. You really should have told them it was your birthday!;)


Beth- Your Saturday sounds splendiferous!! Glad you had a great day.


Colleen- Hope you can use today to recuperate from you busy yesterday! Did you have fun? Tell your mom hello for me!


Hello to everyone else!! I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their weekend!


Can I just share that I think it's the cutest thing that DH passed up sports, Die Hard, and a few other movies to watch Runaway Bride. He loves that movie and watches it every time it's on! Seriously, how cute is that???:manyheart

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Hey LeaAnne, I got one for ya!


What did the farmer use to fix his pants?






A cabbage patch!

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Good morning!


Lots to catch up on here!


Beth - Hardees with the whole family sounds fun! And a bonus break from the kitchen! Have a great day!


Stacy - :yay:clap:cheer You found a house! It sounds very nice. I love the yard-ness for the kids to play in :yay Good luck with getting all moved and settled and I hope this is the start of something good :hug


Joanne - WTG - One square left! I'm getting kind of excited that we might soon see squares in the mailbox :hyper I hope the weather clears up in NJ and the game goes on. Let me tell you about the interesting weather we are having here! We are in a severe t-storm watch and the high with the humidex today is supposed to be 43 degrees celsius. That is 109 F :eek They are saying it is prime tornado weather to. :no No thank you! DH is golfing today :shrug


LeaAnne - I am gathering your Sox are not being nice boys this weekend. I am sorry. But, they can always turn that around. Wow, you did lots of driving yesterday! How is that 'ghan coming?


Mary - Glad you are checking in and it is so nice to know that you are having a good time with DS.


Shannon - :yay:cheer:clap I was so excited to hear how much you accomplished! Feels great, doesn't it. I am so proud of you! :yay:hug I liked your joke too, I'll have to tell that one later at our family dinner. :lol


Vicki - Welcome home!


First and foremost, I finished the table runner this morning :yay I can give it to my SIL today. Here's a pic:




This pattern is from the Family Circle Easy Crochet Magazine. Her kitchen is this tan colour.


I did have a short nap yesterday and then sat around feeling kind of wiped out. However, I enjoy visiting with friends, so we went to our friends and had a great time! Stayed up late and we are moving kind of slow this morning. I have to pick something up at the mall. It sounds like we might go public swimming this afternoon with my DD and nephew and then family dinner at MIL's tonight.


Have a wonderful Sunday!

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Colleen, your table runner is gorgeous!! What a beautiful job you did! (not that I'm surprised)


I meant to tell you that I got all excited when I went to get the mail and saw Crochet Today. But then I realized that they sent me the July/August issue. I already have that one! I hope they don't skip the September/October issue. I was so bummed.

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I'm home! I'm home! Thank GOD I am home! I am so happy to be in MY house with MY things and My washing machine! Did I mention that I was so happy to be home? Just thought I would mention in in case I didn't.

I need to go back and read what I missed over the last few days. I hope the chat was good! We were at dinner with friends that night. They are really more than friends; more like family. I am like their oldest daughter!

Go Yankees! They won again yesterday and now are 4 1/2 games up! WOO HOO! I thought we wouldn't have a chance against Beckett. Who is pitching tonight?

My second load of laundry just finished and I need to go separate it and get some lunch. The grocery shopping is finished and put away. I need to go to the pool store. The pool turned green while we were away!

I will read everything and check in later! I need to go get envelopes to mail all my squares!

Talk to you later!


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:welcome home, Vicki! :hug:hug Your dogs will be happy to see you, I hope they were good at the kennel... sorry about the green pool... Hope you get it cleared up quick!


Colleen - 109! :sweat:sweat that's HOT! Your runner is beautiful! You did a superb job on it!:hug


Shannon - :rofl:rofl... Cabbage Patch That's a good one!

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