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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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:party:yay Hey, Besties!


:yes it has been a good day... DS had a friend over for a swim-date, and he brought his mom:clap :lol

We enjoyed the afternoon sitting on the deck, sipping on iced coffee, and :blah:blah, while I :crochetinged. (I couldn't afford the 2 hour break:devil)

Anyway, we talked about everything, :crocheting,:knit,:yarn sales, kids, PTO, how QUICKLY summer is escaping us...

I had to :heehee, when she said her MOM is a big stitcher... :thinkI'm not getting old, am I?:blush:lol


:hi, Mary! Thanks for dropping by to sing to me before your trip... you are the cutest! Have a wonderful time with DS, and share a pic of what you :crocheting on the plane... how long does it take you to do a sweater?


Stacy - :xfin that you get to sign on that new place, and that the mall was really fun:clap... your FIL sounds like an absolute LOVE!


Beth - Good Grief, you got a lot done today! ... and :whew on not buying those adorable hampsters... we have 2 of them, that my DD's wanted (and now they are mine:lol). they ARE cute, but are nocturnal... They run in those wheels ALL night! It took months to get used to the sound, so I could go to sleep!


Colleen - :eek:eek3 days early? OMGness! it's a good thing that the cleaning bug hit you early, girl! enjoy your company, and good luck at work tonight and tomorrow. :hug And thanks again for the cake recipe:clap I'll be sure to send you all a piece! :rofl...


Shannon - sounds like your time with Sis was Too Much Fun!:yay I'm jealous... that cole slaw sounds yummy! When you pick up Janna, give here a big hug from me, ok?:hug Oh! and then tell her she has to give you one back:D


Vicki - You get to come home soon (Saturday, right?) I am so glad that the weather has been cooperative for your trip. It sounds like you had some great times... I hope your friend got to visit... :hug:hug


Joanne - I won't tell these guys that you are going to secretly route for the RedSox tonight! :rofl:devil:rofl.... sorry, I couldn't resist! You can't blame me for trying, can ya?! :devil

I hope you had a truly spendid day:hug:manyheart


So one of the very best parts of my days, is stopping by to see you girls... You always put a big:U on my face!

I gotta go figure out what we are having for supper...:think:shrug... I really have no clue today.... Maybe we'll just eat cake:lol:D:P


I'll try to drop back in a bit... HUGZ!

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Hi all---and another Happy Birthday to LeaAnne


Why are you cooking on your birthday, girlfriend? Hope it was something simple.

I got in around 6:30- another long productive day.


So glad that Mary made it to BILs and checked in! Hoping for safe travels to DS house.


Beth- love your avatar-you are what I imagined. And I love the ghan you are holding!! Glad that the angels bowling didn't do any damage. The weather here today was splendiferous- no humidity- it is awesome-ness.


The weather is in fact perfect for a great baseball game. And, Leanne, I am NOT secretely rooting for the Sox- Its GO YANKEES all the way!!!! (sorry, I know it's your birthday and all, but the only time I rooted for the Sox was when I went to Fenway w/DD to watch them play). Its fun for her and I when the Yankees/Sox play each other! Just like for you and I....Thanks Vicki for being a Yankee fan....and Colleen, you are very politically correct not choosing any sides! LOL


Shannon-Glad you are finally getting your coleslaw! And your sister get-togethers sound like fun. I am happy that she let you wish your imaginary friend a Happy Birthday and all. Give Janna a hug from another one of her besties.


Stacy- Good luck with the house decision. The first one sounds like it may be the best and possibly worth the extra 1/2 mo rent. Hopeyou had a good day


Vicki- hope your friend came over and that you got to visit. Weather today was great wasn't it?


Colleen- love the choc cake recipe. I am not a baker (or a cook), but I will definitely share with my oldest DD who loves to bake- hey, maybe the next time I visit her she'll make it for me!!! WOW- good thing you had that burst of cleaning-ness the other day, especially since everyone arrived 3 days early!! Hope work was easy and that you have a good Friday at work as well



I'll be getting up early again tomorrow- but I'll be going to bed after this exciting-ness game- who can go to bed when the Yanks/RedSox are playing? Not this gal!


Oh my word, we almost scored, but Posada didn't slide into home-what was he thinking? (Ok, LeaAnne, no gloating now!)


well, I think the dinner is ready (I made a meatloaf tonight---this way I have lunch tomorrow too)


I'll try and check in later.


Again,:birthday:cake:bday to LeaAnne!!!!!!!



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:rofl I'm laughing at Joanne's running commentary on the game! I've been thinking about you guys! I wonder if LeaAnne is sitting on her lucky spot on the couch?:think


Work was good, busy, lots of nice people. Hopefully tomorrow will go well. It is kind of a nice change of pace for me to work a day here and there, but I do find it a little stressful to be out of my routine (I'm a creature of habit, I guess).


Just to clarify, the company isn't staying at my house. There will be visits to my house but I don't host. My MIL does.


Stacy - I love your FIL! What a super guy! I hope you enjoy your shopping spree! Any news on the house-ness yet?


Beth - Glad to see you are breaking in that new taxi...err, I mean van :yes. Burritos sounds yummy!


LeaAnne - Hey birthday girl! I'm glad to hear you had a nice relaxing afternoon with a grown-up friend and some :crocheting. Did she have any of your ice coffee? I've got to try that. As for the comment that her mom is a stitcher....a stitcher's daughter is more likely to become a stitcher. It's almost inevitable. Tell her to pull up a hook next time she comes over. :yes I hope you had a good supper that wasn't too much work for you. I can relate to having to cook on your birthday. I usually get out of it, but since we need to have homemade birthday cakes I have had to bake my own cake and then leave it for DH and DD to ice and decorate. That or I have to buy a cake mix for them.


Joanne, I probably don't even have to say it but enjoy your ball game.


Mary - Glad you made it to TO safely. Happy flying!


Shannon - How was the coleslaw?


Vicki - I hope you are enjoying the game at your sisters too. Did your friend make it over for a visit?


:hi Scooby and Jennifer!


Sweet dreams everyone.

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Thank you, Joanne, for narrating the game! I hope this doesn't get too ugly between you and LeaAnne. I'd hate to have to separate the two of you!!;)


There was a butterfly outside my back door this morning who's missing a part of his wing. He can't fly. He's been hanging around all day, even through the storm we had. So I did some internet searching, and now he's in a box on my island. He's pretty big and so beautiful, and I hope I can help him. So far he hasn't eaten. He's only been in there a little while though. If anyone can help, please don't hesitate. I just couldn't leave him out there. It looks like that's all that's wrong with him.


Okay, I'm gonna go check on my new pet. I'll be back in a little while!!

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Leanne, I'm glad you had a good day! What did you end up having for dinner? Cake sounds good to me!


Colleen, it's great that the people at work are nice. I hope it goes well for you tomorrow, too. Yikes @ the company coming early! At least they are not staying with you. Although I'm sure you'd be ready for them, if they were! :wink


Shannon-ness- :clap for coleslaw! I hope it was yum-ness! Give Janna a big hug from me, too. Good luck with your butterfly- I have no idea how to help. What info did your research turn up?


Dh called the first agent and she rented the house. :( She did set an appt. for us on Saturday, to look at another one just down the street from the first one. I thought that was very nice of her. She said she felt really bad because she understands our situation and wants to help, but that she needed to rent it asap. She sounds pretty positive that she will let us rent the other one, though, as long as all of the paperwork is good.

We packed some tonight- the hall closets, my desk stuff, and the bookshelf. Already we have 8 boxes. :eek I can't imagine, once we start going through the rooms, how many we will have! LoL

Well I better get going. I am :tired. The girls and I had fun at the mall. The show was about reptiles, and my usually-shy 6 y/o went up and held a tortoise! She was so proud. As soon as she was done, she ran off stage to me, to tell me all about it. I have a pic on my phone, I'll have to send it to my email so I can show you guys. I am so surprised she did it.

Ok, I really am going now. Good night, all!! :hug

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Quick good morning- and Hi to all! Happy Friday!!! and yes, the Yankees won 13-6- what a game- (sorry LeaAnne), but hope you enjoyed your Birthday evening!!!!


Hope everyone has a spendiferous day, remember your vitamins and I'll cya after work!

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'Morning :ghug!


Colleen, how's that runner coming along?


Joanne, have an awesome Delta Force day! Your deadline is today, right? Hope you made it!


Shannon, how's your butterfly?


Mary, I hope you made it to ds's home safely.


Scooby-doo- where are you?! Hope all is well. :hug


Jennifer- Hope you are enjoying your girls' weekend!


Beth, sounds like your new van is getting initiated nicely! :drive


Leanne, hope you didn't eat too much :cake last night!


Vicki- did your friend come over?


I have a busy day ahead of me, with things to do at opposite ends of the city. :eek I have to get youngest dd's birth cert., and pay the utilities at one end, then go to the other to Wally-World for diapers, wipes, and jeans for dh. Joanne's is also there so I will get the rest of the yarn for my bestie squares. I foresee lots of crabby children today. (They tend to get that way when we do so much running.) Oh, I also need to run to the store for cheese. Dh has very graciously eaten cereal for dinner the past 2 nights since I've been going to see houses, and I promised him a nice Mexican meal tonight- chile rellenos.

I am going to call the airline again to see if I can take my crochet. I read the TSA website, and tools equal to 7 inches are allowed in carry-on. Now tell me what I can do with a crochet hook that couldn't be done with a screwdriver? :think It doesn't make sense. :shrug


Well I am off to start my day. Happy Fantabulous Friday! :yay







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Good morning girls! It is a beautiful day here in the northeast. No humidity and sunny. While the weather is nice, I want to go home. One more day! I can make it and be on the plane tomorrow!

Yay, the Yankees won last night! Now let's see what happens against Beckett tonight.

My friend did come out yesterday. We met sort of half way at a mall in Huntington. We had a nice visit. I miss her. She is a good friend.

We had fun watching the game at my sister's house. I took my yarn with me and began to crochet the ccenter sdquare for my besties blanket. Tonight we are going out to dinner with some friends. Last night we had dinner at Red Lobster with my FIL. That was nice.

Mary - Have a great trip and hope everything is wonderful!

Joanne - Go Delta Force!

Stacy - Good luck with the house hunting! And the shopping! That must have been fun! I wish someone would give me money to go buy clothes!

Shannon, Scooby, Beth, and Jennifer - Hope you all have a great day!

We are going to the sporting goods store today. Hubby wants to see if it is the same as when we left. Just loads of fun!

Anyway, have a good day. I don't know if I will be here for the chat, so enjoy it for me!

Talk to you all later!


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Oh my gosh- I forgot about the chat! I don't know if I'll be here either- we are planning to get a storage unit tomorrow, and I want to pack up as much as I can to put in before we leave.


Oh, Happy Day! I just called the TSA directly to see about my hooks. I can take wood or plastic on board, but metal ones have to be checked! :clap I only use wood anyway, but I'm thinking of picking up some plastic ones, just to be safe.


vicki- I'm glad you could meet up with your friend! Sounds like you had lots of fun.

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:( I don't think I can make the chat, either. It's my SIL's 50th birthday, so I imagine we'll be busy with that.


Stacy, You are the picture of busy-ness! Please try not to over-do things. I'm so glad you will be able to take your hooks with you.:hook:crocheting:yarn:yay:cheer:clap


Vicki, your trip sounds like :c9. I'm glad the weather is cooperating with you so well. I'll bet you miss your home. No matter how comfortable, there's no bed like YOUR bed!!! Have a safe trip home!


Joanne, have a great Friday at work! Almost the weekend!!! Go Delta Force!:cheer


Shannon, I'm not sure you're mean enough to get between Joanne and LeaAnne if they start fighting over their baseball teams! Are you taking your vitamins when Joanne reminds you? You'd need them for that job!:yes


Colleen, It's good to hear that you work with nice people. I can understand how disruptive a couple days of work can be. I work 5 days a month at the ballet studio during the school year, just 2 hours per day, but it really puts a crimp in my schedule!:blush


LeaAnne, are you still sleeping off your birthday party?:devil I hope you had a splendiferous day, and get "one to grow on" today!!!


Mary, I hope you are having a fantastic time on your vacation! Don't forget us!:hug


Scooby, Jennifer, :hi:hug

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:hi, all!


:rofl... Joanne! Narrating the game lastnight... You are a Kook! I had to turn it off in the 6th... it was just too ugly:oops:no:blush I did chuckle though, when I thought of you and Vicki... At least we have Beckett going tonight:cheer


Beth - sorry you won't be here to chat... SIL's 50th sounds like fun! Please tell her :birthday:bday:birthday from me! Have fun at the :party!


Stacy- Wow! what a busy day for you! I hope your girls didn't get too stressed out... my dk's dislike errands as well, so I feel your pain, girlfriend! Glad to hear that your hooks get to come on vacation with you... SO Cool!:D


Shannon - :rofl... no worries, RedSox fans and Yankee fans LIVE for these weekends! It is so much fun, and might possibly be the funnest rivalry in all sports. My DH told my kids a couple of years ago that they only could use the word "s-u-c-k" if it had "Yankees" in front of it!!! :eek:lol Anyway, it's all in fun. How are Janna and your new pet today?


Colleen - how was work? And how is that runner coming? :hug


Vicki - So glad that you got to enjoy some of our fabulous weather! It truly has been a slice of heaven the last couple of days:c9 I am glad you are having such a great vacation! Have a safe trip home tomorrow!:hug


Mary - hoping you made it safe and sound:hug:hug


:hi Scooby and Jennifer! If you are around, we have Friday Night Besties Club at 9:30 eastern time... Right here at the CAL! Hope you can join us, it's a LOT of fun:yay:yay


...so I suspect tonight, we will be enjoying the Sox/Yanks game together online, eh, Joanne?:devil sounds like fun!

I will see you all tonight. I need to go put in MIL's Air conditioners. she is home from the cape, and it's supposed to get :hot again.


Hugs, all.... TTYL!:yay

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Hi All


I made it, Iam here safe and sound. I don't know if I will get to chat tonight, Ds and I are going to a party. I have to rework the time difference, but I will get it all figured out.


After arriving we had breakfast, then Ds had to go to work. Me I took a nap. Oh well I was pooped. LOL


I should be able to check in but as for this weekend I think Ds and I will be very busy. Party tonight at his friends place, Tommorrow night party here. I might need a vacation when I get home.LOL


Iam just soooooooooooo happy to be here with Ds. I do miss him alot.


Bye for now

love too all

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Hi all!


I can't stay long....DD just has to play nickjr.com RIGHT NOW! But I'm here and I'm hoping I'll be here tonight for the chat. It depends on if DH gets to come home tonight or not.


Sorry this is so short! Love you guys!

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Hi all,


Yes, I will have the Yankees/Sox game on tonight- should be a good one-


So glad that Mary made it safe and sound to DS house- and has fun visiting!!!


Vicki- I am glad that you got to see your friend! The weather here today was simply awesome-ness- too bad I was inside most of the day- I did go out at lunchtime though- We got most of the work done- no problem though- things are moving along. I am glad it is the weekend- (although that does mean cleaning, laundry, etc, etc) for me! Tonight though, it's make dinner and then sit back and enjoy the game!!!!


Yes, LeaAnne, this is what Yankee/RedSox fans live for- it is a great sports rivalry and is lots of fun. There are some that take it a bit too seriously though. Me, I want the Yankees to win of course, but its not the end of the world if they don't. LOL at your DH ---can only use that word if it comes after Yankees!


Stacy- hope the DD's didn't get too crabby with all the running around and hoping that you got your errands done.


Colleen- hope the full day of work wasn't too tiring for you.


Beth- hope you had a good day


Well gotta finish dinner- cya later.......

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Hey gals!


I won't be able to make it at 8:30 (my time). DH is coming home tonight. I'll see if anyone is still gabbing when he goes to bed.


P.S. My butterfly died. I guess I wasn't doing what was best for him after all.:(

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I have a quick question. I'm using RHSS for my squares, and the light color is thinner than the dark colors. Could that be making my squares wonky? I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

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I have a quick question. I'm using RHSS for my squares, and the light color is thinner than the dark colors. Could that be making my squares wonky? I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.


Sometimes different colours are a little bit different weight. It shouldn't cause you too much trouble, though. :think Tell us what's going on or post pics when you have time and we'll see if we can help. :yes We promise not to look too hard at our surprise squares...and we'll still act surprised when we get them. :yes:rofl


I'm sorry to hear about your butterfly, Shannon. I suspect without a wing he wouldn't have made it anyway, but you are a little butterfly angel for trying to help. :manyheart


Oh ladies, I am so tired! I guess working all day and cleaning for 2 or 3 days beforehand has caught up with me. Work was great, no complaints. It was a nice change of pace for me. I had the most happy surprise in my mailbox today when I got home :gotmail My Sep/Oct Crochet Today. :yay It isn't that great an issue IMO, but it was nice to get it.


I haven't touched my runner today and doubt I will. So long as it is done before they go home, it will be fine. We have a very busy day tomorrow, but maybe I'll have some time on Sunday to finish it.


I will be here for the first 1/2 hour of chat tonight and then I am going to bed early. DH also needs the computer for some Ebay auction or something.


I hope you had a marvelous day! TTYS

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yes, Shannon, different thicknesses of yarn do cause "wonk". Some will be tighter or looser. Don't worry... usually, you can just block the square, and it's nice and flat.



What does dh do for a living? :clap for his coming home-ness!

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oddly... I am... I am really tired :shrug... must be a cake hangover :lol


tomorrow will be better i'm sure...

I am glad that work went well for you today!:clap


thanks again for that recipe:hug

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